Chapter 8: Endless

"What you all just witnessed was the first basic skill of mana, sorbeo. I opened his mana nodes and all of that pent-up mana was released and he absorbed it and formed a core. What you all need to understand is that this won't be nearly as easy for the rest of you," Alton said.

Alton watched the class's gazes of awe turn into confusion. It was clear to them that Vulen was not only the weakest in the class but also a commoner. How could he be better than them? Ramiel, a handsome blonde-haired boy, raised his hand immediately after hearing the revelation.

" Yes, Ramiel."

" Can you explain how commoner filth can do something the rest of us can't? Are you telling me the royal angel blood running through my veins is inferior to this weird elf?

Vulen almost snapped back at Ramiel but Alton firmly placed his hands on his shoulders. Almost to say, ' Calm down.' Vulen simply eyed Ramiel. He could tell by his luscious golden locks, built tall body, and sharp features that Ramiel was very arrogant. No man with that amount of handsomeness could be the opposite.

" Vulen, how long have you been practicing that breathing technique?" Alton asked. Though he was only questioning Vulen to prove a point, he was also curious as to why a one-core mana user was so adept at mana cultivation. Vulen's first core was abnormally large compared to the known, 'big' cores. He couldn't tell if he was a prodigy or lucky.

" My friend taught me at the age of six, so it's been twelve years since I started practicing every day."

Though Alton's face remained stern and unfazed, he was surprised at Vulen's work ethic. The class couldn't help but be surprised. Vulen had a twelve-year headstart compared to them! Eighteen is essentially the age of consent for being taught mana as the body matures, but that's not something that's set in stone.

" As you heard, he's been practicing the mana breathing technique for twelve years. He could probably teach this course. His form and breathing were perfect, even with a broken arm. Who would've thought, the most frail-looking student here would be the strongest." Alton broke his serious character and let out a laugh while patting Vulen's shoulders to congratulate him.

" Don't get too discouraged. With the resources the majority of you have, you guys should catch him fairly quickly. With all of that training, he is only a one-core mana user, but that one core may be the biggest I've ever seen." Alton gestured for Vulen to go back to his seat. On his way there, he saw Ramiel looking at him in disgust, but Vulen knew it was out of jealousy, so he paid it no mine.

" Absorbing mana for the rest of you would be rather difficult, but I'm sure your family is going to supply you with the best mana sensitivity pills. Still, it won't be possible for you all to replicate his result. His core was as thirsty as a strung-out vampire. Now, we are going to practice sorbeo. Vulen, since you've mastered sorbeo, I'll teach you contineo. This will be your most difficult task due to creating a core so large. Usually, we develop mana cores and veins at the same time, but you were never taught how to spread mana through the mana veins."

Ramiel's eyes squinted as he clenched his teeth in anger. He was already angry at the commoner elf who threatened him, but now the elf was ahead of him and was going to get even further away.

" How is that fair for the rest of the class?" Ramien snapped back." Teaching him other techniques will put him far ahead of us!"

Alton faced the remaining stern with his hands behind his back as he turned to Ramiel.

" This school isn't based on fairness. Life isn't fair. Is he supposed to wait weeks for you all to catch up with him?" Alton released a cold aura directed at Ramiel, who felt a spine-chilling disappear.

" N- no.. I apologize for speaking out of turn," Ramiel said. He couldn't stop his body from shaking in fear.

You are reading story The Elf Born Under The Red Moon at

" I accept your apology. Please don't question my teaching." Alton released his aura and turned back to Vulen who looked at him with wide eyes.

" What was that?" Vulen said.

" What I just did was use my aura. Mana is fuel to use aura. You can manifest aura when you make the mana in your body completely yours, but you have to have basic knowledge of all the basic mana manipulation techniques besides, Unicas Scientia. Aura is the ability mana grants and aura can be used for many things that we'll get into later on. For now, focus on contineo. I'll give you the manual while I teach the class more hands-on."

With one leap, Alton jumped from the first row to the podium. He fiddled around with some of the papers before finding the contineo manual and leaping back to Vulen with ease.

" Read this carefully and if the pain becomes unbearable, stop. " Vulen could sense the seriousness in his tone.

" Let me take a look at your mana veins." Alton placed his hand on Vulen's shoulders and closed his eyes. Alton's face frowned immediately! The number of mana veins in someone's body determined how strong they were going to be in conjunction with their mana core(s). The amount varied from person to person and even race. Races such as beast-kin, orcs, and goblins had fewer mana veins compared to other races while elves, angels, demons, and dwarfs had more. Purebred human's amount of veins varied greatly The number of veins spanned from a few hundred to a few thousand. Veins can be created, but the process was painful and long so people only focused on making their existing veins stronger.

Alton was a six-core mana user with less than nine hundred veins. He would never reach his full potential as a mana user with such an imbalance. How could regular-sized six cores supply almost nine hundred veins? But when he looked inside Vulen's body, he couldn't see an end to the green veins inside him! He couldn't even give an estimate. 

Questions shot through his mind. Where did this boy come from? Who are his parents? What is his origin? He'd read many bodies before. Even those of the strongest in Aflair, but he'd never seen a case like this.

" Is everything fine Mr. Alton? You've been gripping my shoulder very tightly for a while." Alton opened his eyes, seeing Vulen's poker face which he saw through.

" My apologies Vulen.Alton let out an awkward cough.” Remember what I said. if the pain becomes too much, stop. Your veins are thin and weak. It won't be easy to send mana through them.

' Weak.' The sound of that word made Vulen's blood boil. He couldn't be weak or he would shame his tribe. Being weak to him was a worse fate than death!

" I can handle it. Pain is nothing to me," Vulen said confidently, but Alton was concerned. He could tell the boy's pride was going to hinder his potential. Instead of arguing back and forth, he walked away to help the other students. He figured Vulen would learn on his own.

Vulen looked down at the manual which depicted how to keep and control the mana in his body.

Alton whispered in a student's ear, "Go get one of the nurses."