Chapter 76: Unexpected Encounter
Sigh! After watching the tapes, I kept thinking about the man Zeneztra, did he a true psychopath or he had forced himself to look crazy and ruthless? Zeneztra said that he made himself like that because of patriot...
Maybe...the patriots were not all the same by the way they act, there are two ways as I know for now to change a country completely:
Uprising: Gathering forces from the people, farmers that lived in misery and hated the government to overthrow the rotten regime to create a new regime. It would be fast but caused many casualties and whether the new regime is better or not depends on the capability of the resistance's leader, if that person doesn't corrupt after having the power.
Reform: A leader of many leaders of a country must look at the negative parts of their homeland, which is good, which is bad. Not to blind themselves proud too much while their homeland is in the pile of ashes of corruption, high costs of living, obsolete traditions or cultures.
To change it, the leader of a country must have a strong mind to stand against power corrupt, must love the people and love the country. Must not let their power blind their personality, and also must have knowledge if the person wants to change their homeland to be better.
The way Zeneztra did was to, he didn't uprising, his homeland had been invaded and occupied so he went oversea to ask the help from the foreign nation, but was it good to do that?
Zeneztra must have been used as a little puppet from the country that helped him if he didn't recognize, no country helps the other without profit.
Even if he succeeds to liberate his country then when he becomes the country's leader, he would be treated as nothing but a puppet of the country that helped him if his politics and his leadership skills were bad.
But why did I just think about politics this time? Ah!!!!
I was very bad at politics, maybe...I should go out for a walk a bit, let's see how was Cawess.
I looked at Cawess and noticed that he was still sleeping very nicely, how could this guy sleep after drinking two coffee cups? His body was made to against the science knowledge?
What time is it? Dammit! Ah, holy shit! 2:00 PM, we were watching the tapes at...I forgot, maybe I should take a walk on the streets a bit.
Though China could not attack our cities much but there were still many people scared off going outside, they were scared to get B28 or bombing if they went out.
"Yawn!" - Finally, Cawess had now awake, he looked at me and looked around the sofa as if he wanted to find the tapes
"John! Yawn! Where are the tapes?" - I knew it!
"I returned them."
"That's so? But forget about the tapes, want to go outside for a bit?"
"Yeah, I was about to do that too."
"Good, lift me! I will do it myself." - Cawess slowly got up and then stood there to look at me
"Come on, let's go." - Cawess said to me that and then we walked toward the door to go outside
But wait...did I just sense something? Something! Something was very strange around was on the dark corner that was on the right side of the door, something was hanging on the wall.
A small figure of something was now standing still, I didn't see properly...I brought a mobile with me but maybe I should ask Cawess.
"Cawess, light on, man! I mean turn the light from your phone on."
"Just do it, did you see the small thing on the corner?" - I pointed my hand toward the corner to let Cawess see
Then Cawess slowly turned on his phone and turned on the flashlight...he pointed the flashlight to the dark corner of the wall...according to the light...
It was an insect that had oval-shaped, dark brown, six legs with spines...its head had...two long was...a Cockroach! The enemy of humans!
"John! What the fuck!" - Cawess yelled a bit loud when he saw me pull out my KA-BAR knife and headed slowly toward the cockroach
I immediately charged the knife toward the cockroach but it dodged it and flew down the floor and started running like Usain Bolt down a cabinet near the door.
"John, what the fuck? You scared of roaches or what?"
"Yeah, help me, Cawess!"
"Okay, okay!" - Cawess immediately sat on the sofa and then pointed his mobile at me
"Cawess, what the hell?"
"Record video, I want to send to Sulivan and Pambo...good luck."
Then I saw the cockroach move away from the cabinet very fast and then run toward Cawess.
"What the fuck!" - Cawess immediately jumped down the sofa to dodge the cockroach...and my knife and then kept recording while stepping slowly to the coffee render
"Buy me some popcorn, John! You can fight the roach later."
I immediately charged the knife to the roach, it had landed on the floor after running too much on the sofa, suddenly the cockroach stopped running and turned around to see me.
