Chapter 20: Chapter 16 “Declaration Of War…By Who Again?”


    “Declaration Of War…By Who Again?”


July 8th, 2040: A Few Miles Outside Chlothar City Capital, The Plusieurs Kingdom


For the past few days, the royal carriage along with approximately a dozen other carriages and soldiers on horseback moved down the dirt road. Inside the royal carriage, Christina was lost in thought, staring out the carriage window at the farmland around them. 

“Is everything alright Christina?” Luna questioned.

“Hmm? Oh yes, just lost in thought that is all.” Christina replied with a smile. 

“Still thinking about those Americans?” 

“It’s just… everything about them is so mysterious! Naming your empire after your race is something the demonic region does. The United States of America… just how many states do you think it truly is?”

“Personally, from what I’ve been able to gather about them, I wouldn't say more than twelve. The most likely story is that they are the dominant power in some faraway land across The Great Ocean. However, their cover story is rather odd.” Luna leaned back into the soft red cloth seat.  

“Yes, I must agree. Saying that you have been brought here by teleportation magic is rather… well it is quite far-fetched to put it mildly. However their weapons seem so exotic to anything else, I’m inclined to believe their story.” Looking out the window again, Christina’s vision had now focused onto a gray mass that was just coming into view. “It seems we have arrived back at home.” She replied with a huff. 

“It is unfortunate that we had to cut our little adventure short because of the Queen’s summon, however I do believe it is for the--” Luna cut herself off at the same time her wolf ears shot up. 

“Hmm? What is it?” Turning her head slightly to Luna, Christina watched as Luna moved to the other side of the carriage and opened the door.

“Something in the sky behind us is coming, more than just one, I’m sure of it.” Luna paused as her ears were making micro-adjustments to pinpoint the exact location of the odd noise.


With her own curiosity spiking, Christina signaled for the driver to stop and got out the carriage. Looking back to the rear of the convoy, and to the slightly overcast sky. She soon began to hear the odd noise. Like the low rumble of a thunderstorm, although lacking the storm. It wasn’t until three black dots emerged from a distant cloud, that everyone understood where the noise was coming from.

“Is it a dragon?” Christina squinted to get a better look at the dots.

“Unlikely. No dragon or wyvern I know of can fly that fast.” Luna commented. Her curiosity quickly turned into fear as she noticed the three dots were heading towards them at an alarming rate and the low rumble soon turned into a horrific roar.  

“Princess!” Without a second thought, Luna leaped at Christina and pushed her off the road and into the grassy field. The three dots had come close enough to be clearly seen. It was no living creature, but a strange contraption made of some foreign material. Then seemingly from underneath their wings, it dropped something akin to a rod. The objects quickly darted and roared over the wall. Soon after, three distinctive explosions followed. The main contraptions flew over the wall and started to rapidly climb, their light gray color scheme reflecting against the sunlight, all the while screams from inside the city's walls echoed. Standing up Luna glanced at the three contraptions before snapping her head down to Christina who was still on the ground in shock.

“Are you alright Princess?” Luna offered a hand.

“I...I think so--wait are they coming back?” Much like a child, she pointed to the contraptions. The objects had started to circle high above the capital. They then dived again, and like the first attack, a single rod dropped from their wings. They then pulled up and out of their dive, soon after the rods disappeared behind the wall and three explosions rang through the air. 

“We need to get inside now!” Christina ordered while leaping inside the royal carriage to grab her sword. But as she left, Luna grabbed her left arm.

“I cannot allow that Princess. It seems whatever these beasts are, what they are after is inside the city, not us. We will wait here until otherwise told, understood?” Luna’s yellow pupils began to glow ever so slightly.

“B-but, all those innocent people! We need to do something!” Christina protested, failing to free herself from Luna’s iron grip.

“Princess, your safety comes first before all others.” Luna stated with a cold stare, Luna turned her attention to the noise of the three contraptions that had begun circling again. However, instead of diving again, they flew back off in the direction from which they came.


Once the noise from the contraptions had left the air, the royal convoy finally entered the city. Looking out the window, Christina and much of the populace looked on in horror as massive columns of smoke billowed from all over the capital.

“Was… was this the work of those Americans?” Christina mumbled to herself. With the very limited view of the American military, it consisted of mostly metallic objects, this would line up with that theory. 

“That would explain this sudden attack.” Luna chimed in while also making Christina jump slightly. “Oh please, my hearing is far superior than you give me credit for. Enough of that though, back onto the situation at hand, the American I spoke to back in Rudoulf did say they were from a former airbase. My guess is this is the place where they keep their own flying creatures.”

