Chapter 46: Truth Revealed

Chapter 44: Truth Revealed

Finally, I have come to a village named Zaira, Zaira? Wasn't that the line that had in Yura's surname? 

But anyway, I think that I should stay here maybe one day or less than a day before returning to Shera and Reimi.

When we were going closer to the village's entrance, I had to say that the village was very well made for the camouflage from far away by tricking your visual. 

Trees and grasses were made to look dense from far away, even the village's treehouses had the leaves covered them.

The ways the elves people in this here using traffic were going on the stairs that had moss to the treehouses up there or climbing through the moss ropes to every house.

I saw the way they did that by looking from far away when I was about to get inside the village.

There were about ten elves guards that looked to be the village's guards, they were wearing leather armors and, what should I say? The leaves armors that being made to look thick?

The guards were equipped with only spears and bows, most of the bows were stuck on the guard's shoulders when they held the spears. 

The spears that stuck on the ropes made them look like straps to stick on the guards' shoulders when they needed to use the bows. The arrow's holsters could be seen to be placed on their right belt to easily take the arrows if got into combat

The guards' right shoulders had the ensigns that looked very like the ensign of the United States that had the round-shaped crest being stuck on the right side of their shoulders. 

The round-shaped looked to be made big to easy to distinguish on the armor, the United States crest only had one white star in the middle, not 50.

What's wrong? I wondered. Did someone get to this world before us? 

"Tukutukutuku! Tukutuku! Tukututuku! Tukututuku"

(You human! How did you get here! Why are you dare to stand along with the prophet! An-, ah!) - When we got close to the entrance, those elves' guards suddenly pointed their bows at me, seemed to be very hatred

What Tuku words they were speaking? Yura also spoke those words to Sarah when she first met me, was that the language of the elves?

"Tukutututuku! Tukututuku, tutukutu!"

(Sorry! You're the guest of the prophet and also the friend of the heroes, you can pass, Sir! Sorry for disturbing you) - Could anyone explain to me what were those guards saying? I cannot understand!

Then suddenly the elves' guards bowed to me, Sarah, Yura and Hatano then they opened the small wooden gate of the village to let us in. 

The guards even made an act that looked to be a military salute to us when we got inside, someone must have got here before us but who that was? 

Someone or the people that got to this world before must be from the military for sure.

Ah! I saw someone when I was going with my group toward him, that man had pointy ears. He was an elf, orange-haired, looked to be very young, wearing a red leather coat. 

This man was very special, he wore the thing that looked to be a Gold Crown on his head, this man was a Monarch of a nation? 

What made a King come to this village, or the thing Sarah said to me that we would have busy things to do back here were to meet this King?

The King was surrounded by the soldiers who looked to be his guards. They were armed with Iron armors that seemed somehow to be dyed to look like jungle features.

I would consider the soldiers as the King's Royal Guards by the way they were armed.

The armors looked to be used for camouflage, the guards' equipment looked to be very well-armed. They carried swords on their left belts, bows on their shoulders and bow holsters on their right belts. 

Hatano was the one who took the lead of my group, she suddenly stopped in front of the one I considered a King, that man opened a smile and went toward us.

That King, bowed to Hatano, Sarah and me? I was now still trying to figure out why did he do that.

"Tukutukutku! Tutukutuku!" 

(I'm so glad that you heroes have returned here safety and brought back your friend) - That King spoke to us some words as if to greet us but I cannot understand

Then I saw that King stared at me, he may now notice the question mark that was exposed on my face because I was confused. 

Then the King glanced at Yura with his sharp eyes, as if to order her to do something.

"Ah! I forgot, John, please wait for me here a few minutes!" - Yura said to me then ran away in a hurry to a far place that I considered to be a cave or something

While Yura was away, I saw that many people looked to be elves villagers coming near us. They stared at me with scornful eyes at first then suddenly changed into welcome eyes.

What was wrong with these elves villagers and also the guards?

Then the villagers got away, they seemed didn't want to disturb us. After a few minutes, Yura suddenly came back to us while holding a cup with green water on it.