"What do you want from me?" - I asked the cockroach... hoping it understand what I said
Suddenly the cockroach aggressively stepped toward me one fast step, one fast step once again so I moved back slowly every time I see it doing that. The cockroach later flew up and I immediately dropped the knife on the floor and then ran away from the room.
I ran toward the hallway while looking back, the cockroach was chasing me...these roaches, did they just evolve their intelligence during the war?
I suddenly tapped someone when I was running and when I looked back, that was Lieutenant Haris, he looked at me curiously while one of his shoes had finally...stepped on the cockroach.
"John, what's wrong? Why did your face have too many sweats?" - Haris asked me while looking at a small piece of paper he was holding in his hand
"Commander Haris, I mean Lieutenant Haris, down your feet, right leg." - After hearing what I said, Haris looked down his feet and then noticed that the cockroach has been crushed to the bone
"You...miserable so much with the cockroaches?" - Haris was about to smile but then he held it, he seemed to be a bit annoyed when his shoe has been dirty
"Get here, get here." - Haris asked me to come close to him while raising his fingers toward me
"How can I let a soldier of the strongest military in the world fight a cockroach so miserable like that, huh?" - Haris pinched my cheek
"Sorry, Commander Haris! I mean Sir Haris, no! I mean!"
"Sir Haris, Haris or Commander or Lieutenant is okay to call!"
"The cockroaches are the master of the guerrilla warfare, Sir!"
"You don't know how much miserable I was when I hunted a cockroach that jumped into my house, it took me an hour to kill that roach because it hid so good."
"Sigh!" - Haris stopped pinching my cheek
"You, how can you and your wife make love when a cockroach appears while you two are enjoying?" - Dammit! Shizu! I just have missed her again...
"Oh, sorry! I just have mentioned Shizu, sorry!"
"Let's forget about the cockroach, le-"
"John, you dropped your knife here, where is the cockroach?" - Cawess held the KA-BAR knife out to return to me and then curiously looked are the next victim, Cawess!
"You come here too." - Haris asked Cawess to get closer to him
"You! You good, you good! Instead of helping John to lure the roach away then what fuck did you do." - Haris pinched Cawess's cheek tighter
"Sorry, Sir! I was so fun at that time so I recorded the video."
Haris immediately pulled out Cawess's phone to find the video.
"You, stop downloading porn and hentai pics, play your dick with your hand alone to get your mind purer or go get some girl, dammit!" - So...Haris was also a man of culture as well!
Done, another meme." - I peeked at Haris and then noticed that he has sent the video from Cawess's phone to his group...American Anime Military, what the fuck was wrong with the name?
"Ah, I forgot! Here, you two move your ass out to the market to buy some beers, we will have a party tonight at the base." - Haris handed me the piece of paper and then returned the phone to Cawess
"I was about to go to buy but you two just messed with my shoes so get your ass out to buy, remember to go back here fast, we will have a night party."
"Okay, Cawess! Let's go."
Then I and Cawess went together out of the base, the grocery store was not so far from this place, Cawess was a bit frustrated when he was forced to go so he was now grunting.
"Let's see, Cawess!" - I handed Cawess the piece of paper
"Well, it's quite much, hope the grocery store has enough beers to buy."
Then we went together on the streets, the streets had been repaired after the civil war though not so completely as well as before the war but still good to go, the food problems had now been solved. During the civil war, our soldiers were very lack of food and ammo but now those problems had finally been solved after the civil war after 4 years.
The United States was still enough to help itself from the lack of food but not Europe, the war destruction was very large.
According to the war analysts around the world, the world war had now made 400.000.000 deaths, more than 1.400.000.000 wounded or disabled, most caused by B28 gas, nuclear weapons were only used once on London by China.
Entire Europe had got out of the war in the 2030s but the countries of that continent, especially the western Europe.
The UK and France were now fighting against the remnants of the Indian invasion, they had to fight against the terrorists that followed Islam in their lands, martial law always on an entire day.
Dammit! The people who went before created wars and realized their fault to make the world peace as long as possible. But the descendants didn't know how much destruction that wars caused so they made wars and then peace again, what an infinity loop.
