Chapter 78: Billeranov Zeneztra (Part 2)

Read this line first before reading anything else:

This chapter is very disturbing to Chinese audiences, please stop reading if you don't like it or take all the risks after reading it.

Chapter 75: Billeranov Zeneztra (Part 2)

I immediately took the tape out of the disk and then handled it over to Cawess, go and see it yourself, dammit! I would not see it again!

"See it yourself, I won't see it anymore." - Cawess seemed a bit unpleasant and then grabbed the tape

"So...what did I miss?"

"I said see it yourself, I won't see it anymore."

"But this room only has a TV, dammit! How can I see it back when you take my TV?"

"Sigh! No need to see anymore." - Cawess dropped the tape inside the bag and then brought out another random tape

"So...don't want to see that tape anymore then...what about other tapes?" - Cawess asked me while holding another tape

Maybe it would be okay for me, at least I have destroyed my mind after seeing the war crime then why don't I try it again? I wanted to know more about the psychopath named Zeneztra.

"Nod!" - Cawess saw my willingness so he put the tape to the disk

After putting the tape to the disk, I and Cawess sat down on the sofa, kept our eyes on the screen to see the video fully. Cawess had now returned to his coffee but he didn't drink it yet, he wanted to see what was about to happen next on the screen.

The screen slowly appeared, it looked to be recorded inside a green tent, 2 men were sitting on the opposite chairs. 

The man who sat on the right was Zeneztra with his jungle military uniform with the red band on his right bicep of his shoulder, his face was still that black shag hairstyle, still that same full beard. But his face seemed to be a bit of a lack of sleep, he had been a bit skinny since the last time I saw his war crime, what was wrong with him?

About the man that sat opposite Zeneztra, must be a war reporter by the way he was dressed in a white shirt and a small camera in his hands, the reporter looked handsome. 

He was white, a brown bedhead cut hair and brown eyes, he looked to be nervous a bit for some reason, he looked around the tent and later calmed down and looked straight at Zeneztra.

"Do not worry, reporter! I won't do anything to harm you."

"I'm sorry if my men have picked you up by putting a bag on your head and drove you here but, anyway, why don't we introduce ourselves?" - Zeneztra calmed down the reporter

"Ah, yes! I...I..." - The reporter seemed a bit hesitated

"Don't worry, my name is Billeranov Zeneztra! It's just a fake name, not the real one but I prefer my fake name, about you?"

"Jeremy...Falron." - The reporter introduced his name to Zeneztra

"Okay! I hope you don't mind if I call you Jeremy, ask me what you want, don't be scared, I won't harm you, I promise." - Zeneztra even opened a slight smile to Jeremy

"So Mr. Zeneztra! I...why did you kill Chinese?" - Jeremy asked Zeneztra with a bit of tremble in his voice

"Because China has done many bad things to our Vietnamese from the past and till now, I just want them to go through that terrible experience like our Vietnamese have been in the past."

"I don't understand, Mr. Zeneztra! Killing brings no good, why don't you sit down and make peace with China?"

"No, I will never do that! Our Vietnamese has 4.000 years of history, about China, they have invaded us many times in the past." 

"They even tried to colonize us for 1.000 years, tried to erase our culture, tried to assimilate us but they failed, now I want them to go the experience it." - Zeneztra's face turned hostile when he heard about China

"What is about your perspective on China government and Chinese people, Mr. Zeneztra?" - Jeremy asked Zeneztra

"What do you mean, Jeremy? There are three Chinese governments in my perspective, the mainland, Taiwan and Hongkong, which one would you like to ask me?" 

"Can I ask your thoughts about Taiwan and Hongkong first, Mr. Zeneztra?"

Suddenly the video was paused, Cawess seemed to have a bit bored, he looked at me and then drank all of his coffee, dropped the cup in the trash and then tilted his head to me to sleep.

"What the hell, man?" - I asked Cawess

"Don't worry, I'm not gay! It's so boring so I will take a nap a bit, call me when you see good scenes in the video." - Cawess immediately took a nap

I won't, you know!

Then I grabbed the remote and then continued the video, I wanted to know more about this dictator and also this psychopath, I wanted to know about his thoughts.

"About Taiwan and Hongkong, I have no problem with them because they are America's allies, if they mess like the mainland then they will be suffered, the USA won't forgive them."

"About mainland China and their people...nothing but filthy animals, they are not even humans, they don't worth to be humans."

"China, not only the mainland but also Hongkong and Taiwan, they drew the 9 dash line on the South China Sea and claimed that the sea is theirs."