“But why would they attack us! They said we were not at war with each other!” Christina cried, the thought of being at war with the famine going on… There is no hope for victory.

“Soldiers lie Christina. The Americans we faced might have just overstretched their supply lines, causing them to demand it from us.” Luna countered, but stopped short of belittling Christina as she already looked so distraught at the thought of war. “If war is truly coming, then we must prepare ourselves.” Hearing this Christina smirked.

“You know my mother would rather watch this kingdom burn to ashes than let her house be overthrown.” Christina slouched in her seat. Biting her lower lip, Luna looked outside the carriage to see if anyone was close, seeing that it was clear she leaned in towards Christina.

“Then maybe we need to think about removing that crown from Her Majesty’s head.” Hearing this, Christina's eyes widened in shock.

“Are you talking about overthrowing my own mother? And put me on the throne? Are you insane!” Christina half whispered half yelled, only to be stopped when Luna put her hand over her mouth. 

“We will talk more about this later, right now we must prepare to meet Her Royal Majesty.” Removing her hand from Christina’s mouth, Luna leaned back and glanced out the carriage window. “American or not, they knew what they were targeting.” Luna gestured to one of the many smoke plums. “Many of these are in the direction of armories, or training areas for the army. My thinking is that they want to break our will to fight before we can muster an army of our own.”

“Giving them the initial advantage…” Christina exhaled. Watching the plumes of smoke, she thought back to the encounter at Rudoulf. Was there anything she could of done to prevent a possible war with the Americans?


Inside The Royal Palace Christina’s Personal Quarters


Twirling in front of a body-size mirror, Christina examined her iconic black dress with red stitching to match her hair perfectly. One of the very few dresses she was allowed to wear, courtesy of her mother. 

“I must say your Highness, if you continue to dance like that, all the noblemen will fall for you.” Christina’s personal maid Thyra commented from behind, a young female wolf beastmen. Scarlet red eyes and light gray--borderline white fur indicative of her far northern descent.

“Oh please Thyra, It is not like I have anything else to wear. Besides, none of the men here interest me.” Christina rolled her eyes. 

“Maybe so, but from what gossip I have heard, some of the houses are wanting to get closer to Her Royal Highness.” Thyra moved in closer to straighten out the back of Christina’s dress. “I do believe it is time for us to make our way to the throne room.” Thyra backed away allowing Christina to do a final inspection before heading towards the door. Pushing it open, she stopped halfway when she heard the distinctive noise of someone quickly shuffling their feet.

“Jesus fucking Christ.” A male voice muttered. Stepping out into the hallway, Christina and Thyra were greeted by another servant. A man dressed in a tight black robe with yellow trimming. “Oh your Majesty!” Seemingly shocked to see her, he took a step back and gave a deep bow. “My deepest apologies for getting in the way.”

“No, please, I was the one who nearly hit you in the face with a door.” Christina giggled, relieving what little tension there was. However once Thyra stepped out the man’s face lit up with shock. 

You are reading story America Stranded in a Fantasy World at

“Is something the matter?” A confused Christina asked as she shifted her gaze back and forth between the two.

“Oh no, my apologies for staring. Where I come from we don’t have many beastmen, much less ones that look like her.” The man commented. “Now if you’ll excuse me your Majesty, I am needed in the dining room urgently.” With that, the man made his escape. Leaving the duo to walk in the opposite direction towards the throne room.

“I do not believe I’ve seen him around here before, is he new?” Christina questioned.

“Yes I believe so. Though I must admit, for a servant he carries himself quite differently than most…” Thyra replied while staring at the man as he conducted a brisk walk.

Oh? Finally find someone you fancy, hmm?” Christina jabbed.

“No! No no no… It is nothing like that!” Thyra proclaimed whilst trying to shield her face.

“Now now Thyra. If there is anything I’ve learned from Luna, your races are always attracted to the strong and mysterious types! But that conversation can wait till later, we need to hurry.” With that, Christina and Thyra put aside their gossip and began walking towards the throne room.



As the two walked down the grand halls, it became clear that something urgent was taking place. Court advisors and other low ranking nobles were running around seemingly in a panic, no doubt to the recent attack but this seemed a bit extreme even for that.

“Say, Thyra, what have you heard about a new race of people calling themselves Americans?” Christina asked.

“Not a whole lot I’m afraid. All I know is they have strange attire, weapons, contraptions, and are impossible to break.” 

