Chapter 15
“Paranoia Or Something More?”
July 5th, 2040: The White House, Undisclosed Location
“So…” President Desden shifted his eyes around the shining conference table as the wood reflected the light from above. At this meeting, Edwards, Marshal, Stevens and Chief of Staff of the Air Force (CSAF) Conrad Green, sat around the table, all wearing respectable attire. “It’s been twenty days since the transfer and I believe the gravity of the situation has finally hit most of us, with that being said, does anyone here have anything they wish to share that might help us preserve our nation?” Interlocking his fingers, the President scanned the table with Marshal lifting his right hand off the table.
“Ever since the prototype railgun back in the early two-thousands we’ve been experimenting and improving it, although at a slow pace because of minimal funding. With that said, we are close to creating a working prototype that can be used in the field, if you’re interested Edwards, I am confident that we can decrease the size and potentially place it on top of the Abrams platform.” Hearing this, Edwards scoffed and leaned back.
“The last thing we should be doing is putting advanced, experimental equipment onto the battlefield. With what we’ve so far encountered, magic only poses a problem to small arms fire.”
“I wouldn’t keep my hopes up Edwards.” Steven slid a file across the table to him. “With what little--and I do mean little--information my cells in Ruppriecht have gathered. The magic we’ve seen so far is but a drop in the proverbial bucket.”
“How is the intelligence gathering going Steven?” President Dresden opened a thin file in front of him, only to be greeted by a meager five pages.
“Truth be told, it’s disastrous. With the difference in culture, linguistics and general operation of society being so extreme, it could take months or even years for us to get anything meaningful from our cells. In light of this, I ask to be approved to start vetting out potential recruits outside The United States.” Before the President could respond Edwards with a roar.
“Like hell you will! If any of your dogs go AWOL (absence without leave) we are FUBAR!” He spat.
“Enough!” Slamming his fist onto the table, President Dresden regained control of the conversation. “Steven, I hereby grant you authorization to start vetting foreign nationals, but make sure you can control them. As for you Marshal, I’ll see if I can secure more funding for you. Now, Conrad, do you have anything to add?” Conrad shifted his gaze at Steven who returned a head nod.
“I do have something, sir, however for the sake of national security it cannot leave this room.” Conrad paused before continuing, allowing anyone there to speak up but no one objected. “Back during our operations in Africa, our friends in intelligence and the CIA tipped us off about a new possible Russian program, something called “Project Albatross”. Sliding a bulky file across the table to the President, he opened it to find detailed documents and pictures of something from science-fiction. “From what could be gathered, the Russians were experimenting with flying drone carriers. The first-ever being an Ilyushin Il-78 simply refitted to hold a few Hunter-B drones. But even with these, they proved to be viable in areas where the need to extend their range was needed. This seemed to only entice the Russians to push it as far as it could go.” Flipping page after page in the file. President Dresden stopped when a picture of a massive flying-wing-shaped aircraft greeted him. “The Tupolev 220. Capable of holding upwards of ten or so Hunter-Bs that are modified to be able to carry more armament at the cost of range.”
“Yes I remember every news outlet talking about these. But I don’t see how this ties in with our current situation?” President Dresden raised an eyebrow at the two, with Stevens speaking up first.
“Well sir. Ever since then, the CIA and the air force had entered a joint operation to see if it was viable for us to build our own.” Stevens watched as the President flipped to the next page to see the Tupolev 220’s American cousin. “Behold the YA/Q-4A* and YA/Q-4B*, essentially an upscaled B-2 Spirit. The “A” being capable of holding eight RQ-170s and the variant “B” holding a swarm of switchblades.” Steven explained while the President flipped through more pages.
“You started this black program back during the 47th presidency, and didn’t bother to inform who came after?” The President’s temper started to build with the thought of what else was being kept from him.
“In the better interest of the nation, it was decided to keep it a secret until it was proven to be a viable option. If it ever got out to the Russians that we were building our own, it would only cement that they were onto something.” Conrad replied, with President Dresden sighing in return.
“So where is this drone carrier now?” The President questioned, with Conrad biting his lower lip.