What was that kind of water? Poison?

"John, please drink! You must drink this water if you want to speak with ours." - Yura told me to drink the water while raising the cup toward me

"Is it poison? Or is it hard to drink, Yura? I feel a bit nervo-"

"Uooohhhhh!" - Dammit! Sarah suddenly snatched the cup from Yura then poured the water inside my mouth with the help of Hatano, that girl suddenly held my mouth open 

Dammit! My subordinates were a bunch of freaks, they suffocated my mouth by pouring that strange water inside my mouth.

"Cough! Cough! Sarah, Hatano!"

Wait? Why Hatano's eyes were so scary this time, about Sarah's eyes, she was frustrated about something.

"Hmmph!" - Sarah turned her back, avoiding facing me

"You Hero, can you hear me talk now?" - That King's voice called me, seemed like after drinking the water I had knew how to speak with the elves though he was saying those Tuku sounds

"I'm glad that three of you heroes have returned here safety, I want to speak to the three of you about something very important, please follow me, heroes." - That King seemed to talk with us very respectful, I didn't know how

"Wait, King!"

"Oh, I'm sorry if I didn't introduce myself first, my name is Ralla Isla Vasha Harra, the Monarch of Jung Kingdom, please call me Ralla, hero!" - That King's surname seemed very long

"Call me Rigen, my name is John Rigen." - I raised my hand out, about to handshake with Ralla

"It's good to meet you, Hero John." - King Ralla made a handshake with me, these elves knew about handshaking?

"Please erase the "hero" phase, just call me Rigen."

"Yes, I mean, Hero, no I mean! Rigen." - Ralla looked a bit hesitant when calling my surname, what's wrong?

"Please three of you heroes follow me, I have a very important thing to say to the three of you." - Talk with the three of us? But Sarah and Hatano may need a rest now, they had stayed up all night to get here

"Wait, King Ralla! Two of my subordinates sleep since last night, at least please let them rest a bit."

"And we also didn't have breakfast yet so please hold out your talk, we may talk later in another time, maybe few hours later, alright?" 

"Yes, as you wish, you heroes! I will wait for three of you in the warehouse to the East, please get there with the instruction of Yura when three of you are ready." - That King looked very respect us for some reason

"Guards, follow me, you villagers over there, stay away for the heroes to go! Don't disturb them!" - King Ralla ordered his guards to go with him and ordered the villagers to stay away for us

Then we went inside the treehouse that I considered Yura's house.

The treehouses that were built around the village, also Yura's treehouse looked to be very old, must be built for a very long time.

"Ah! Yura, let's eat, I'm so hungry! Also sleepy! Yawn!" - Sarah looked like had turned on her hungry mode at the time she stepped into the house

"I..will prepare...breakfast..." - Hatano said to me then put down her Alrotz bag on the chair, only keeping her Katana with her

"Ah! Finally, let's prepare breakfast for Sarah now, this baby always wants to eat much." - Yura said to us while taking out her hood

Then I saw Yura's ears, they were pointy but looked a bit shorter than the other elves for some reason. 

Yura was very beautiful, she had slight blue eyes with very long blonde hair that almost covered all of her ears, which made me almost not notice her pointy ears.

But Yura's face, did I meet her somewhere? She looked a bit familiar, did I see her somewhere?

But maybe the breakfast would be very long to prepare so I put down my Alrotz bag near Hatano's bag to take out my Advisor, I saw it, deep inside the bag.

Advisor now looked like a slow bomb, it just needs to touch the light. Even not the solar light but could have got heat when it touched the light. 

I pushed the button that was used to stop the charging process and put Advisor at a table that was placed near the sun.

I pushed again that button for Advisor to return its charging process. 

After that, I went inside the place that looked to be a kitchen to help Yura and Hatano to prepare breakfast.