"Those China's governments even claimed two of the archipelagoes named Truong Sa and Hoang Sa on the South China Sea are theirs." 

"Though China doesn't have any proof to show that they have sovereignty on those archipelagoes in the past and until now, those are our lands, not theirs."

"I want the UN to change the name the South China Sea to Southeast Asia Sea, naming is very important." 

"To me, mainland China created Corona and they didn't claim to be the guilt but they will claim every land in the world though they don't have the proofs to show on them." 

"Then Mr. Zeneztra, are you an anti-communist?" - Maybe I should dig more into this question

"Yes, I do! But to me, Communism is created for the good things at first, but the misunderstandings made it worse." 

"Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels created Communism for the good things though the Communism cannot work in real life like what those two men thought."

"Reporter Jeremy, your interview might be long, it's not only about China but will also about my homeland Vietnam if I have to say."

"Where did you come from, reporter Jeremy?" - What was Zeneztra's purpose?

"United States, Mr. Zeneztra."

"Did your homeland teach you about the Vietnam war?"

"Yes, Mr. Zeneztra! It's about a civil war of the Vietnamese people between the ideologies of Communist and Capitalism."

"It's not just a civil war, it's also about USA's mistakes and the perspective of the Vietnamese from two regions, the south and the north about two different ideologies."

"What mistake, Mr. Zeneztra?" - Jeremy seemed to be a bit curious

"During the Second World War, the USA has been in alliance with our Vietnamese communist resistant force, or I should call Viet Minh to fight Imperial Japan and also to help my homeland to be independence from France."

"But after the Second World War, you Americans sided with the French, I won't blame anything." 

"President Roosevelt died and President Truman has to deal with the spread of Communism from the Soviet Union, which was very hard for him to deal with."

"And when Viet Minh took control of Vietnam and made it independence from France, you Americans supported the French to retake Vietnam in the name "To prevent the spread of the Communism", I won't blame it."

"The thing that all of the Vietnamese people wanted at that time was they wanted to have independence, that's all! They didn't care if they were following Communism or Capitalism, they just wanted the independence for their homeland."

"And after we kicked France out of our homeland, you Americans jumped in and formed the Republic of Vietnam in my homeland or South Vietnam in short, also in the name to prevent the Communism."

"Why did Americans have to do that? Just sit on the chair with the Soviet officials and invite them to drink tea."

"We are all brothers in the country named Earth and this country is in the civil wars between ours."

"What do you mean when you call the Earth is a country, Mr. Zeneztra?" - I also thought that too! I wondered why

"This interview will go very far, you know?"

"Let's think that the earth is a country and we are all brothers, out there from the space have aliens if they are real."

"I should say aliens are real will be more right, too many UFOs have been spotted by the military since Roswell incident in 1947 till now."

"Aliens are real and they are the enemies of ours, they are just watching us from the sky and waiting for the time they get bored and they will start to invade the earth and make colonize it."

"Instead of warring around this planet, why don't we stand together? We have to be together to fight against the aliens when they invade us." 

"But Mr. Zeneztra! If you say that then isn't what you said about China earlier nonsense? How can you unite the people on the Earth when you hate China to the bone?" - Reporter Jeremy seemed very unpleasant, I have already had an answer

"Good question, Jeremy! I don't know if the thing I said earlier is the thing that people on Earth want or not but many people who lived through wars will surely want it."

"That's because our greeds make those things cannot happen, that's all I can say, you will have more answer if you find out it yourself." - Zeneztra made a sigh after his talk

"Why don't we return to Vietnam? I haven't told you all yet."

"I want to hear more, Mr. Zeneztra! But before that, I want to know the reason why you could behave so sick on the first-day invasion in China when you led your troops to attack Mentougou." - Mentougou? So the tape earlier I saw was the first-day invasion?

"You just have misunderstood, Jeremy! It's called attack and massacre, not an invasion." - Zeneztra said while looking very straight at Jeremy

"I want to make Chinese fear, in the first-day invasion, we landed 1.000.000 troops down Mentougou but the China government didn't care, they thought that they could handle us fast so they didn't act."

"The reason why I have to behave so sick like that...because that is the only way to make China stop invading us!" - Zeneztra said loud in the last line making Jeremy shocked a bit

"Do you think I can sleep very well after killing those Chinese? No! I always have nightmares when I kill people, Chinese people are still people but my greed considers them as filthy animals."

"Then why didn't you send those paratroopers down your homeland Vietnam to liberate your homeland?" 

