Endless emotions inside of the past, desires rising to the surface for a moment. The eternal night magnifying one hiding away in the deepest of darkness, an entity capable of standing against any power. Despair clawing away at the soul, one willing to embrace their imperfections and selfish desires, even if it shall mean becoming corruption itself. Sorrow lingering far within, the wind unsettling. Destruction in every direction, treading through many arrangements all around. Those towering walls of the garden being no more, despite it all, the beautiful crimson moon shining over the land. Wings no more, pride is lost, even through it all, a slight ray of hope inside of the darkness. Even if it is but a somber morrow, she will continue pressing onward, walking through that endless abyss. The one lurking high above, contaminating the land below with the malevolence of her feathers, mist of blackness enveloping the earth.
The night, what a mysterious place it is, bringing sorrow to those within its path. Standing at the center of the ruin, feeling frustration growing within her by the second. With the passing time, the chances of Reviver ending up in the hands of her other half becoming greater. Unnerving this is, such a weapon being capable of shifting the tides of the war in an instant. Slowly inhaling and exhaling, lowering her hand to her side. It does not help in the least that the night is eternal, let alone her weapon location remaining a mystery. Closing her vision, that maiden taking a moment, gathering her nerves. Slowly calming herself, soon opening her eyes. Her vision fixating ahead, taking notice of a path leading deeper from a corner by a statue of the late King.
"Hm? What is this?"
Making her way towards the statue, that faint light of hope within the endless night. Suspicious she is, anxious as well one can say. For this to be a possibility, then certainly it can be a success if it is holding true to her belief. The rate of her heart beat accelerating by the second, standing before the statue, the maiden noticing the object is appearing to be concealing something. Those eyes of hers slightly lightening, perhaps a safe-house, no doubt this is a method of coming in and out. This moment she has been searching for, revealing her blade, striking the statue, shattering it into pieces. Her eyes slightly widening, some hope finally setting in after countless misfortune. There, below where the object once has been, a door revealing from the destruction. A path leading lower, and clearly below the castle.
"An entrance." She utters in some relief.
No matter how hopeless a situation might seem, there is always a way, one simply has to search for the answer. Those words of her old friend constantly remaining true, guiding her heart to yet another path. Kneeling to the door, gripping the handle, that young woman pulling upon it. Though, to her misfortune, a lock has been set into place, clearly to bar intruders from going any further. Being so close to a solution yet so far away, such causing frustration to take hold of her. Gripping the handle even tighter, the angel ripping the door from where it is resting. Tossing the door aside, Cyra standing up. Looking down into the path leading lower, seeing the stairway providing a ray of aspiration.
Perhaps it is excitement, it can very well be uneasiness as well. Slowly inhaling and exhaling, that maiden moving onward, descending down the long stairway. Making her way deeper and deeper, the room becoming darker with each passing moment. Her surroundings eventually coming to a point where she is unable to see anything around her. Continuing down the same path, refusing in turning back, that young woman eventually seeing a light. This fleeting bliss renewing the hope inside of her, Cyra finding herself coming upon the treasury far below.
A room containing the riches of the kingdom, mountains of gold, and other valuables resting within the room. Clearly it is no safe-house, but it is a place to contain their wealth. While it is not what she has been thinking, it is definitely a way to get deeper into the castle. Either way, this is one of many steps forward, those chains binding her slowly loosening. To find that valuable weapon, her mind setting on a single goal at the moment. Cyra entering the room, her eyes immediately noticing her weapon resting on the altar. The crimson staff, a gentle but powerful aura emitting from it. Largeness of the weapon, blades upon it, the top resembling that of a crescent moon. A sense of tranquility washing over the room, closing her eyes for a moment, a smile coming to her face. After what is appearing like an eternity, things are finally looking up once again.
Excitement coming over her, the young woman approaching the weapon. Her heart finally setting to ease, that gift from so long ago. Here at last, finally finding what is rightfully her own, Cyra moving closer and closer to her weapon. In her haste, that young woman forgetting to be aware of her surroundings. Freezing in place, looking to the corner of the room. Her eyes resting upon one of the Four Generals, Greed. Reckless this is, ignoring the immense energy within the room. A massive beast with mouldy skin, the scars upon it clearly showing from the many battles it has overcome. Those claws extending from it, the foul odor secreting from its body.