"Sarah, how can you sleep well like that when you don't even eat breakfast?" - I asked Sarah because she was now sleeping on a long wooden chair

"z.z.z" - She had fully deep inside her sleep, maybe I should get inside the kitchen to help Yura and Hatano to prepare breakfast now

Then I went inside the kitchen, for some reason the dishes had been set on the dinner table. 

Hatano and Yura were now putting eating tools on the table, looked to be ready to eat.

"Yura, how could you prepare breakfast so fast like that?"

"Oh, John! You may didn't know about this but our elves have magic called Keep."

"When we activate that magic on any object, it will be kept new in even hundred years." - What? Seemed like the elves' magics were something more developed than the humans' magic

"Sarah! Mama has already prepared your breakfast, if you don't sit to eat then I will eat all of yours!" - Yura shouted loud to Sarah, who was now sitting as if to joke her

"Huh! Breakfast has now been prepared?" - Wait? How did Sarah wake up so soon?

"Asa gohan!" (Breakfast) - Sarah shouted a Japanese word then charged into the nearby chair and started picking the dishes

"Sorry, John! Looks like your subordinate is quite childish, I don't mind about it, Sarah's very cute." - Yura seemed to like Sarah for some reason

"Itadakimasu..." - Hatano sat next to Sarah and spoke a word that meant to wish for the luck of eating in Japanese or some sort like that, she started eating after that

"Itadakimasu" - Yura imitated Hatano's Japanese talk and then also started eating

Then I sat near Hatano, that girl glared at me a few times when I was trying to pick the dishes that looked to be Sarah's favorite so I had to pick the other ones.

But how did these meals only have plants, nuts, fruits and some bread...these things, did the elves the vegetarians? That was why I saw them looked to be slim?

"What's wrong, John? You don't like the meal?" - Yura asked me, she seemed a bit worried

"No, I mean! I just feel weird that I saw no meats on the dishes."

"Our elves don't eat animals, John! We sometimes kill them to make our weapons and armors for the soldiers but we mostly trade with the humans for those things, our elves say no to meats." - Okay! Seemed like I have understood

But could I used to the meals here? I was scared a bit because I had diarrhea when first time eating the meals with Reimi and Shera in this world.

Seemed like Yura had noticed my behavior, my right that holding the wooden fork was shaking a bit.

"Don't worry if you get ill when you eat, John! Don't worry, when Sarah and Hatano ate here the first time, they were fine." - Thanks! Yura, seemed like I have now ahh!

Sarah was now eating like a god, she was now picking everything she saw on the table, swallowing a piece of meal in only half-second then picking other ones, dammit! 

Let's eat before getting starved to death by this Sarah Khan!


You are reading story A Soldier Got Lost In Another World at

Okay! Looked like had struggled a lot to fight for my starving, I had now full so I went to check my Advisor to see how many percent did it have when I started charging it.

Sarah was now sleeping, she slept very well on the chair, didn't scare about sleep paralysis, girl? 

When you ate too much and started sleeping after eating, you would have encountered this event with a very high possibility.

Hatano, she was now reading a book that looked to be a dictionary, I had seen the book, it looked to be made of wood paper, not fur papers like the humans' use. 

Elves' civilization in this other world was more developed than the humans?

The book's cover seemed to be written upside down in pictographs words mixed with the Latin language.

Those were the words of elves, Hatano was trying to learn new a language? What a hard learner!

I only hated Hatano because she hated me, she wanted to kill me but she stopped because one of my two moms Kaori was a Japanese.

Hatano didn't want to sleep? Or maybe she would do that later, maybe I should take a bit of nap now, let's sit on some chair. 

"Hatano, you should also take a nap, I don't want you to feel tired, take care of yourself a bit."

"Hai...ryokai...Commander..." (Yes...roger that...Commander) - I told Hatano not to say Japanese, how could she?

"Hatano, I told you to not say Japanese! Speak English."

"You are not my Commander, John Rigen, you never were. Only Sarah calls you that so I just follow her."