"Your homeland was occupied by China during that time but you didn't send them to your homeland to fight China but landed them down Mentougou to make a genocide there."

"As I said to you before, Jeremy! I did that to make Chinese fear our Vietnamese." 

"Chinese will live in anger but also in fear, they won't dare to invade us when they think about the nightmares that I made to them."

"À, Minh! À thôi." 

(Ah, Minh! Ah, nevermind) - Zeneztra called the cameraman but then he stopped

"Vakuchevsky, anh lấy cho tôi chút nước được không? Mozhesh' prinesti mne nemnogo vody, tovarishch?"

(Vakuchevsky, can you take me some water, comrade?) - Zeneztra called a man that was out of the camera's sight, what did he say? I didn't know Russian or Vietnamese

"Da!" (Yes!) - A Russian voice responded to Zeneztra and then a few seconds later, a man with a blonde hair came toward Zeneztra and gave him a cup of water

"Spasibo, Vakuchevsky! Ne zabud'te luchshe vyuchit' v'yetnamskiy, moy russkiy aktsent ne tak khorosh."

(Thanks, Vakuchevsky! Remember to learn Vietnamese better, my Russian accent is not so good) - Zeneztra spoke to the man named Vakuchevsky or so and then Vakuchevsky made a slight smile and stepped away from the camera

Then Zeneztra drank all water inside the cup and then put it on a table near him and then looked at reporter Jeremy.

"Let's get back to Vietnam, Jeremy."

"Mr. Zeneztra! I want to proceed with something, can I ask you which side would you choose if you go back in time and faced the Vietnam war?" - Jeremy asked Zeneztra 

"Well, if I have to choose to fight then I would fight for the USA or North Vietnam but not South Vietnam." - Why did Zeneztra choose that?

"Why, Mr. Zeneztra?"

"I'm an anti-communist but the North Vietnam government at that time has the will to fight, they have a strong nationalism, they wanted to liberate Vietnam." 

"Most of the Vietnamese at that time didn't care about Communism or Capitalism. They lived in that regime, they had Communist perspectives but they all wanted to reunite the homeland, that's all."

"I think this next question will lead problems farther, Mr. Zeneztra! But are you a patriot?" - I also wanted to ask Zeneztra that

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"I was a patriot before, now I can not tell you if I'm a patriot or not, the things I'm doing here look more like the terrorist work than the patriot's works."

"Let's talk again about Vietnam."

"About USA, they anti-communism, that's all."

"And the last one, the reason why I didn't stand for South Vietnam, I know that South Vietnam has many achievements when their regime remained but you Americans should not form the Republic of Vietnam at first."

"Why? Because South Vietnam was very high corruption, you Americans should have let South Vietnam stand on their own problems like South Korea instead of spending too much money on that regime."

"You Americans didn't know about our Vietnamese's history when you formed South Vietnam, every dynasty we got through our history eras are had high corruption made that dynasty fall and form other dynasties."

"Because our Vietnamese always being invaded by the foreigner forces so we always live day by day in fear. That's why when most of us have power in our hands, we will use that power to live in luxury till we die."

"Corruption has somehow become a tradition in my homeland and I hate it! Corruption ruins each of our dynasties. It made the people mad at their rulers when they didn't care about people but to live in luxury."

"Many uprisings would be rose to overthrow the dynasty, the rulers that could not fight against the rebels would seek the help from China, our neighbor in the North."

"Then China just need to send their troops to our lands to "help" that dynasty against the rebels and later occupy our homeland." 

"Until many resistance forces are fighting back for the independent, China will withdraw from my homeland." 

"From that time, another dynasty would be formed and developed until the next generations step into the fault of the people who went before, they would corrupt and the loop in each dynasty keeps continue."

"South Vietnam stepped on that loop so that regime fell, North Vietnam after taking control the country for than many decades. It also stepped into that loop and the regime fell, my homeland has now been colonized by China in the world war."

"I'm sorry, Mr. Zeneztra! Your homeland problems are quite complicated." - Jeremey had some sympathy for Zeneztra 

"But how could you end that loop, Mr. Zeneztra?"

"I'm on doing it, genociding in China will be the first step."

"What did you mean, Mr. Zeneztra?"

"I must make myself the scariest dictator, I must test my ability in China first, only a strong and cunning leader can stop all the things."

"A soft leader is also good but soft means weak, easy to be overwhelmed by the group, I must rule the people and officials to make them fear me, to make them obey me without conditions." 

