Estaria and the Assassin would watch each other for a moment, and then like lightning rush in to finish the fight in a single move. Though the Assassin, senses honed from an immortal life of Murder, would suddenly ditched his attack and flipp backwards, avoiding the fist on track for his face. He had thought to take it and hit her through the eye with his blade, but he felt like there was no future beyond taking that blow. Estaria, was glad he had dipped, since his blade was like lightning and there was no way she was dodging it.
Keeping him on the back foot, Estaria would step forward and lash a crescent kick at him, sweeping blow after blow at him in an attempt to catch him, or at least drive him back so he couldn’t get close enough to use his knives. Unfortunately, he was good at what he did, and before she could push him too far, he lashed and she had to radically change the direction of her kick before he sliced her tendons wide open. As it was, he just got a light nick for his troubles. Staggering back, she’d give the guy a stare, and recollect herself. This was going to be quite a fight.
Closing in and circling each other, attacks were lashed out, mostly to keep the other at bay than to actually hit, flensing luck from each of the combatants as they did so . No real opportunity came up, so she was going to have to get risky and make one. Stepping back as she struck at him, she would keep as much of her spacial awareness as she could about her, and head for the bed. Taking it one backed up step at a time, she let him think she was getting pushed back. The increasingly flushed red face and heavy breathing adding to the idea that she was on her last legs.
He took the bait, and rushed in, a lunging slash that Estaria would dodge at the last second, though only barely. Her cheek was cut open, and then her ear, before the knife got stuck in the bedpost. The Assassin would cut through the rest of the bedpost in an extremely quick decision, but it was not quick enough, and Estaria’s Quicksilver Viper smashed him in the chest, and knocked him across the room. She felt bones break and knew he was not getting back up.
“Ahh~ It’s such a fucking rush fighting in this damn thing” Estaria exclaimed, exhaling and laughing softly to herself. Gods above, she could really get used to this. She was so hot from the exertion, and the smell of herself and the suit was just getting wilder. And the extreme motion needed to fight a person was far above what was done in a normal day’s work. Still didn’t actually get her what she needed, which made it a perfect little device for someone teasingly cruel like Filnon. Or someone who liked being teased….
But then, to bring her out of her moment of bliss, a heavy knife hit her shoulder, and sunk deep in, chipping bone. The Assassin staggered to his feet, swayed for a moment, and then moved in to drive his other dagger into her eye. She managed to stop that by grabbing his wrist and then twisting violently, snapping his arm in compound fracture that sprayed blood across the room. A scream of pain from the Assassin was echoed by Estaria’s own as he wrenched the knife out of her shoulder. The savage serrations of the blade ripped her shoulder apart, making it leak blood like a poorly thatched roof in a rainstorm.
Not done with her yet, the Assassin would spin and ram the blade into her side, just missing her lung from the rib deflecting the blade. Half-dead and in blinding agony, his legendary precision was marred to a disgraceful degree. Though, it was good then he would not have to live with such disgrace, as Estaria’s fist collided with the side of his head and turned it concave, smashing the man into the ground and having him dead in a heartbeat. Estaria’s mind went into a realm of bleak red rage and for a moment, she let it play out the fantasy of burning the city to the ground and placing every head on a spike so they would know the extent of her wrath.
But, eventually, she reigned it in. She couldn’t do such a thing, and only her bloodloss and the poison in her bloodstream made her think otherwise. Ohh, Filnon would probably not like what they had done here at all, but this would not be something Estaria enacted by herself. It wouldn't be something she could. Even with her levels, the Druchii were just so superior to a human she was unable to mow them down like she would be against your average human. It was only their endless debauchery and backstabbing silent war that kept the world from being totally conquered by the Druchii. Maybe they thought world conquest would be boring, or some crazy Druchii plan. Besides, she had no idea who had even sent such a beautifully talented man to come and kill her. Maybe it was someone from this city, maybe it was someone else. She couldn’t just start throwing accusations about casually.
Breathing heavily, and her vision going blurry and gray, her senses were still wildly tuned into the surrounding area, and she could feel someone else was here. So she’d bend down to pick the dropped knife up and point it at the shadowy corner of the room.
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