Chapter 17: Chapter 6: What is Rightfully Her Own(Part 2)

Those crimson eyes fixating upon her target below, that beast scraping its mace against the ground. Gripping her blade tightly in hand, Cyra descending upon the monster. The assault colliding into the skull of the fiend, smashing it to the ground. Massive platforms from above falling, crashing down into the monster. Another opening revealing itself, the maiden continuing her pursuit, striking down, her blade aiming at its skull. Approaching the beast, something appearing peculiar, hasty her action may be. A demon this powerful being of a near impossibility in going down with such ease. Even so, an opportunity coming along, one pushing ahead. In that moment, that young woman feeling negative energy thickening around her. That beast reaching out, grabbing her with its mighty claw, throwing her against the wall.


Pieces of the wall descending to the ground, the angel falling to the land. Greed following up on the assault, ramming the maiden deeper into the wall. Her eyes widening in shock, feeling the excruciating force of its attack. That beast grabbing her once more, smashing her down into the ground, immediately slamming her back into the wall. The monster stepping back, admiring its work. The surrounding wall breaking apart a bit, those eyes of the maiden slowly fading by the moment. Her body trembling, blood dripping from her, descending to the earth.

That wall breaking apart even more, Cyra falling to the ground. This result seeming hardly of any surprise, the angel well in awareness of Greed being much above her standing. Every muscle in her body screaming out in such agony. The young woman taking a moment, gathering her breath, slowly rising to her feet, her muscles crying with the intensity of the pain. Blood streaming from her forehead, out of breath she is, her lungs feeling like they will collapse. That young woman gasping for air, doubt rising within her. 

"Can I really defeat Greed...? Am I only fooling myself...?" she wonders, looking to the beast in uncertainty.

Cyra turning her attention to Reviver, closeness in reclaiming her weapon, yet so far away. Feeling her body shutting down by the moment, her head hanging low. That Accursed slowly moving towards her, her resolve breaking by the second. A heart in the deepest of abyss, one unable in finding the will to continue on. This foe being far too much, even so, there must be a way. Cyra desperately holding onto whatever hope is remaining, her mind fading away to the past. Close she is, yet everything is steadily slipping from her grasp.

A thousand years ago, a realm existing far above the clouds, away from the worlds below. Floating platforms stretching on for endless miles, connecting through chains. The wind evermore gentle, the sun warm upon the surroundings. The gateway into the Heavenly Realm standing strong, those ancient symbols burning upon it. Maria floating above the ground, that angel holding her staff in hand, polishing it. Ever since receiving the weapon, there has been a certain fondness of it, the angel taking great care of it. After all, it is not only a weapon, but also a gift from a dear friend.

"Ya know, if you were as friendly to others as you are with that staff, everything would be good."

That familiar voice, one in which she is recognizing all too well. The maiden turning to see Valor, her fateful old friend. Dull it can be, standing guard in front of a gate. No matter so, that deity always having a surprise or two in store, maybe even more so than she will find pleasureful. In the end though, that god always thinking ahead on what may take her interest. Truly an irreplaceable companion, one with a childish innocence to him.

"So I heard you finally made it into the ranks of Archangel, congrats." He smiles.

Some slight embarrassment coming over her, one incapable of dealing with praises. Even so, that young woman lenient on the deity. Strictness to others, trust in her friend. A complement from one so close, those feelings of purity. Regaining her composure, that maiden returning a smile in kind. The wind evermore gentle, a pleasant day to be out and about a bit. Dull it may be staying on guard, but it is not so bad. No matter so, something from deep inside of her trying to claw its way to the surface.

"It was much hard work." She softly speaks.

"I can see that, you're always working hard. Though, sometimes you just gotta reset ya know." He responds.

"There is no time, later today I have to head out on a mission." She slightly looks down.

"Then let's go, we'll knock it out. While we're down there, we might as well have some fun." He shrugs.

Always working hard, that god knowing this is only of expectance of her. Whatever his old friend does, she will always put forward her full effort. A trait of admiration, something he himself can learn from. Someone that will keep pushing, no matter the morrow, no matter the sorrow. Even if the conflict around them is growing more dire, it is okay. After all, that hope shining from the angel. Even if one must dive into the deepest of despair, then it is fine.

"Do you not have work to do?" she questions, looking towards him.

In that moment, an explosion setting off from a distance. Maria looking on, seeing smoke rising high into the air, appearing as if it is coming from the palace itself. There is not a doubt in her mind on the one responsible, her companion like a child. One that will go to any lengths to escape his work, much which is impressive. On another hand, that young woman wishing for him in making her life a bit easier. Constantly keeping him in line, having him do his share of the work. Two constantly remaining close, sharing in the bliss of the other.

"Yeah...let's get going now, you and I both know I don't like work." He turns rather pale.

Looking towards him in annoyance, that angel knowing well that her old friend only does these things to come take her on yet another adventure. Perhaps childish, but ever so pleasant really. A child he is at heart, that happy-go-lucky clown. Still, those emotions inside of her, a mixture of them stretching much further into the past. Despite this problem, it does prove a good opportunity to be out and about for a bit. A sigh escaping her, looking the other way this time.

"Very well then, but you are aware that once we return, you will have to explain that dilemma." She folds her arms.

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"Hah, that's what you think." He proudly speaks.

