Chapter 49: Chapter 48

Blood. Everywhere. It surrounded her, filled her nose and lungs. That should have been really bad for her, since humans couldn’t breathe under liquids, but it was fine. This death was much more peaceful than the last one, nobody bothering her, and nothing but the silence of the abyss. It was something she would lounge in forever, if she could. But, eventually someone had to snitch on reality that she couldn’t breathe under water, and she woke with a start, surging toward the surface where she took a huge breath and started coughing out the blood in her lungs. Gods, being alive sucked.


When she suddenly erupted from the cauldron, she sprayed blood everywhere from the force of her ascend, her head thrown back dramatically and her hair flicking copious blood across the temple. She was covered in the crimson liquid from head to toe, her lungs burned with the need to breathe, and yet she had never felt better in her life. Inundated by pop-ups, she could do nothing but smile. 


You have leveled up


You have leveled up


You have leveled up


You have leveled up


Exalted Blessing Of Khaine: +120% bleed damage.

The Bloodied Knife: +60% Weapon Damage

Lord Of All War: Gain level 1 proficiency talents in all weapons

With the boxes dismissed and her breathing returned, Estaria looked up to the lip of the cauldron. Her ascension had splashed a great deal of blood out, and now she was floating in it, still too far for her to put her feet on the ground, but also far enough from the lip that it would be a difficulty in jumping out of the water to grab it. On ground, she could make it easily, but blood was thicker than water, and it made it very difficult to try anything. After a few minutes of contemplation, a rope was dropped over the side, and a Witch peered over. Estaria smiled at her and grabbed the rope, climbing out of the cauldron and standing naked and blood-soaked on the platform. Her clothes had disintegrated in the cauldron, which was really sad because they made her look lovely.


Surrounding the cauldron were Executioners, Witches, Dreadlords and Hag Queens - most notably Hellebron herself. It felt like quite the procession and she wasn’t sure if they were here to watch or to arrest her. The one major difference from last time was Hellbron’s appearance. She was beautiful beyond compare, an elegance that could not be matched, and burning red eyes that stared into a person’s soul.


“Hi…” Estaria said awkwardly, wiping some blood from her face, and letting it drip onto the floor.


“There are those who call you blessed by Khaine. Touched by his bloody hand, a leader of those who would praise him. I have no idea how a Human came to be so blessed by our Lord, but we must accept these signs, for they can not be refuted by any but the greatest of fools” Hellebron spoke. A Witch to her side began to translate into Common, but Estaria waved her off, telling her she understood the language. More shock and amazement filled the air, as well as some well-hidden disgust over her tainting their language with her knowledge. 


“Fukuri spoke of visions from the Blood-Handed God, to bring you here after your battle, and give you to the embrace of Khaine, so we did just that and you began to recover. Not just that, but you began to whisper the deepest secrets of the Blood. It is to my shame that the secrets of immortality have eluded me, until this moment. For that, you have my deepest of thanks”


 Hellebron would finish her speech, and then give a slight nod to Estaria. Interpreted by Es as a deep and hallowed bow. Scrambling to get a proper reply out, she eventually just decided to wing it and go with her gut.


“You honour me, Queen Hellebron. I will endeavour to be worthy of such praise you give me” Estaria bowed deeply, and then smiled at her. 

“I am glad. Come, our Sickle Of Khaine. Swear your fealty to me and we shall rise to heights untold by others” Hellebron would order, and before Estaria could even think of what she was doing, she stepped forward, getting to her knees and kissing Hellebron’s uncovered foot. The world began to spin, and while she was aware of herself talking, it was not words she could hear. Slowly, distancing from being in the driver’s seat, as it were.


After her showcase of loyalty, Hellebron had Estaria washed - her suddenly long, and startlingly crimson hair brushed out and tied into a high pony tail that seemed the fashion in the court - and dressed in a stately outfit fit for any court. This then lead her out into the Arena, where she danced with her sisters for the glory of Hellebron. As the days went on, Estaria go more into this new part of her life. Why was there so much worry, before? This was all she needed. Just dance with her sisters, flatter her Queen when she desired, do as she is told, dress as she was told, talk as she was told. It was the only thing anyone needed in their life. 