"No one will dare to corrupt anymore, no one will dare to against the people's will when I take the power in my hands to rule them. I will be the only one corrupt in my homeland, I will make my people fear corruption." 

"Soft just make yourself expose your weaknesses and those weaknesses may be misunderstood by your people that you are a just a feeble, a pathetic." 

The people of a nation do not need a feeble ruler or a ruler that is too much dictator, they want their ruler to care about them, to be strong enough against the threat of the foreign nations and also to make their homeland great."

"I very admire President Zelensky though many people mocked him because he was an entertainer before stepping into the presidential chair."

"I don't know does President Zelensky have many skills in politics or not but he followed his people's will to independence Ukraine out of Russia." 

"When his homeland was invaded by Putin, President Zelensky has shown that though he is an entertainer but he has the potential to become a good president for the people."

"Though he is not a dictator but he showed me that he did not need to be a dictator to rule his country." 

"if I have to say honestly then I'm a true feeble and pathetic here, I become a dictator because it showed my powerless when I cannot rule normally."

"But I cannot regret, if there are many corrupt officials in my country, even if they are capable to rule but they are corrupt then I have to rule them in my small ability."

"Jeremy, why did you keep silent? Talk something." - Zeneztra asked Jeremy because he was always looking at Zeneztra but didn't speak a word

"You have many identity crises, Mr. Zeneztra."

"I'm always in that crisis, Jeremy."

"Mr. Zeneztra! Do you have parents or a wife or a kid back home? You have moved to Russia when the war began, right?" - I wanted to know about Zeneztra's family

"I have parents, they are still alive in Vietnam but I don't want to miss them anymore, I want to see myself as an orphan."

"About my family, I didn't love or marry a girl yet, don't have a child though I love to have a family to live a peaceful life and forget about my homeland, but I cannot."

"Why, Mr. Zeneztra?"

"I let those out of my thought, I want to make myself emotionless, when you don't have emotion, when you don't have anyone for you to love or to care about, you won't fear anything."

"You can see that because of my dictatorship that many soldiers here look very obey me but honestly, all of them want to kill me, I have been assassinated once but I managed to be survived." 

"Maybe I will be killed by my men before the US Special Forces could get here to kill me, I fight alongside Allies but they even sent men to kill me, haha."

"How could you laugh so freely like that, Mr. Zeneztra? Isn't your life in danger now?" - Jeremy seemed to be very shocked

"Why do you have to scare when you know you are about to die and you cannot avoid it, just calm down and wait till you die."

"Anyway, enough joking! Do you have parents or family back home, Mr. Jeremy?"

"Yes, I have! My parents are now in Kentucky and my family, a wife and 2 kids 5 years old and a 3 years old are now in Utah."

"You should not risk your life to be a war reporter, you should stay with your family, precious them and live with them the peaceful days as long as possible."

"But this my job, Mr. Zeneztra! I risked my life to get here to meet up and also to know more about you and your war crimes. I want to sue your crimes out of the world court, you will have to pay for what you did for the Chinese people, Mr. Zeneztra."

"You don't scare if I kill you here to hide all of my crimes?" - Zeneztra immediately pointed his CZ 75 pistol toward Jeremy's head

"I have made up my mind when I get here, I will die here but your crimes won't be forgiven, Mr. Zeneztra! Time will bring it out, you will be sentenced."

Zeneztra immediately returned his pistol to the holster, he looked at Jeremy and later tapped his shoulder.

"If you want to die, die happy with your family, I will die in China before I get sentenced, you know?"

"I know the Kremlin has now sided with the US to kill me, the USA has already sent a special force to Russia but they did not know that I'm now fighting alongside my comrades in Mentougou."

"You are a leader of a country and also can be considered a General of the military you formed but you kept yourself out of the safe zone to go to the frontline with your soldiers?" - Jeremy seemed very shocked, I never saw a General fought directly alongside the soldiers, they only command in the rear line

"I'm not a leader of the nation, the President chair has no one, Democracy Vietnam is not a country, it looks more like an organization because it is founded in Russia, not Vietnam."

"When I get back to Vietnam to liberate my country from China, I will name my homeland Democratic Peaceful State of Vietnam, that would be the official name."

"About the President's chair, I will choose a capable man to sit on it...if there is no one, I will rule."

"About fighting alongside my soldiers, I must know the smell of warfare to know how to win, cannot sit on somewhere to command." - Zeneztra opened a smile at Jeremy

"Maybe we should end our interview here, you can go outside of the tent to take some pictures, just take everything you like." - Zeneztra stood up and then went out of the tent, the camera also moved with him

Then I saw that outside of the tent was the war crime location like the previous tape that I and Cawess saw. 