Turning towards her, that deity smiling at her, a rebel to the rules of work. So long as no one is pinning him down to a desk, that god going wherever he so desire. Only one capable of restraining him, keeping him in check. Pleasureful times of those older days, an endless adventure more of a possibility. Time going by, reality constantly binding him in chains. Even so, maybe there is a way in claiming those events so long ago once more. Hearts holding on, enjoying their simpler experiences. 

"But seriously...we should get going..." He glances back, looking towards her soon enough. 

An angel enjoying the presence of her companion, even so, one getting on her nerves from time to time. A complex one he is, that maiden wondering why they can never have a normal outing. Always one thing or another, and not a simple prank as well. No matter so, pleasureful those experiences are. Emotions of simplicity, feelings long within. Raising her staff, slapping him across his face, that deity sighing in defeat. His vision upon her, seeing her flying away. 

"Oh come on! I didn't do anything that bad! Then again, I did put pink dye in Chronos''ll get over it." He folds his arms in a thinking posture.

Following that angel, that deity continuing behind her, no matter the destination of their path. A promise residing far inside of the boundless past, one eternally traveling in the deepest of abyss, the other trying to reach that old friend. Despair may be at the core, but that is okay, it is never truly hopeless. That chance to make the nigh impossible a reality, those desires forever transcending through time. Feelings of simpleness, emotions in times of yore. Hearts connecting, even through the harshest of scenarios.

"That has so many good memories..."

The past evermore boundless, a weapon in those days connecting their bond to this day. Perhaps such is going even further, those emotions stirring deep within her. Cyra feeling that unsettling rage building inside of her, looking on, witnessing the beast standing before her. Its mighty mace in hand. Her body slowly shutting down, pain excruciating upon her, a foolish decision it has been to challenge a General without the aid of another. 

Maria, sometimes you just have to reach out, and grasp the future before you. Don't let anyone dictate your life, not even those gods.

Those words echoing through her, to be able to grasp the future that she so desire. Even if it shall mean embracing the corruption deep inside of her, then it is okay. Those endless emotions flowing through her, that rage brewing by the moment. That beast striking down, its assault closing in by the moment. Cyra immediately countering the attack, the blade of the maiden meeting its wrist, sending the claw of the monster flying through the air. Blood spilling along the wall and floor, its painful screeching echoing through the room. 

"I have come too far to be killed by a beast...!" she strongly declares.

Greed pulling away, looking upon her, witnessing malevolence secreting from her body. Those eyes of hers reflecting an old resolve, fear building inside of it, this will slowly coming to its realization. That young woman dashing towards it, her blade scraping against the ground, striking the leg of the monster, the beast falling to its knees. That darkness burning even brighter, that staff crying out, the warm light washing over the area. Continuing her onslaught, Cyra rushing behind, the monster swinging its other claw in her direction. A poor decision this has been, her eyes locking onto her target, severing the remaining arm of the fiend. Greed kneeling there in excruciating pain, blood pouring out of it. No mercy, no hesitation, that maiden leaping onto its back, holding her blade to its neck. Alarming this is, that fiend trashing around, trying to throw her off of its back.

"Begone from this world..."

Hearing her voice of coldness, that hatred from a distant time, those emotions rushing to the surface, overflowing from the young woman. Sinking her blade into the neck of the beast, pressing it deeper and deeper into its throat, severing its head from its body. That angel leaping back, landing upon her feet. The lifeless corpse of the monster falling, blood soaking the floor of the room. That maiden taking a moment, gathering her breath. It is strange really, after such a battle, her wounds recovering so quickly. Familiar emotions flowing through her, as if something long forgotten is finally taking root once more. Slowly inhaling and exhaling, darkness leaving her body. Cyra turning her attention towards Reviver, walking towards it. That young woman finally feeling enlightenment within this horrid night, the angel soon standing in front of the staff, a faint smile coming to her face.

"In the end...memories is what drives me..."

Touching the staff with such a gentle hand, a warm light washing over the area, feeling it resonating with her. Perhaps it is happiness the weapon is experiencing, after being gone for so long, finally there is a glimmer of hope now. This weapon from so long ago, a staff holding much meaning to her. Family it is, horrid the experience has been, progress happening at last. Endless possibilities now within her grasp, Reviver once again with her. Small the chances may have been, the war turning at last. Desperation coming at hand, one rising to the challenge.

"I do apologize...after this is over, I will give you a good polish, just hold out for a bit longer." She softly utters.

Exerting a comforting light, that weapon evermore dear. A light of forgiveness, that staff truly a reliable weapon. Despite the great wrong she has done, here it is willing to fight alongside her once again. Emotions evermore deep inside, those feelings still being unsettling to her. No matter so, now is the time for action. Taking hold of Reviver, grasping it tightly once more. Wherever the night is leading, there is now a chance of victory. Mysteries hiding away inside of the night, emotions guiding the way. A heart holding onto the smallest of chances, an effort most of worth.

"I have finally found it, Valor...wherever you are...I hope that the next time we meet, that we can finally say what we meant that night. Until then, we shall let the stars lead us onward." She speaks, faintly smiling. 

That power that I so wanted...I can see now...I was foolish...I never needed more. You were right old friend, this strength has always been inside of me. Perhaps it is a bit too late, but what I can do is silence Hades for good.