"Oh! Pambo calls me." - Cawess pulled out his phone to answer Pambo
"Eh yo! What's up, see how muscular my son is, homies!" - Pambo was calling us by call screen, he was bragging about his son
"Yo, Pambo! Your son is a quite good physique, keep it up." - Cawess made a compliment on Pambo's son
"Are you two inside a gym?" - I asked Pambo because his background was the people that were curling dumbbells and barbells
"Yeah, bro! See how muscular is my son, homie!" - Pambo asked his son to show us his biceps
"Oh, good good!"
"Hello, uncle Rigen and uncle Cawess! My name is Carl, Carl Pambo, I want to do hand wrestling with you two." - Oh, this kid was not bad at all
"Ask Cawess, kid! I don't have time."
"Eh yo! I mean Cawess, why did you send that video to the group, man! You two were beating a roach or what?" - Ah, the video that Haris sent them
"Well, John is scared of roaches." - Cawess was quite funny about that
"Holy shit, dude! I promise I will tell my wife to make you a very big colossal cockroach cake on your birthday, enjoy it and you won't scare any roaches, homie."
"Nah, I'm quit."
"But what are you two doing? Buying something? You two are on the streets, right?"
You are reading story A Soldier Got Lost In Another World at
"We just messed up Commander Haris so he ordered us to go buy beers, we will have a party tonight." - Cawess answered Pambo
"That's so, yo? Good luck, I will have to train my son more, ah! Remember to gather in San Francisco at the dawn of December 25th, we will have the last battle with the Chinese there."
"Yeah, we will."
"Goodbye, homies." - Pambo turned off the call
Cawess returned the phone to his pocket, he looked at the piece of paper and then walked toward the road forward, I also moved with him, I was wondering how was Sulivan, Pambo was having fun with his son...
Maybe Sulivan was pounding his dick very hard inside his aunt, they may now have a very crazy orgy inside his aunt's house after years without seeing.
Incest was very bad but...maybe Sulivan could not stop thinking of anyone else except his aunt, he loved his aunt truly. He even said he wanted to marry his aunt...or because she was just a MILF so he loved her, I could only wish they will be together forever.
"Ah, Cawess! I don't think this year is 2041 but we are still using these phones, must have been a bit advanced as I thought in the sci-fi, you know?"
"What do you expect for this real life? We must regain economic power and repair the things the war destroyed first before getting to make technology."
"Oh, here is the grocery store nearer than the one that Haris told us about, I'm a long years customer there, let's get inside." - For some reason...Cawess suddenly moved into the grocery with excitement...he was a bit freak?
When I got inside the grocery store, I saw that the furniture in the store was placed very well fit and also attractive. Maybe this place was very well selling, at the stall, there was a young girl with a yellow ponytail with a very busty stood there, she seemed very happy to see...Cawess?
"Hello, customer, or...Cawess! The one who goes with you is your friend? Hello, sir." - The girl seemed to be very cheered while greeting us
"Hello." - I waved to the girl
"Hey, Valenta! Does your shop sell these beers?" - Cawess pulled out the piece of paper and then placed it on the stall
"Hmmm...maybe! I don't know for sure, maybe I should ask mama."
"Mom!" - Valenta shouted to the back door behind the stall
"What's wrong, Valen?" - A figure of a woman walked out of the back door
Woah! That woman's breast was very big, busty more than her daughter's breast, she seemed makeup very well as if to seduce me, she seemed to be very beautiful and lewd.
Just looking at her made me want to press this MILF down and make love...wait! Dammit! Calm down, dammit!
"Ah! Cawer, nice to see you here! Is that your friend? Good to see you too." - The woman looked at me and smiled, she even waved to me
I also waved my hand toward Valenta's mom.
"Ah, ma'am! Does your store sell these beers?" - Cawess pointed his hand to the piece of paper
"Oh, of course! How much did you want to buy?"
For some reason...hmmm! Cawess seemed to be very friendly to this mom and daughter.
A few seconds later, Valenta went inside the back door, at the time she turned around. In front of me was her busty ass, it was very big and seemed very obscene, dammit! I wanted! No! No! No! Maybe I should jerk off tonight, many weeks didn't treat my dick yet, it was now very aggressive to see women.
