Chapter 9: Friends

Vulen closed his eyes to see inside himself. What he saw was his aetherial body where his mana veins and consciousness were. His face frowned at the sheer amount of veins. The majority of the green veins were large, spanning across his entire body, while others were smaller, branching off to form new veins. The mana veins were connected to his core like a tree to its roots, to his newly formed core in the center of his body. Confusion overtook his thoughts.

‘ Is this what mana veins are supposed to look like?’

Though Alton was helping other students, his eyes constantly watched Vulen. As if reading his mind, Alton slowly approached the meditating Vulen and whispered, “ Don’t make a scene.” Sensing Alton’s voice, Vulen didn't move and continued meditating.

“ If you’re wondering if the amount of veins you have is normal, it is not. You have the most I’ve ever seen which means your journey for power will be the most difficult thing you’ll ever do in your life. This can be a blessing in disguise or a curse. Your potential may be unlimited or you can reach your full potential. Your unique constitution will send an uproar through Aflair.” Alton gave him a friendly pat on the shoulder before helping the other students

‘ Even when I have a chance to obtain power, I’m still different from everyone else.’ Vulen could barely hold back his tears. Even with the possibility of becoming stronger than everyone else, the thoughts of being outcast by everyone again brought up emotions he wished to bury, but he felt a pair of hands on his shoulders, spreading warmth in his sad world.

Vulen's eyes slowly opened. His head looked up at the appearance of a smiling Edward. Vulen felt something he’d never felt before. It was similar to what he felt for Elnora but different.

“ Cheer up dude. No matter the circumstances, you have a chance to obtain power. You’re at least guaranteed a good job. Smile man, you’re ruining my mood,” Edward said with a smile. The class erupted in whispers.

‘ Why is Edward so close to a commoner?

“ I would dare touch such filth.”

Vulen looked around his classmates. He could see his old tribemates in them. 

“ I bathed Edward. I-'m not dirty!”

The room turned silent. Vulen couldn't look back at those staring at him so he just stared at his desk, slightly shaking as his thoughts ran wild.

‘ Nothing’s changed.’

“ Look Vulen, This is just how most royals are. I don't abide by such bullshit rules. If I wanna be friends with someone considered lower than me, I’ll do it. Don’t let their words hurt you. Make them respect you with your power.

Vulen could feel ‘ Power’  echoing in his mind. Power, respect, women, and wealth is what he wanted. All the things he watched others have, he wanted it all. No one could disparage him if he could obtain ultimate strength. His resolve became stronger as he slowly tuned out the vile words his peers hurled at him.

“ Edward, are we friends?” Though the tone of his voice seemed innocent, his eyes seemed dangerous in front of Edward. Still, Edward admired his fellow warrior. The confidence and pride Vulen displayed in his speech had moved him.

“ Of course we’re friends. I’m friends with a lot of people. You seem like a good person anyway. I wouldn't mind hanging out with you,” Edward said with his hand awkwardly scratching his head. Vulen studied Edward’s smile, searching for the slightest bit of hesitance before he determined it was genuine. Reading body language was something he had to develop. His tribe mates stole his food under the guise of trading or acted friendly with him just to jump him with others.

“ Alright. I’ll spare you then.” Vulen closed his eyes to continue his meditation with a smile. ‘ My second friend.’  Edward looked at him confused.

“ What do you mean by 'spared Vulen?” It was already the second time Vulen had threatened a royal. He couldn't let Vulen's naivety be the cause of his death.

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“ I will trample over any and everyone on my quest for power, but I won't trample over you or Tanyl. The only friends I’ve ever had.”

Edward felt pity for Vulen but was happy that he at least brought him joy. Vulen continued studying his aetherial body and finally decided to push mana into the veins.

‘ I’ll start with the smallest one first. It should be more efficient than trying to fill the larger ones.’

The classroom door opened and an older man with short wavy hair and glasses walked through the door, greeting Alton who pointed toward Vulen.

“ That boy is really stubborn. Can you believe he thinks he can bear the pain of destroying his mana veins over and over again with a large core Byron?” 

“ You have another prideful one eh? Don't worry. I’ll take care of him.”

Vulen tried to control the rampaging energy inside his core. 

‘ This feeling is so weird. My physical body isn't hungry, but this one feels like it's starving.’

Vulen began to guide the violate energy toward the shortest mana veins, but as soon as the mana got close, other veins began to absorb the mana.

“ Looks like he’s having a hard time controlling his mana. I wonder how long it's going to take before he starts puking blood,” Byron said while gently wiping Vulen sweaty face.

Vulen’s grunts became louder. Mana veins in his body began to pop, rip and stretch.

'It feels like my body is tearing!'

Every time he thought to scream or ask for help was shut down immediately. He couldn't be weak in front of these people. His grunt became a mild scream as his body shook uncontrollably.

“ There’s the blood! My god, he held out far longer than most people I see. It seems like this class has potential. Doesn't it Alton?”

“ You wouldn't know the half, Byron.”

Vulen began to bleed from his eyes, ears, and nose. The class watched in horror as Vulen screamed out in pain.

“ Somebody help me!”

Vulen heard a kind voice in his Aetherial consciousness, “It's okay Vulen. Breathe in and out. Listen to my voice. When I count to three, go to sleep. 1…2…3”