“What do you mean by that?” 

Duke Maurice de Craon has captured some American soldiers. Reportedly, little to no information could be extracted from them, with most just yelling profanities and singing songs from their homeland. Even the Duke had to express surprise at their resilience even though they were all pure humans.”

“Sounds too much like the clergy and knights from The Autoriario Empire. I wonder if we have just simply come across one of their puppet kingdoms they had hidden in the far east.” Christina's mind wandered to the darker thought about the outcome of such a war.


Being lost in thought, Christina didn't realize they had reached the massive double doors to the throne room; the unique sound of singing from inside made her focus. Christina signaled the royal guards on each side to open the doors. Before even taking a single step, Christina was greeted with the sight of dozens of nobles, from all ranks across the kingdom. At the center, a giant purple gem was playing a recording of American voices from inside a dungeon, and just behind that The Queen herself; Queen Stéphane de Châtillon sat atop her throne, with the King's throne empty.

“Glory, Glory, hallelujah!

 Glory, Glory, hallelujah!

 Glory, Glory, hallelujah!

 His truth is marching On!” 

“Your Royal Majesty, it seems to me and many here that these Americans are nothing but religious zealots! I don’t doubt for a moment that they are in bed with The Autoriario Empire!” One noble commented with many returning a “Hear, hear!” However, they were quickly silenced when an older, but muscular man, stepped forward from the throne. Duke Maurice de Craon.

“I would not be so hasty as to label them with such disgrace, Marquis Gilles du Bois.” Duke Maurice held out his right hand towards the purple crystal, causing it to fast forward to another point where the Americans started to sing again inside their cells.

“We will welcome to our numbers

The loyal, true and brave,

Shouting the Battle Cry of Freedom

And altho' they may be poor

Not a man shall be a slave,

Shouting the Battle Cry of Freedom!


The Union forever!

Hurrah boys hurrah!

Down with the traitor, and up with the star,

While we rally round the flag, boys

Rally once again

Shouting the Battle Cry of Freedom!" 


Hearing the Americans sing, much of the room fell silent, save for a few whispers. 

“From what I’ve been told and currently hear from these Americans. They come from a land far across The Great Ocean. A land where slavery is all but a word used in songs about fighting for freedom and liberty, a term that I do not yet understand. Along with this, the usage of the word “Union” many a times from the Americans says much about their culture and way of life. No doubt the empire they hail from is made up of a single race.” Duke Marquis then turned to The Queen. “Your Royal Highness, it seems to me that these Americans are a far greater threat to us than anything The Ruppriecht Kingdom or The Autoriario Empire could bring to bare.” Before anyone could respond to the Duke, Christina made her presence known.

“The Americans do not hail from an empire!” Christina shouted across the hall, gaining the attention of everyone. “Their home is in the land of North America, and their union is called The United States of America. Just how many States is still unclear at this moment in time. However, I believe it is in the best interest of the kingdom that we seek to communicate with their ruler.” Walking forward with the sea of nobles parting. “I was given the chance to see their wonders up close when they demanded supplies from Rudoulf. The leader of this army, a man by the title and name Lieutenant Colonel Richard of the American Armed Forces, the former commander of an airbase apparently once built in a region similar to ours. However, according to their take on events, a large-scale teleportation event happened and this base didn’t make it.” 

“Hmm, this would explain why the Région de Terre Noire has been so chaotic lately. By the reports of local barons, a large structure seemingly appeared one day. They sent a local garrison of the neighboring castles to investigate and claim it.” Duke Marquis let out a heavy sigh. “Out of the eight-thousand, only three-hundred returned. With all of them telling stories about how the archdemons from the far north have come to feed upon us pure-bloods.” Hearing the staggering losses, whispers began once again but were quickly silenced when the Queen made a slight hand gesture.

“Whoever these…beings are. I want them gone from my lands. Duke Maurice de Craon, I leave you to call upon our lords and raise our armies. My kingdom shall not fall to simple-minded children who do not respect the social order.” The Queen glanced at Christina while stating the last sentence, a clear move for power. But to her credit, the princess didn’t buckle.

“Your Royal Majesty, I must advise against war. With the famine raging across our kingdom and with the Americans already mobilized, we are already at a steep disadvantage. I believe we--” 

“I’ve heard enough of your rambling!” The Queen barked. Standing up from her throne she looked over at Duke Maurice. “Do not fail me.” Hearing this, the Duke got down on one knee and lowered his head. 

“I shall give my blood and my life if it means victory for your house, your Royal Highness.”