Chapter 49: Chapter 048 Weird names are just in fashion

Chapter 048

As Alex was fighting off the drones and protecting civilians, Tony and Rhodey were in an intense fight with Ivan Wanko who was now in his upgraded Whiplash armour.

Tony has already gained control of Rhodey's armour back and now, he was helping him fight back against Ivan.

Around them, sliced up parts of drones were scattered around. Tony had used his lasers at them and that was more than enough for the drones.

But before they could take a breath, Ivan appeared and now, they were both in an intense situation.

Currently, Ivan has wrapped his now upgraded whips around the throat of Rhodey and Tony's, slowly tightening it in order to break their necks.

The situation was getting more and more dire as both of them struggled against Ivan.

At that moment, Tony suddenly has an idea.

"Rhodes. I got an idea. You want to be a hero?" He asked as he looked at his best friend.


"I could really use a sidekick. Put your hand up."

"This is your idea?" Rhodey asked, realising what Tony wanted to do. Although it was a crazy plan, it was their only chance to win.


"I'm ready. I'm ready. Go, go, go!"

"Take it!"

Tony shouted and fired his repulsor ray. Rhodey did the same and both of their attacks met in the middle, triggering an explosion.

Unfortunately for Ivan, he was in the middle of it and had no time to truly react to it.

Tony and Rhodey were also thrown back due to the explosion, but they were safe unlike Ivan whose suit was mostly destroyed and he was unable to move.

"Ah, that was quite a punch!" Tony said, recovering from the shockwave and getting back on their feet.

With Rhodey beside him, they walked up to Ivan. He took a look at his suit and frowned, noticing that it was beyond repair.

More like completely destroyed.

Even if Ivan survived the impact, his body won't be in a good shape, possibly damaged for life. As they walked up to him, his mask flipped up, revealing his face.

"You lose!" Ivan said, hatred in his voice.

"Are you going crazy because of the explosion? I don't think you realise what type of situation you are in."

Tony said, but Ivan just smirked.

"It's you who don't realise what sort of situation you are in."

Saying that, he turned off the self destruct bombs and his arc reactor beeped red along with all the other drones in the vicinity.

"All these drones are rigged to blow. We gotta get out of here man" Rhodey said, realising what sort of trouble they were in.

"Pepper would still be there."

Tony muttered alarmingly as he thought about all the drones littered across the expo. Jarvis had earlier informed him that some people were fighting the drones but he didn't bother about them.

For him, Pepper's life was more important.

"Rhodey, pick up anyone you see there. I will go for Pepper."


They quickly flew to the sky, directing all their powers in the thrusters, hoping that everyone would have already left the expo.

* * *

"This will be the final drone."

You are reading story Marvel: A New Avenger at

Alex muttered, removing his dagger from the drone's head. Looking around, parts of destroyed drones were littered everywhere.

Thankfully, they had managed to save a lot of lives today. Although, some people have still died.

"Looks like the job is over."

Matt said, walking up to him. His baton was still in his hands and he seemed to have gotten quite a few injuries, especially on his arm.

Peter has already left after ensuring that every civilian has left, probably because he was worried about Gwen. Alex didn't mind that and just decided to talk to him as Lycan later.

"Are you okay?" He asked, looking at Matt.

"It's fine. A bullet just grazed me. I will be fine after some first aid. What about you? Any injuries?"

"Nah, my wolf protected me."

Matt nodded his head and took another look at their surroundings. What had happened there would surely stay in people's minds for a long time.

He will be in the limelight too. Not something Matt liked but it was inevitable.

As he was thinking that, there was suddenly an explosion.

Both Alex and Matt turned their heads to the direction of the sound as realisation suddenly dawned on Alex.

'That explosion… The drones are gonna self-destruct!'

Like he had thought, the drones suddenly started beeping. He yelled, feeling a sense of danger.

"Matt, we need to get out of here now!"


"The drones are gonna self-destruct."

Saying that, both of them ran towards the exit. But Alex knew they wouldn't be fast enough. Hammer drones were everywhere inside the expo and they will explode in the next few seconds.

There was not enough time to run.

But at that moment, he suddenly saw Tony and Rhodey flying through at full speed. Tony didn't look at them and just flew ahead, wanting to get Pepper out of harm's way.

But Rhodey came towards them and said, "Grab my arms quickly! This place is gonna blow up!"

Alex and Matt shared a look before grabbing each of War Machine's arms before he took off in the sky, leaving behind explosions that had started all over the expo.

'It kind of looks pretty.'

Alex thought as he looked down at the explosions happening all over on the ground. From their height, they looked pretty to Alex.

Even if in reality, millions of dollars were just getting burned.

'Tony is more than rich enough to deal with all this.'

He thought as Rhodey took him and Matt to a safe spot, landing slowly.

"That was one hell of an experience." Matt muttered after he separated from Rhodey.

"I had the same reaction when I first got a flight test." Rhodey flipped up his helmet. "What are you two's name?"



"Weird names. Did they come with the mask and the suit?" He asked, chuckling.

"Kinda. I think weird names and suits are just in fashion."

Alex answered, happy to meet a future avenger for the first time.