You are reading story Re-Re:Hammer at

An irritating pop-up came every day about something something theft, but that was ignored. All she ever needed was right here and now. Fights in the Great Arena were intense, a daily affair in honour of Hellebron, and she trained new Witches, while sparring with the present ones. Fukuri seemed worried, for some reason, but would never talk about it, and so Estaria couldn’t help. It hurt, that Fukuri was worried, but a word from her Queen eased all her stress and worry. But, the world was cruel, and her perfect life came crashing down around her as a woman barged into the throne room. The two Executioners who had stood guards had tried to bar her entrance, and been rendered insensible for their efforts.The air was rent by a thunderous scream as if backed by a hundred Banshees.




Estaria, upon hearing, and seeing the woman, felt something shatter inside her, and blow away. Suddenly, nothing made sense. She wasn’t even sure where she was, or what she was doing, or what she was wearing. 


Lover’s Lament - +50 to Willpower for resisting Hexes when in the presence of your Fate-Tied


The what? What the fuck was going on? She could, vaguely remember a cauldron of blood and Hellebron, and then it was all just, a soup of emotions she could generally get a handle on.


“Filnon. You seem displeased” Hellebron would comment, a cool and dismissive tone mocking Filnon’s fury. Seeing this mockery, Filnon’s burning eyes seemed to extinguish, and she would cool down to a chill like the very air of Naggarond.

“Fine” she would state, pulling a pair of swords out of seemingly nowhere. Beautiful things, the artisanry would stand out in any armoury, and they seemed to vibrate with an intense need to kill.

“Ohh, I was so hoping you would do that. This will be fun. Kill her, Estaria” Hellebron would say, looking to her obedient little Sickle.

“What?” Estaria would ask, frowning. Filnon was here, pissed off, and now Hellebron was trying to get her to kill her Mistress? Filnon didn’t stand on ceremony, and rushed in, engaging the guards in a vicious flurry of blades.

“Ohh, has it been a week already? You are so engaging in the bedroom, it is hard to keep track of time” Hellebron would coo, her eyes glimmering with the power of The Winds.


Hex Resisted by High Wisdom


“ just try and hex me?” Estaria asked, incredulously. She wasn’t quite reaching for her weapons yet, but that was kind of a dick move.

“What?” Hellebron exclaimed, standing from the throne and walking over. “How is this possible? You should not be able to resist this kind of power. You are just a dirty mortal ornament!” Hellebron would slap Estaria roughly against the cheek, splitting her lip and spilling her blood.


Hex Resisted by High Wisdom


This time, Estaria replied with a Quicksilver Viper, equipping her gauntlets in a fluid move and smashing Hellebron in the chest, knocking her off the pedestal and to the ground. 

“What the fuck is going on!?” Estaria shouted, glaring at Hellebron as she stood up and pulled out her vicious longsword. It’s every move leaving a gleaming red trail. Sure, picking a fight with a Black Named person was not exactly the best idea, but she was kind of pissed right now.


“Words are pointless at this moment” Hellebron replied, scoffing at Estaria’s demands, and coiling to lunge. But before she could, a blazing black bolt roared out from the doorway, smashing against a flaming barrier that sprung up around Hellebron. 


“Morathi! You dare-” Hellebron would be cut off by Estaria dive-bombing her from the Pedastal. The sudden, wild move caught the High Priestess off guard, though after a few blows she managed to toss Estaria off her and onto the ground. This throw was not well aimed however, as she landed at the feet of Filnon, who quickly picked Estaria up. 


“Sorry about the whirlwind” Filnon spoke, as Hellebron rushed the other Druchii who had come in, and a flurry of magic and blades ripped the surroundings apart. “We’d best scatter. That’s not a cataclysm we can get involved in” She’d then take Estaria’s hand, and the two would leave the throne room by a side door, escaping into the city proper.