Women and children were raped very heavily, I saw many of them had bruises on their bodies, some of the girls' bellies even big as if they were pregnant, so the time of this video was many months after the previous incident.

"Oh my god!" - Jeremy was so shocked so he closed his eyes, he later opened his eyes again but was still terrified

"Just take every picture you like."

"Vakuchevsky, ukazhi dorogu etomu voyennomu reporteru, ne zabyvay obrashchat'sya s nim khorosho."

(Vakuchevsky, guide the way for this war reporter, remember to treat him good) - Zeneztra called the man named Vakuchevsky to guide Jeremy

Then Vakuchevsky slowly led Jeremy toward the road to see the war crime of the soldiers, the soldiers were in an orgy with raped women, Jeremy was very terrified while taking pictures.

The camera pointed toward Zeneztra, Zeneztra looked at the cameraman as if he wanted to say something.

"Minh, nếu sau này tao chết thì mày lên thế tao, mày giỏi nhưng thiếu kĩ năng chiến thuật, Vakuchevsky sẽ chỉ cho mày."

(Minh, when I die, you will replace me, you are good but lack strategy skills, Vakuchevsky will guide you)

"Tao tin Vakuchevsky, thằng đó giỏi đó, hai đứa tụi mày chia quyền cho nhau cũng được."

(I trust Vakuchevsky, he is good, you two can share power if you like) - Zeneztra spoke to the cameraman in Vietnamese, I wanted to know what he said

"Chỉ huy ơi, em không làm được đâu."

(Commander, I'm not capable) - The camera said to Zeneztra with a less confident voice

Then Zeneztra tapped the cameraman's shoulder or something, he later looked back and saw that Jeremy has done taking pictures.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!" - A few gunshots came out from very far away and could be heard very small

"Mr. Zeneztra! Were those gunshots?" - Jeremy asked Zeneztra after seeing too many disturbing things

"Yeah, my soldiers are fighting against Chinese troops, Chinese troops are very less, Beijing government didn't care about our appearance, they didn't care about their people."

"Mr. Jeremy! I will give you a flight back to Russia and then you will have to get back to the USA on your own, don't go to the frontline anymore, stay with your family." - For some reason, I found that Zeneztra very cared about the reporter

"These pictures are not censored, Mr. Zeneztra? You don't scare if I show these things to the world to sue you?"

"We also live stream about our war crimes, why do I have to care?"

"Anyway, please return home and live with your family."

"Minh, tắt được rồi đó."

(Minh, it's okay to turn it off now) - Zeneztra said to the cameraman and then the screen turned black)

I immediately took the tape out and put them on the bag, suddenly the room door got knocked, Cawess was still sleeping so I slowly let him sleep on the sofa and went out to open the door.

As I opened the door, there were 2 men, an Asian and a blonde-haired man that I saw before standing in front of me, what did they want?

"Hey, I heard the soldiers here said you and your friend are watching our tapes here, right? Can you return it to us?" - The Asian man said to me

I immediately went to the bag and then returned it to the Asian man, he looked inside the bag a bit and then made smiled at me.

"Thank you, we are going now." - The Asian man and the blond hair man slowly turned around

"Wait, why did you two bring these tapes here? What is your purpose for it?"

"We brought these things here to give them to General Hudson, that's all."

"Who are you two for Zeneztra? Cawess said to me you two are the Commanders of the DVAF, did you two assassinate Zeneztra to take his power?"

"I'm Nguyen Hoang Minh, the Second Commander of the DVAF." - Minh? So he was the man that recorded the videos for Zeneztra?

"I'm Vasili Vakuchevsky, the First Commander of the DVAF." - The Russian man in the blonde hair finally spoke to me in English, so these guys had also appeared in the previous tape

"I don't know why you think we assassinated my friend to take his power but I admit that I and Vakuchevsky wanted to kill Zeneztra when we first met him but we have changed our mind after following him for one year."

"Zeneztra was not so bad to us, he only killed Chinese, we did not kill him but China did, he and his Zefendo group has been ambushed and killed." 

"I managed to survive when Zeneztra ordered me to follow Vakuchevsky's group instead of his group that terrible night, that's all."

"I'm sorry, we cannot waste our time here! Meet you later in somedays, you soldier." - Minh and Vakuchevsky said goodbye and then walked away from me until their figures gone