“Its last known place was in… New Zealand. Being a place of low contact and importance, it was a suited place to have something this colossal. Trying to hide something with a wingspan of just over two-hundred meters is no easy feat. However, in order to keep it hidden, it has no transponder or tracker as those can be hacked. Satellites in the region haven't spotted it either, suggesting the real possibility that it is on earth, crashed or is heading towards American soil.” Conrad stated, with Marshall sliding another file to the President.
“And from what USS Alabama has reported in the region. To quote the captain, “It's an oversized archipelago with what appears to be floating rocks and mountains that seem to defy all rules of gravity as we understand." Seems to me this world is filled with scientific anomalies.” The Joint Chiefs watched as the President looked through the files.
“This world…something is wrong with it. There are far too many things that science can’t explain and from the report Aaron created, it seems like the religions of this world all talk about certain gods creating their respective nations. Should this be true…well, this will be one hell of an uphill battle.” The President chuckled, with the Joint Chiefs going over their own observations.
“Mister President, if I may.” Steven spoke up. “I believe it might be time for us to initiate Operation Citadel.” The confused looks from the other Joint Chiefs made President Dresden snap close the file in front of him
“Operation Citadel was something I created in my first few months of office. If given the green light, it would give the FBI, CIA, and NSA the means to gather untold amounts of information, though at the cost of ethics and breaking a lot of laws. I made it in the event that should we find ourselves out of allies, in the dark, or at war with a collaboration between Russia and China, We would be able to gather as much information as possible to beat our adversaries. Given our current situation, I also believe it to be time to activate it. Any objections?” Looking around the table, everyone sat in silence. “Very well, as acting President of the United States, I hereby authorize Operation Citadel. Now, Edwards, how are the rescue operations proceeding?”
“We just reached over one-hundred-thousand soldiers reporting that they have reached a safe-zone. We also have a casualty report, across all branches, one-hundred-and-twenty-seven servicemen are confirmed KIA with nearly double that in unconfirmed. The cause of death is all over the board, but the most common cause is magical weaponry from “The Franco Kingdom” and The Autoriario Empire, coming in the form of lighting or fire but with scattered reports of other elements being used such as water, ice, gravity and others that are deemed unknown at this time.” Hearing the numbers, President Dresden held his head with his hands. “So many lives…” He muttered. “How is Yokota and Ramstein doing?”
“The first round of supplies have reached both bases, however, Rammstein's Brigadier General Henry Cox, has requested more manpower, armor, and ammunition. It seems the kingdom they've landed in doesn't take too kindly to a major foreign base inside their borders.”
“Or maybe it has something to do with the former servicemen from Toul-Rosières Airbase demanding supplies from a city?” Stevens countered, but before anyone could reply, a digital beep from the President's watch caught their attention. Lifting his right wrist, President Dresden saw that it was a message from his secretary.
You are reading story America Stranded in a Fantasy World at
“It seems the princesses from Ruppriecht will be arriving shortly. Meeting adjourned, godspeed everyone.”
Inside The Oval Office
“So much for keeping the lawn clean…” President Dresden huffled. Outside he could see military personnel moving equipment around the south lawn, ranging from simple boxes to APCs being moved to cover the best possible angles down certain streets. Spinning in his chair, President Dresden twirled a pen in his right hand, only to quickly snap his hand shuit when someone knocked on the door, shortly followed by it opening with his secretary.
“Mister President, Princess Weiss and Princess Leyna are here.”
“Bring them in.” Setting down his pen, President Dresden stood up just as the two princesses entered the oval office. Smiling at them, he offered a handshake. “President John Dresden, on behalf of all Americans, welcome to The United States of America.”
“First Princess Wiess Keitel, umm.” Weiss paused as she looked down at the President’s stretched out hand.
“Ah, my apologies, this is a handshake. It’s a friendly, formal greeting between people.” With that explanation, Weiss accepted his hand, although still slightly confused. Afterwhich, the President then turned to the younger girl.
“And who might this youngster be?” The President smiled, and in response Leyna straightened her posture.
