Chapter 43: Operation Rigen
Finally, we had spent our time in this village maybe for weeks now, near one month since we got to this world.
I had struggled a lot to learn the language named Englis, which is similar to my world English language.
I also tried to imitate speak the language of the elves though I felt that was very strange when I had already known how to speak with them even though I didn't need to say in their language.
But I had to learn it because my sis told me to do it, I also checked up on John to see if he was still alive or not.
I checked on him not so regularly but every time I saw him still alive, my heart would be very warmed because of happiness.
"Sarah...Sarah..." - Oh! A voice called me, that was from my sis
"Uh! Sis, what's wrong? You want to call me something?"
" find...John Rigen...?" - Ah! my sis, finally she said that to me
"Yes, sis! I really worried about him, I want to find him."
Then my sis went silent for a few minutes, she suddenly said to me.
"Let's...find...John you...wish!" - Didn't my sis prohibit me from finding him?
"But sis, didn't you forbid me to find John?"
"I never...said that...I just you...he has died..." - Oh! sis, you were so kind!
"So when we will start to find him, sis?"
Maybe I must hurry to find John now, at least to ask Yura first, I wanted to know her thoughts.
Then I stood up from my chair then started finding Yura, she must be inside the kitchen this time. We were about to have lunch so I would ask Yura to see how was John right now.
I went to the kitchen, my sis seemed like didn't follow me, she had stayed upstairs, reading some books and cleaning her Katana.
She said to me that every Katana was very easy to break so it must be well cleaned and carefully used, while swinging the sword must have swung it at the right angles to avoid being broken.
I didn't see Yura anywhere in the kitchen, she goes outside or what? Maybe I should find her out of her house.
So I had to go outside, at the time I went out of Yura's house, still not see her anywhere.
Then I went outside for a bit, I didn't bring with me any weapon at all but kept going out, still not seeing Yura anywhere in the elves' treehouses, the library or the school.
After that, I went down to the ground to look for the field that the elves' farmers were working on it, I went to the field and looked carefully.
The field was now planted with a lot of wheat and fruits, the elves farmers were now working on the field, some of them saw me and opened a smile as if to greet me.
That was strange, at first they didn't welcome us like that, they even scolded their eyes on us when they saw us going on the road.
But now they had seen us as one of them, even treated us like the heroes that saved their people.
About the war that the villagers had worried about, after the rescue of the elves got kidnapped, King Ralla had very worried about the war between his Kingdom and Kahn Kingdom.
But seemed like everything was still like before, just the relationship between the two Kingdoms had now gone very bad.
But King Ralla had recently sent his best soldiers to do the secret rescues of his citizens that still got kidnapped out of Kahn Kingdom.
"Hey, farmer! Do you know where is Yura? I want to find her!" - I ran to the fence, held it and asked the elf farmer that greeted me
"Oh! You hero, the prophet is now over there, she is helping us to collect potatoes, if you want to join then we will be very glad." - That farmer pointed his hand to the right of the field, which meant Yura was now with them
Then I immediately jumped out toward the fence, landed on the field and ran toward the place that the elf farmer told me to, I was.
Ah! Oh, I was about to step on the wheat or some kind of fruits that were planted on the ground.
I managed to keep my steps steady to go through the field to go to the place that was planted potatoes, when I got there, I saw Yura was now helping the villagers to collect potatoes.
Then Yura looked back to see me, her clothes were now a bit dirty, the clothes had some dirt on them because of touching the mud and working on the field with the heat outside.
"Oh! Sarah, wait for me a bit, I'm about to done the work here." - Yura opened a smile to me then returned to collect the potatoes with the farmers
I saw Yura was working with the elves' farmers so I also wanted to help.
When I got there and was about to touch some potato lines to rid them out to drop them on the baskets, some elves farmers said to me.
"Hero, please just stay there, you should not doing this hard work, let us handle this." - Those elves farmer kept insisting to avoid me doing the work
Did they see me clumsy if I had to do this work or they were really kind to me? Ahh! Why did I get a bit frustrated???
"You prophet, please have a rest, you have done so much to us today, please wash your hand at the river out there and return to your Hero!" - Some elves farmer begged Yura to rest
"But!" - Yura seemed to have a bit of regret, she didn't want to leave the job
"Please, you prophet!" - Those elves farmers begged Yura more and more
"Okay! I will help you people next time, I will be back to Sarah now." - Yura said those words to the farmers and stepped out of the field to get toward me
"What's wrong, Sarah? You don't eat lunch yet?" - Yura asked me, though I was not hungry much because I got a bit hungry
"I want to say to you something, Yura! I really want to find my friend, John Rigen so I want you to let me see him by looking for him in your mind."