"Ah, I will go help Valen too, wait for me a bit." - The owner said to us and then went inside the back door to bring the beers out
Woah! Cawess was a very lucky son of a bitch! That madame not only had a very busty breast but also a very big ass, also busty than her daughter. The owner's belly was quite fat, maybe she didn't work out much but...still good to make love with her, I guessed.
Stop letting your dick blind your eyes, dammit! Women are not toys, they are the supreme queens of the family. Dare you to force your wife not to let her keep your money, you will enjoy the experience of sleeping outside of your house...though I didn't have a wife.
Cawess for some reason was breathing very hard, no! Breath very deep and constantly would be more right to say, did he just...come on!
At the time the owner and her daughter went out, many beers had been placed on the stall, as we wanted, maybe taking these stuff back to the base would be a bit struggle.
Valenta suddenly called Cawess to go near her and then whispered to him something or so and then acted normal like before. She seemed to be very happy and then started to pack up the beers inside two cargoes that had a wire to hold them.
While Valenta was doing that, Cawess got whispered by the owner, she said to him something and then I didn't know why but Cawess seemed to be very excited...this guy...was having love with the owner or something? Does he love MILF so much? Why didn't he date a younger one?
After packing up the beer inside the cargos, Valenta handed them to us, they were heavy when we held them but for us, that was very okay to walk these things back to the base, our hands were very strong.
"Have a good day, Cawess! Also you too, sir." - Valenta waved to us to say goodbye when we were going out of the store
"Please come back again, Cawer, also you too." - That owner also waved to us, maybe we should get here more to buy, I mean to look at this mom and daughter when we "have time"
At the time we got out of the store, Cawess was now going down the street while holding a heavy cargo in his hands with excitement, maybe he was affected by the owner and her daughter's whispers earlier, what did they say to him?
"Cawess, what the hell is wrong with you?"
"John, you know what? I'm the luckiest son of bitch on earth, tonight I won't join the party, I have my own business, hehe." - Cawess smiled very cheer
"Just tell me what happened?"
"Well, I'm now dating Valenta, she just has said to me that her mom would go outside to do her own business tonight so I can fuck her inside the store."
"But she didn't know that I also date her mom too, I didn't tell her."
"So, tonight I will head to the store to fuck Valenta, after fucking the store owner's daughter, I will move to the hotel that her mom placed for her and me and then fuck her overnight, noice."
"That MILF has lost her husband, he died in the war so I must "comfort" her, it's so good to cuckold behind my girlfriend, to fuck both my girlfriend and her mom, nice."
I wanted to beat Cawess right now, I would beat him until his dick stopped working, I would never cheat on someone. I would never cheat on Shizu even if she had died, I never cuckold my wife, I'm a very faithful man...or so.
"You...treat women better, don't consider them as the toys like that, women and men are equal, you know?"
"Yeah yeah yeah! I want to watch you do what you said to me and prove to me you are the kind of that good person, talks but does not do anything are nonsenses, alright?" - Okay!
When we were taking the cargoes back to the base, I saw a very gloom dark and long alley on the east side of the street, the houses around the alley and the alley itself were very shabby and grim dark.
The street we were moving was very less of people, mostly no one, not even a car moving on the street, everyone was still scared of B28 so they mostly stayed home for safety.
"Hey, what is wrong with that alley, Cawess? It looks strange." - I pointed my hand to the alley to let Cawess see
"Oh, don't go to that alley, the area around it is destroyed in the war, the government not even tried to rebuild but left it there."
"Does that place have B28?"
"B28 gas will vanish in the air after days or months if the gas line is dense, that place doesn't have any B28 but doesn't go there." - What the hell did Cawess mean?
"There are many missing cases there, don't go so deep into the alley or you will go missing, the victims 'bodies never have been found since the first victim, don't go there will be better."
"Hey, Cawess." - I handed the cargo to Cawess, he was now holding two heavy cargoes in his hands
"What the fuck, John?" - Cawess seemed a bit mad
"I will investigate there a bit, you go home with the beers."
