A man in red and blue cruised over San Isidro. In no time, he reached the bay to cross its sparkling white-crested expanse. As he flew, he mused about Aurora’s situation. He mentally went over the events.
“Everyone FREEZE! This is Inspector Ruffino, Seaside City, Code:BLUE,” A loudspeaker conveyed Ruffino’s words outside and at that moment several heavily-armed police filed in through the blown open door as they took up defensive positions with military-grade weaponry.
The robots inside all turned to face the door and laser sights trained on the policemen’s bodies, but to Aurora’s surprise, Mechanica intervened, barking an order, “No! Don’t fire!”
Another voice echoed through the loudspeaker outside, “This is Devon Cross of Extensive Enterprises. Please be careful not to damage any of our property. Do not fire on any women therein, there is a strong possibility that a target may be malfunctioning property.”
“Everyone get down on the ground and surrender!” Ruffino took over the loudspeaker again.
Vanguard removed his Society of Sentinel’s communicator card from a hidden pocket in his skin-tight costume. When he removed it, he barked a simple but calm request.
“Please pull all available files on Detective Marlene Ruffino, S.C.P.D.”
Information flooded the screen and the computer spoke to him silently, “Marlene Ruffino, Detective First Grade, specialized in metahuman studies and joined the police force in Seaside City ten years ago. For the last five years, she has pushed to establish a branch of Code: Blue for Seaside. Graduated from Stanford University with an English Bachelor’s. Personality profile: Extremely anti-metahuman, feminine, gruff, tough, direct.”
Vanguard sighed, semi-weary. She was very much against superheroes, or so it seemed. This wouldn’t be a very easy to handle situation.
While he was considering, he’d crossed the waves and flew through the shining glass buildings.
I can understand why El Aguilla affiliated himself with Seaside instead of San Isidro.
The air whistled around as he neared one of the Seaside City S.C.P.D.’s precincts.
The officers who were walking outside and the citizens alike stared as Vanguard landed and walked slowly up the way to the doors leading into the building. Several cheered and others simply watched with open concern.
Perhaps young Aurora’s actions have shaken the faith of the people of Seaside City. When they understand the importance of what she did, most should take her side.
Vanguard’s cape fluttered behind him as he walked through a door that an officer held for him with reverence.
No one said a word. He considered why that might be the case and he chuckled softly, recalling that his costume was seared and torn in places. Surely he made for an imposing sight.
He walked across the floor and fixed his eyes on the counters. People milled around inside, making the precinct feel like it was filled by busy and upset ants. No, people are not ants. His eyebrows rose slightly at having the thought.
The receptionist officer stared at him and licked his lips when Vanguard came to a stop in front of him. “Sir, Vanguard.”
“Officer.” The hero gave as broad of a smile he could offer, considering. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.” He extended a hand with a wink.
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The officer froze and gaped and suddenly grinned. Excellent. They’re just anxious. I heard that Seaside’s officers aren’t as set against metahumans as Marlene Ruffino. The man took Vanguard’s hand with clear awe. They shook firmly and after an appropriate period of time, the man crisply saluted.
“I need to speak with Detective Marline Ruffino. Would you show me the way?” Vanguard asked, showing teeth.
“That’s not necessary,” a tired but loud voice filled with authority spoke. Vanguard turned to regard Marlene Ruffino. She looked older than the photos that came up with her files.
“I appreciate your meeting me.” Vanguard turned and his cape spun as he extended another hand, giving her his most charming smile.
“I wasn’t aware of your intention to visit this Precinct, but I’m glad to see you, nonetheless. I’ve made calls to the Sentinels, A.R.I.S.E. and S.T.A.R.S. We have a very serious problem here, and I assume that given that you’re wearing a smile, you’ve come to solve this issue for us. Come with me.” She gestured and Vanguard didn’t respond to her having ignored his extended hand as he followed.
It took some time for it to start, but the officers started to cheer one by one for him. Vanguard raised an arm to wave as they cheered. With his sensory superpower, he was able to spot the quiet officers among the more outgoing.
They reached Ruffino’s office in no time and when they stepped inside, she quietly slipped around her large desk to seat herself and lean her elbows onto the tabletop to rest her chin as she regarded Vanguard.
“I assume that they’ve sent you because of your extra-sensory powers. Your cooperation will make it easier to hunt Aurora down. Extensive Enterprises are breathing down my neck about the theft of their property.”
Vanguard strode to the desk and stood, shaking his head. “Madam, do you not understand that the status of their presumed ownership of this ‘merchandise’ is contested?”
Ruffino’s eyes narrowed. “What do you mean, contested? I’m not aware of any other company in the area who claims this villain-tech as their property. Who exactly is contesting their ownership?”
Vanguard smiled slightly. “The Sentinels do. We have the jurisdiction to do so. I hope you’re aware of our charter with the United States government.”
Marlene’s nose wrinkled and she stood to slam her hands down on her desk. “Nonsense. Why? This is a cut and dried case! Why would you support that bird-brained pretender?” She hissed and snatched a manilla folder from her desk and walked around the desk to slap it firmly against Vanguard’s chest. “Read this and try to pretend that you’re not breaking the law!”
Vanguard tilted his head and looked down at the manilla folder. He took the file and scanned quickly through it, page by page.
“I understand that she joined your little club some time back.” Ruffino paced away and stared at a wall before spinning on her heel to continue, “And she didn’t give me any substantial contact information. Nothing. I don’t trust ANY metahuman that refuses to share information. And today you prove why I shouldn’t trust established heroes like yourself. She’s been hiding things from everyone this whole time and I knew this was coming. I knew that she’d show her true colors.”
Vanguard set the file down and smiled. “It’s a very thorough file, Detective. However, I must say that you’re a poor judge of character. No offense. This young lady has captured the hearts of many heroes across this nation… no, world-wide. She’s still green. I won’t claim that she made the correct choice when she flew away with Mechanica, but only time will tell that.”
Ruffino hissed. “Then why are you here if not to assist the local law enforcement? Are you withholding evidence and are you harboring a fugitive of the law? Do you confess to these crimes?”
“We’re well within our charter’s outlined rights, Detective.” Vanguard sighed. “Your charge hinges on what is found regarding Mechanica. I’ve scanned her and I must say this to you, I personally believe that she is intelligent, emotional, and very human in character.”
“A robot. Yet another robot. San Isidro’s been neck-deep in those damned things for the last week. It was partially destroyed by them! Robots are created by human-beings, Vanguard. They aren’t people. But assuming your assumption is correct, Aurora is guilty of harboring a dangerous criminal, and you all with her. No matter what you determine in this, no matter what you and your addle-brained club thinks, I will be making arrests at the end of this or else we’ll be impounding another robot to be taken apart before it’s returned to Extensive Enterprises.”