“Second Princess Leyna Keitel from the prestigious Ruppriecht Kingdom.” Leyna stated with such boldness, President Dresden couldn't contain his laughter.
“Indeed you are Miss. Please, have a seat.” Motioning to the couches, they all sat down with the center coffee table already having water prepared for them. Pouring himself a glass, mostly to prove that it wasn’t poisoned, he took a sip.
“So, What are your thoughts on America so far?” The President questioned.
“It’s… It resembles nothing I have seen nor heard of before. The untold amount of wealth that seems to flow from it would make anyone think it was the realm of a god.”
“Well I am honored that you think so highly of us. Though as you are most likely aware, the transfer has done considerable damage to our economy.”
“Yes, I’ve heard. Sir Aaron made it very clear in private discussions with me, as well as my father, King Heinrich, that your nation is in desperate need of certain elements not present in the area known as “North America”. Am I correct in thinking this?” With a heavy sigh, President Dresden downed his glass of water.
“Regrettably, yes. On Earth, the majority of “The Western Nations” as we called ourselves, were economically tied to each other simply because it was impossible for us to produce everything for ourselves. Now with the transfer, we have been cut off from much-needed resources. I was hoping your nation would be willing to trade these resources or broker trade for us between other nations that may have what we need.”
“Hmm, I will have to bring this to my father, however might I suggest something?” Wiess asked.
“By all means, please do.”
“Sir Aaron told me about your alliance, NATO, and what it stood for. I believe that once word about The United States and this alliance reaches the smaller, weaker kingdoms, city-states and others. I do not doubt for a second that some would wish to join, even if it means the inflated cost of trade agreements towards your people, ourselves included.”
Taken slightly aback by her proposal, President Dresden stood up. Walking to his desk, he glanced around the room at the Secret Service agents.
“Gentlemen, Miss Leyna. Mind giving me a moment alone with Miss Weiss?” With that order, the Secret Service all turned their attention to Leyna. After being reassured by her older sister that she would be fine, Leyna was escorted out of the oval office. Leaving the room to just President Dresden and Weiss. Turning to face the south lawn, President Dresden let out a massive sigh.
“This isn’t the America I wanted to show you, but the transfer has brought this great country to near economic collapse. What you witness on your way in is nothing but a glimpse into our dire situation. I doubt that I need to say this, but as acting President, I will do everything in my power to preserve this nation. The last thing I want to do is threaten a sovereign country. At the same time, I, the Joint Chiefs, and much of Congress are willing to do anything and everything to save America.” Turning around to face Weiss, the air in the Oval Office became slightly heavier. “NATO wasn’t just about containing the Soviets. It was a symbol of freedom, the right to speak freely without fear and so much more. And while this did cause many members to butt heads on certain topics, it also reminded us why we created NATO.” President Dresden paced around the room before stopping at a picture of Abraham Lincoln. “America has been around for two-hundred-and-eighty-six years, and many here inside The White House would rather die trying to save this nation than watch it fall.” He turned back to Weiss. “America will always be open to those who wish to cooperate with us. But for those who wish ill upon us. They will face such fury that not even your texts about demons, devils and the end times would come close. With all that said, if you are truly serious about joining NATO, there are some non-negotiable laws.” President Dresden paused, waiting for Weiss to answer, who gave a simple nod of agreement. “Number one, all countries inside NATO must be open to American business. Number two, if a credible threat is on the border of a NATO member, America has the full right to build the needed infrastructure to support American and fellow NATO troops, monetary or material compensation will be given to the respective host nation. Number three, an attack on one member is considered an attack on all NATO members, should you or anyone inside the alliance refuse to act, there will be swift punishment. These are of course, only a mere fraction of the laws, however I will have someone draft a form that King Heinrich will need to sign in order to show that he will comply with NATO laws. Are there any problems with this?”
“No, President Dresden.” Weiss responded while giving another deep bow. To her, it felt as if her heart was beating inside her throat. This was a far cry from what Aaron had spoken about. Now the real question is, has everything she has been told about The United States the truth? Or just smoke to cover something more sinister?