"Okay Sarah, just follow me a bit." - Yura then told me to go with her
Then Yura got to the river and washed her hands, about her clothes, she had to go back to her house and changed them.
While walking with Yura back to her house, the elves villagers saw us in the street, they greeted us by opening their smiles at us or bowing at us.
Seemed like I and my sis had become their heroes right now, cannot understand these elves.
When we got back to our house, Yura immediately got upstairs to change her clothes, I had to wait for her so I went to the kitchen and sat at the dinner table for the wait.
I noticed that my sis had now gone downstairs and prepared her stuff.
She was now packing up the things that she thought to be useful for her for the finding and packed them inside her Alrotz bag.
My sis saw me, she immediately did fast the packing then walked toward me while holding a sword that looked to be from the elves' guards.
"Sarah...take this..." - Eh! Why did my sis want me to have this sword?
"Sis! Where did you get this?"
"I lent...this sword...from King...Ralla..." - Ah! Sis! Why did you do that?
"But that was his belonging, I cannot take, sis."
"Don't worry...if any elf...dare to open...their mouth...because of this...I will...slice them all..." - Sis! Can you stop?
"Sarah...just take it...for your...own...good..." - Seemed like I cannot against my sis's order
"Okay, sis! But you have to return it to the King when we return from finding our Commander." - I took the sword from my sis's hand and went to my Alrotz bag
"What" - My sis tilted her head when she saw me stuffing the sword into my bag
"I don't think I need to wear it now, sis! I will bring it with me but I won't make it break."
"Ah! Sorry you two, I will make the lunch now." - Yura had now done wearing her clothes, she was now rushing down the stair, seemed to be very hurry
"Yura, about John."
"Ah! Okay, okay! Do it quickly and I will make the lunch now." - Yura pointed to me to touch her forehead
"Yura, I actually want to find John right now, I'm sorry if this's so hurried for you to know but I'm very worried about him."
"You two are leaving so soon? Please come back here with your friend when you find him, I also want to meet him too." - Yura talked to me while pointing her hand to her forehead
Then I held my hand to Yura's forehead, her head started burning at the time I touched it. A few seconds later, I saw that her head had now cooled down so I dropped my hand out of Yura.
"I saw that man John Rigen, he was now wearing green hooded clothes, he didn't carry the thing that called the gun like you two but he carried a sword with him."
"He was now alone in a forest, walking on the ground while wearing his bag."
"I don't know for sure but his face looked very cautious, it said to me that he was running away from something."
"About the forest, I saw that its terrain looked like the East of No Man Zone, if we go there after having lunch then we will get there tomorrow morning." - Yura said to me, finally I had found you, John!
But there was a thing that I wondered about, why did John go alone? Where were the two girls that he went with them before? Did they part? Why he didn't wear his rifle?
Maybe his rifle was now in his bag because our rifles were made special to collapse inside the bags, but why John didn't wear his rifle, his rifle had run out of ammo?
But the thing that Yura said made me worried the most, John was going around the jungle with a cautious face, he was hunted? He was running away from something, I must find him immediately!
"Yura, have you done the lunch?"
"No! Sarah, I have just brought out some dishes, help me." - Yura was now bringing out the dishes to the dinner table
Then I and my sis helped Yura to bring out the lunch, I had eaten the lunch very fast but I didn't eat much like before, I was so worried about John.
"Eh? Sarah, you have done eating? So soon!" - Yura seemed very worried about me, she was shocked when she saw me eating so fast like that first time
"Sarah...don't rush...John...won't any girl...without you..." - What did you mean by saying that, sis?
After having lunch, I rushed to pack up my stuff to find John, I and my sis had stayed dirty by only wearing our military outfits for weeks and now we were repeating that.
"What are you doing, Yura?' - I asked Yura because I saw her run upstairs again
"I will change my other clothes, I want to go with you two to find that person." - Ah! Yura!
You are reading story A Soldier Got Lost In Another World at
"Sarah!" - My sis suddenly said loud to me from behind
Then I turned back to see my sis, she was now looking at me with a serious face, as if to say something.