"How can I bring this shit, John? They are heavy, you know?"
"You just need to do a bit farmer's walk with those cargoes, your body will be stronger to fuck the owner and her daughter, you know?" - Hope this will work
"Okay, but don't go missing or I will have to phone you on the wonderland of Alice to call you back, John." - Cawess said to me and then went away with the cargoes
Then I started moving to the dark alley when Cawess had gone away for minutes.
The alley I went to was very shabby, the buildings between the alley were very rotten, the alley was very grim dark, I slowly stepped inside the alley and watched around.
I looked up a bit to see the buildings, it was very shabby, rotten to the end, I saw that the alley was still very long and also had many routes to more alleys, maybe people lost because of going there.
I chose to walk inside a narrow alley that was very long and looked around to see if there was anything that I could find for the investigation, the alley looked so dark inside though it was still morning.
Then I suddenly sensed a very shiver feeling in my head as if someone was stalking me, I didn't know, I just felt that the alley I was standing in had someone near me.
Someone was on this narrow space, I turned back to look at the long exit of the alley, also looked forward the road forward to see if there was anyone that followed me, no one at all.
Maybe I was wrong to think that someone was stalking me, but I saw a very blurred shadow figure above me, someone truly stalking me from above, I slowly raised my head above the sky to see who that was.
Suddenly I heard a slash and I dodged it immediately, I stayed away and saw that was a person with a very raggy brown hoodie, the person's head had been covered by the hood so I could not recognize who that was.
That person must be stalked me by grabbing the narrow wall of the alley from above and waiting for me to come to make the attack, this person was very dangerous to me.
The person holding a sword looked to be a European longsword, the sword was very terribly rusted, that person's belt had two small knives on the holsters and a scabbard on the left side of the belt.
The person that tried to kill me immediately charged toward me with the rusted sword and I stepped back while pulling my M9 Beretta out to point at the person and was about to shoot.
The person seemed very fully alerted to see my pistol and the person used their right leg to shake the pistol away with a very hard blow, I dropped my gun before I could pull the trigger.
I noticed that the person that was attacking me was very pale, seemed to be sick badly when their legs and their arms were a bit skinny and had some bruises on them. The person who charged toward me was very wild, the moves that person was using to walk toward me while holding the sword were like the moves of animals that starved.
The person tried to stab, slash me to kill me with very mad moves with the sword but I dodged those strikes.
The person swung their sword without thinking and later the sword hit the wall because the sword itself had a long length and it stuck there.
I grabbed the person's hands to snatch the rusted sword out but the person fought very aggressively, very wild and then the person had charged their mouth to my shoulder to bite me but I immediately dropped my hands out of the sword so I dodged the bite.
I could not fight someone who had a sword when I just had a knife so I ran toward my pistol to pick it up to shoot, suddenly a strong wind came out from nowhere and shook me to the ground, near my pistol.
I tried to get up but I could not, I looked at the person who was walking very slowly toward me, the person was holding the sword very tight, had some sweats exposed on their face while wearing the raggy hood.
"Cough! Cough! Cough!" - The person coughed very much but later stopped coughing and kept walking toward me
I immediately tried to reach my pistol which was very near me but the person later came near me and sat on my chest very tight. Preventing me from grabbing the gun, the person changed the sword's blade in the direction as if was about to stab down my throat or something.
Suddenly the person was shocked as if that person knew me or something, the person immediately got their sword out and then removed the raggy hood to let me see that person's face.
At the time the hood had been removed, that was a woman with a very pale face, seemed to be sick badly. She had very tangled short red hair with slight purple eyes, the woman looked at me very happy as if I was her relative.
"Si Rigen, it' yo! D yo remembe m? It' m, Remi Frieden!"
(Sir Rigen, it's you! Do you remember me? It's me, Reimi Frieden!) - The woman spoke to me strange language and then grabbed my hands, her tears even flying out as if she knew me before
Though the woman spoke to me in a strange language but for some reason I could understand what she said, as if I knew to speak that strange language.
Who is the woman named Reimi Frieden? Who is she to me? And what I'm to her?