"Just get some sleep, John Rigen! Don't worry! I won't kill you, just don't disturb Sarah, my little sister is now sleeping." - Seemed like Hatano didn't want to listen to my orders, she said a bit low, maybe she didn't want to make Sarah wake up

Tch! But anyway, let's get asleep, I would sleep in one hour or more bit, Yura had now slept upstairs. 

Maybe I should wake my subordinates fast for meeting King Ralla, he seemed to have important things to say to us.


I had woken up after a long sleep, seemed like I have miscounted, I slept for three hours, Sarah and Hatano had now woken up, also Yura. 

Hatano looked to be a bit sleepy, but seemed like she had slept a bit as I ordered her so she looked a bit fine.

I had already worn Advisor in my hand, it was now 50 percent, looked to be good to use now, Hatano and Sarah were now about to go with me, also Yura.

Sarah didn't carry weapons, how dumb and careless she was! Hatano always wore her Katana, her M1911 pistol and her KA-BAR knife. 

I was now carrying the sword that Shera gave me on the first day I got to this world, I also carried my M9 Bayonet, my M1911 pistol and my M4 rifle. 

I wanted my subordinates to share their ammo with me but seemed like this was not a fit time, but I had brought the rifle with me, it would be very weird if I returned it to my bag. 

"Yura, lead the way, we are ready!"

"Yes, John!" - Yura made a nod to me then led us out to meet King Ralla

When I went outside with the girls, I saw the villagers staring at me, at first they scolded their eyes on me.

But later they realized something or some villagers whispered to them and they opened smiles as if to welcome me, even some of them waved their hands to me.

What was wrong with these elves' villagers? But then I ignored that and kept going with Yura's instruction. 

When I was going to the warehouse, I also saw some elves' buildings up the treehouses but I ignored them, I wanted to get straight to the point.

Oh! I saw King Ralla, he was now also surrounded by his Royal Guards but when he saw us, he ordered them to stay behind and then walked toward us.

"Good morning or good noon, King Ralla! You don't need to greet me, just get straight to the point, I want to know what you want to say to us."

"Yes, right away! You heroes! Yura, you may go now!" - King Ralla ordered Yura not to follow us, why? Maybe he had something very important to say

"Yes, Your Majesty! I will wait outside." - Yura stepped away from us then turned around and stood there to wait

"Here, you heroes! Let me guide you the way." - King Ralla told us to follow him

"Guards, guard the warehouse outside! Do not get inside without my order!" - King Ralla shouted quite loud to his soldiers, he seemed to force himself to say that voice, he looked a bit gentle to me, he seemed trying to be a good Monarch

"Yes, Your Majesty!" - The guards were now forming horizontal lines around the warehouse, they only spared the entrance of the warehouse for us to go in

Then we got inside the warehouse, I saw that inside the warehouse looked to have two ammo crates, the ammo also came to this another world with us? 

Seemed like I could rearm my equipment, my rifle was now starved of ammo.

But maybe I should hold off for now, let's do that later. I only saw two of our ammo crates that were placed near the other things of the elves, nothing more.

King Ralla later headed to the middle corner of the warehouse. He pushed down the thing that looked to be a small wooden button placed on the right of the wall. 

The wall later collapsed, exposing to us a stair down underground, this warehouse had a hidden room?

"This way, heroes! Stick close to me." - King Ralla looked around the warehouse as if to stay guard not to let anyone see inside then told us to go with him

After going through the stair, King Ralla pushed the button that was also next to the wall to make the wall go up, covering everything, everything around us was very dark now.

I couldn't see anything, after going down the stair, we saw the room that looked to be very wide, there was a thing that looked to be a handbrake that stick behind the room when we got in.

King Ralla pushed the hand brake up and suddenly we saw ourselves were now covered with the blue lights that looked to be coming up from above.

I looked up and saw the things that looked to be the blue crystals that stick above were now glowing blue lights. Weren't these things looked very similar to the electric lights in my world, how?

"How did you people create these things?"

"Hero, we didn't, those things were the gifts from Demon Lord Damon of Demon Kingdom sent to us as the war reparations when her Kingdom's technicals competent enough to make the things that the heroes in your world called "electricity"."