"Private Sarah Hatano, I'm now bestow on you full authority to become the Commander of this finding operation."
"When John Rigen isn't here with us, I have used that advantage to earn myself benefits by stealing our previous Commander's power."
"Now I give you full authority to become the Commander, Private Hatano Sarah! Before we can find John, you will remain the Commander of the Fireteam Krieg 2 - 1." - My sis said that to me
I didn't have any problem with that but why the way my sis said the first part, the line "I bestow on you" was so similar to the last line when I finished the final campaign of The Empire of The Rising from Red Alert 3?
"I have done wearing my clothes, girls! Let's go now, we will find the man John Rigen and bring him back here." - Yura seemed to be done her changing clothes
Yura was now wearing green hooded clothes, she seemed very excited to go with us.
"Sarah!" - My sis called me again, can you please say lower, sis?
"Yes, sis!"
"Let's name for the Operation's name."
"Yes, sis! Operation Rigen has started, now!"
Yeah, the way I announced the name of the Operation was very cool but when I returned to my present, I had to help Yura and my sis to gather our stuff before going outside.
When we went outside to go find John, I saw that many elves guards, villagers and even farmers were waving their hands to goodbye to us when we were about to go.
Oh! I saw someone near the village's entrance, that was King Ralla, what was he doing here? Or more rightly, what did he want from us?
Then three of us stopped in front of King Ralla, he was now slowly walking toward us and made a bow to me and my sis when he had got close.
"King Ralla, we are about to find our friend now, we will return here maybe tomorrow night, if you want to ask us anything, please wait here."
"Ah! You two Heroes, it's a good time to hear, I was about to tell you two a secret but. Please return here with your friend as soon as possible, I want to speak with the three of you about something important." - King Ralla said to me
Seemed like he wanted to tell us something but I didn't notice much, maybe I should find King Ralla to ask him what he wanted to tell us when we returned here.
Back to the present, yawn!
"That's all, Commander!" - I told the story for John about what we had gone through near that one month when we got to this world
The story I told must have taken me about two hours or more to tell him, when I was about to look at John's reaction, suddenly I saw him was now lying on the ground as if he was sleeping.
"z.z.z" - Ah! John was now sleeping! Why didn't you hear my story???????
I slowly turned around to see my sis, I wanted to ask her everything because she was the one who watched John when I was telling him the story.
"Sis! When did he sleep, sis? Which part when I was telling him the story and he slept?"
"The sword...mountain...part...when we get...drifted here..." - Ah! He slept while hearing that part!
"Before he sleeps...he said to you... a word...Sarah..."
"I'm very tired right now, let's me sleep!" - Ah! Thank you, sis! Our Commander was so heartless to us!
"Three of you look very funny to each other, Sarah! Especially you and John." - Yura! What did you mean???
"What should we do now, sis?"
"Shiranai...I only take...the order...from my...present Commander..." - But John was now sleeping, sis!
"Let's carry him back to our village, I will help you, Sarah." - Yura opened a smile to me, she even patted my head as if to cheer me up though John didn't want to hear my story
"Let's me! Let's me, Yura, I must teach my Commander a lesson." - I slowly rolled up my military uniform's shirtsleeves and was about to pull John to go with me while his Alrotz bag was still on his back
Wait! Did John always heavy like this? How much weight he was now? How much weight did he gain in this one month?
Did he gain his weight so much like that in only a month when getting into this world?
"Arrgh! Arrgh! Arrgh! You are so heavy, Commander! What did you eat to get this weight?" - I pulled John away while he was sleeping very well
Ah!!! I was so angry right now, remember Commander! I won't forget this!
Rigen's perspective
Ah! I was so tired because thinking too much so I got asleep when I was hearing Sarah's story, but the way she told it was so boring so I slept.
Wait! Where I was right now? I opened my eyes and saw that there was a forest but not where I was before.
Wait! There was a green hooded woman who was going with Hatano and Sarah, she was now looking at me, her name, as Sarah called her, Yura!
" are...awake, John" - That woman named Yura called me while trembling her voice
Who was this woman, exactly? She must be a follower of two of my soldiers, my mind was now still thinking about Lynn's death.
That poor little girl, I had to say farewell to Cily, Mentor Lerer, Milch, Erissen and the kids that were Lynn's friends...What the hell had happened?