"An Accursed here...? Did Hades already summon them...? No...it cannot be, this one seems to have been here for awhile..." She positions her arms in a thinking posture.
Tension rising deep inside of her, the playing field shifting once more. Her weapon in reach, but a massive threat at hand, one misstep and certainly hope may be no more. In her current state, no doubt Greed of all the Generals will crush her without much effort. Her heart thumping faster, uneasiness swirling inside of the young woman. To be so close, and now to come across this beast of all demons out there. Unfortunate it is, but not an unworkable situation.
"I have to be very careful..." Some unease washing over her.
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Slowly making her way towards Reviver, carefully ensuring not to awaken the beast, a battle against such an Accursed being a suicidal one. Coming closer and closer to her weapon, her footsteps light as possible. Misfortune striking, those dark crimson eyes of the beast revealing. Awakening from its slumber, unveiling such menacing fangs. Standing from the ground, wielding a massive spiky mace, that monster towering very high. The Accursed yawning, soon letting out a loud, menacing roar. Immediately turning, that maiden facing the beast in much alarm. Pulling back her arm, shielding herself from the ferocity of the energy it is exerting. Greed, a monster pure on power, someone truly frightening to come across, that pressure exerting from it crushing down on the angel.
"Tch...! I was not fast enough..."
Reviver emitting a golden barrier, the weapon crying out. Raising its mighty mace, that beast repeatedly smashing the ground. The impact causing the land to tremor around them, some gold falling to the ground. Risk being much too high in reaching for the staff, unsettling emotions inside of her. Dire this situation is, that young woman having to find a way to combat this beast without it. The situation growing more grim with each passing moment, uneasiness clenching at her chest. Even if the chances are not in her favor, retreating now having critical consequences.
"I have to keep it away from Reviver. If that is lost...then there is no more hope..." Her stern expression upon the beast.
Gripping her blade in hand, those eyes of the young woman locking onto the monster. Standing upon her side, directing her sword at the mighty beast. One refusing to give in, to be able to grasp what is rightfully her own, that weapon holding far too much value to herself. To come so close, to have this hope in reach. Those desires inside of her clashing against the threat ahead, even if this Accursed is far stronger than she is, it does not mean the situation is hopeless. One more battle to go, her resolve burning even stronger.
"Greed, one of the Four Generals. You shall meet your end here and now." She daringly declares.
Seeming not to care in the least, her words meaning nothing to it. A monster and no more, unable in comprehending danger from safety. That Accursed roaring once again, a massive shockwave ripping through the room, gold and other valuables flying around the area. Cyra glancing back to Reviver in unease, its barrier repelling the assaults. Smaller attacks not of an issue, a monster capable of destroying it if it is not within her hands. Greed leaping high, raising its mace. That monster descending on her, Cyra immediately in alarm, dashing away. Greed crashing down upon the land, vibrations intensely devastating the surrounding land. Valuables dropping from the ceiling, the mountain of gold, and other objects falling to the ground. That maiden charging towards the beast, racing around the collapsing obstacles.
"Not now...! I cannot...I will not fail...! Not now!" courage rising within her.
Greed proceeding onward, striking down at her with its mace. Cyra instantly evading to her left, its weapon crashing against the ground. The surrounding area violently shaking underneath the terrifying assault. That monster trailing her, Cyra witnessing her opening with the rotation of its movements, that angel leaping towards its head. A force binding her, that maiden feeling a powerful negative energy grabbing at her body. Pulling her away, holding her in place within the air.
Her influence unable in preventing the most simple of attacks, everything worsening with each passing moment. That beast turning with saliva dripping from its jaws, the maiden looking on with determination inside of her vision. Those eyes reflecting an old resolve, desires deep inside, emotions stirring from her depths. An entity unwilling in surrendering, grabbing hold of even a minuscule chance of success. Witnessing the fangs of the beast, watching it lunging at her with those fearsome jaws, her opening becoming clearer by the second. In the final moment, Cyra parrying its assault, flipping higher, ascending above.