King Ralla just said what? The way he said meant there were people from my world who came here before?

"What did you say, King Ralla? I don't understand at all!"

"Please look over there, you heroes!" - King Ralla pointed his hand behind us

When we looked behind, I was very, very shocked! How did these things get here? 

Those were a Douglas SBD Dauntless, a fighter plane that was used by our US Military in the Second World War. 

It looked to be very new, it had some scratches but not much.

The plane that was placed next to it, if my memory from the time I was learning my homeland's history was right then it was a Mitsubishi A6M Zero. 

A fighter plane that was used by Imperial Japan, like the Douglas one, also from World War 2.

There were two men, a Japanese and an American or more of these people got to this world? How?

"I don't understand yet, King Ralla! I know these things came from my world but I still do not understand!"

"Waah!" - Sarah now seemed a bit excited when she saw the planes, she was about to go there and touch them

"Hero, wait! If you touch the planes when Keep magics are still activated, you won't be able to touch them because of the magic's limitation but if you can, they will break!" - King Ralla shouted to Sarah, he seemed to have some sweat when trying to stop that dumb

"Eh!" - Can you stop, Sarah! I was now very confused!

" can't touch...but you can...take pictures..." - Hatano said to Sarah while patting her head

Hatano, she didn't shock at all when she saw the planes, did she always like that?

"Ah! SA, SA!" - Sarah was now changing up her Advisor to camera mode to take the pictures of the planes from the Second World War

"You Hero, I mean John! Yura didn't say to about her ancestor? You seem very confused!" - King had now realized the strange behavior on my face

Yura's ancestor? The reason why she could speak English was that she had an ancestor from another world? She was a half-elf?

"No, King Ralla! Please tell me a bit details."

"I'm sorry if I didn't know you are lack information, Hero, I mean,-"

"Call me whatever you like, I need the answer now!"

"Yes, Hero! Yura's ancestor was one of two heroes that saved this world."

"As you can see two of the planes here, they said to us to keep them to do whatever we like to them." 

"What's about that American soldier's corpse, I mean Yura's ancestor, where did he being buried?"

"That hero said to us that he didn't want us to keep his body new by using magic so we buried him down here, just more few tunnels."

"I will lead you to where he is buried if you like."

Dammit, what should I ask Ralla now? About their appearances, how did they get to this world?

"How did they get here? I want to know."

"Yes, that incident happened exactly 516 years ago, when I was 2 years old, I-"

"Two years old?"

"Please keep listening, Hero! When the Demon's forces were about to wipe out the humans and our elves from the war."

"Suddenly from the sky, right in this village appeared two of the dragons that you called planes."

"At first, those heroes looked to be chasing each other, seemed like they were the enemies but then they stopped and cooperated to wipe out the Demon lord's forces."

"The power of those dragons was so powerful so Demon Lord Damon's forces had lost the war, she was captured but those two heroes spared her."

"Later that, the hero that later becomes Yura's ancestor given to Damon a human child."

"That little girl's parents had died in the war so his wish was to let the Demon Lord raise her, he wanted the demons to have sympathy with humans."

"Later that, a Peace Agreement has been signed, all the borders from each continent have been divided into No Man Zones, only traveling or trading there, not violating each other."

"Only the Demonic continent being covered by a Snow Border, no one can go there, that was the punishment the two heroes gave to the Demon Lord." 

"Only the Dwarf continent be able to trade with the Demon continent, because the Dwarfs stayed neutral in the war, they only care about trading."

"After the war, the hero that was Yura's ancestor chose to stay in this village for the rest of his life." 

About the hero that was the enemy of Yura's ancestor, he closed his hatred against Yura's ancestor and went on traveling around the world."

"He later become the Monarch, the one who founded the Ashura Kingdom."

"Ashura Kingdom has been named after his daughter because he missed her too much when he cannot go back his worl-"

"Stop, King Ralla! I think that's enough!"

Ah! Seemed like I had known something new now, keep calm! My mind!