Why do I have to go through this bad day? I even had a bad headache and I had now remembered everything, that Goddess Katia, what was her purpose for getting me here?
"You look a bit, I mean a bit worried, you need some help?" - That girl Yura looked a bit shy when she had to look at me directly, she had talked to me in English?
She was also a person that lost to this world too? Or she had just learned English from two of my soldiers, Sarah said to me she was an elf, right?
That would be a very fast result if she learned so fast in less than one month.
Then I looked around a little bit, seemed like the sky had gone dark now, I slept so long like that?
"You are Yura, right? Do you know where are my two subordinates, I mean Sarah and Hatano?"
Then Yura pointed behind me, I looked at her point hand, Sarah and Hatano were doing things like examining the forest, they were now slowly returning to my position.
"Yura, maybe we can go back to the village sooner by this trail, but we have to stay up this night for doing it." - Sarah spoke to Yura, as if to ask her permission
"Yeah! I can do it, I want to return to my home sooner, maybe I was so rushed when I insisted to go with you two, Sarah." - Yura said to Sarah
"Ah! Good evening, Commander! You've slept for very long, you know?" - Sarah greeted me, she even pulled my cheeks, seemed to be very angry about something
"..." - Hatano, she didn't say a word to me, I understood that she hated me so I ignored it
"Commander..." - Suddenly Hatano threw to me Advisor
Seemed like my Advisor had been taken by her, I took my Advisor and started surfing its screen to see the area map.
Seemed like Hatano had gone so far to record these so the map of my Advisor was now very dense of the roads.
Then I looked at those two girls' hands, seemed like they were also wearing Advisor as same as me, but for some reason I saw that their Advisors were a bit.
What should I say? Their Advisor's designs looked to be a bit old compared to mine.
I immediately wore my Advisor to my right hand, seemed like its battery had drained down to only one percent, what had Hatano done to it?
"John! John! Hear me!" - Advisor called me, why your voice was so weak?
"John! I'm proud of you! Your harem has now up more than two!" - Huh! What did it say? What do you mean, Advisor?
Then Advisor's screen turned black, making a signal to me that its battery had now down to zero percent.
I was so scared so I immediately removed it from my hand then put it inside my Alrotz bag.
For me, Advisor was just like a slow bomber, I knew that at the night, it couldn't get heat because there was no light from the sun.
But if I put Advisor somewhere that had light, even a little candlelight, it would activate the charging process.
Though that wouldn't make Advisor charge the battery but it would heat up and the heat of Advisor could burn my right hand to the bone.
If that happened, I would have to goodbye to my "Chronicles of Masturbating From My Right Hand".
What did I just say? Oh, just forget it!
"Commander! Let's return to Yura's village, we will have many things to do there." - Sarah said to me, but my direction was now to head to Kingdom of Warsaw
"Hey, Sarah! If I have to to the village of the woman named Yura anymore, I have to meet Shera and Reimi first, they are waiting for me there and I'm also want to see them again."
"Ha! So three of you didn't part with each other? Commander, who is Shera and Remi?" - Wait? Why did Sarah look a bit frustrated, but how did she know about those girls
"How did you know about them, Sarah?"
"Hmmph!" - Sarah turned around, she seemed very angry at me, what was wrong with this girl?
"John, I mean John Rigen! I didn't introduce myself to you yet, my name is Yura Jung Zaira Anderson, just call me Yura." - Yura, what a long surname!
Maybe I should go with Sarah and Hatano first though my priority was now to meet again Shera and Reimi, spending a few days staying in Yura's village wouldn't make me annoyed too much.
Then we had to go through the night, three of the girls had to stay up late so I saw that was so poor for them.
It was already dawn now, the sun was now rising.
I saw that from far away, there was a forest, but! Wait! No, that looked like a village, a village that was camouflaged as a forest?
Or to my knowledge about the elves from the fantasy novels that I read and movies I saw, they lived in the forest so that would be obvious that they had to hide from the humans.
Why did I want to touch elves' ears right now? Should I ask Yura for this?
But she had kept the hood on her head the whole time when we were returning to her village so I didn't see any pointy ear from her.
"John Rigen, welcome to my village, my hometown! Welcome you to Zaira village." - Yura stood in front of me and opened a smile as if to greet me
Well! Let's stay here, but I think that I would stay here only a day, I must meet Princess Shera and Reimi as soon as possible.
They were now waiting for me, so I must hurry!