Chapter 049
"It is my honour to be here today to present these distinguished awards to Lieutenant Colonel James Rhodes and Mr. Tony Stark, who is, of course, a national treasure…"
On the TV, Alex was watching the honour ceremony of Tony Stark and James Rhodes after the battle of Stark expo.
For protecting the civilians, both of them were being bestowed with the Medal of bravery.
Even the appearance of him, Matt and Peter protecting the civilians was discussed a lot, but as their identities are unknown, the government decided not to honour them.
It didn't mean that the government wasn't wary of vigilantes. They just didn't know what to do with them at this point.
Alex didn't really care about a medal. Even though it would be nice to receive one, he can't risk his identity over it.
For him, the popularity of vigilantes among the public was enough.
They had come to have a positive opinion about vigilantes after what transpired in Harlem and Stark expo.
Some people were still against them, but most appreciated them. Alex had even heard that some online fanclubs had shown up.
"Thank you Lieutenant Colonel, for such an exceptionally distinguished performance. You deserve this."
"Thank you, sir."
Alex smiled when he saw Senator Stern pin a medal on Rhodey's chest.
He had saved Alex and Matt at the expo that night and although their meeting was short, he was still thankful.
Alex had immediately ran home after his meeting with Rhodey that night due to several missed calls from his parents.
They were really worried about him due to the drone attack.
On the other hand, Matt had to leave due to his injuries, so both of them left soon. Though, Alex was sure Tony was gonna look into him, Peter and Matt later.
Either to say thanks or just because of curiosity. Probably the latter.
'Not only Tony would be curious.'
Alex thought as he saw Senator Stern pin the medal on Tony's chest and mutter something to him. Although he was trying to smile, the annoyed expression on his face was for everyone to see.
Public opinion of Senator Stern was just of a shrewd politician who publicly cursed Tony Stark, but Alex knew of his hidden identity.
Like many of the government and Shield members, Senator Stern was also a member of Hydra, which was thought to be destroyed.
It won't be until Winter soldier events that Stern will be arrested and Hydra will continue for a long time even after that.
They were too much of a tough nut to crack and were true to their famous saying, 'Cut off a limb and two more shall take its place.' Something like that.
'Umm, Hydra will be one of the main enemies until at least the events of Age of Ultron.'
Alex thought and frowned, thinking about it.
Even before Hydra, he had a lot to worry about – Kingpin, Loki, Lizard and maybe even Goblin if Norman Osborn started loving pumpkin too much.
Thinking of all this, he turned off the TV and went to his room.
As soon as he entered his room, his wolf suddenly stirred inside of him, like it was sensing something unusual.
Closing the door, he casually sat down on a chair but his wolf just stirred more and more inside of him. Finally, after a moment, something sharp shined in front of him.
"Ah, nice."
You are reading story Marvel: A New Avenger at
He said as he caught the knife just before it could touch his shoulder.
'So, I finally did enough for them to knock on my door. More like, sneak in.'
"Come out. Whoever is there, I won't ask a second time."
He said and out of nowhere, someone walked into the light. A black man with characteristics really easy to identify – A bald head and an eye patch.
He was Nick Fury, the best spy on the planet and head of Shield.
"Great reflexes you have." He said, walking towards him.
"Who are you? And how did you come in?"
"My name's Nick Fury, Director of Shield."
"What's that? An organisation of bald thieves?" Alex asked, trying to not show any expression on his face.
"The organisation that protects people from stuff that only appears in fiction and movies." Fury smiled.
"So, you are a spy. But what are you doing here? I don't think I'm someone who should garner your attention, Mr. Director."
"You certainly do. What should I call you? Alex Krown or Lycan?"
Fury asked and for a second, his expression shook. Although he knew that Fury won't come here without knowing possibly everything about him, it still made him frown seeing someone knowing his identity.
"Lycan? I don't know what you're talking about."
"Are you still going to say that after catching that knife which a normal person would not have been able to see?"
"I just do martial arts."
Alex tried to feign ignorance but Fury shook his head.
"I know. Chikara dojo but you haven't been going there for a while now. Been too busy with your vigilante activities."
"Again. I don't know what you're talking about."
"Then, let me go talk to your mom. Heard she's pretty overprotective about you. I wonder what she will say about your nightly activities."
He said, taking out a few photos of Alex roaming the streets at nights. One was even of him sneaking out of his room through the window.
'Going the parents' way, huh.'
Alex frowned inwardly as Fury smirked at him.
"Stop. What do you want with me, Fury?"
"Now, you are listening."
"You don't really give me a choice here." Alex sighed but didn't mind it too much. He knew sooner or later, he would have to deal with Shield. Even if Shield was hiding Hydra under it.
It was just the right way to go if he wanted to be a part of the first Avengers events.
"I just wanted to talk to you, kid. You have talents, powers that no one ever saw before and a sense of responsibility. That's more than enough to work for me."
He said, taking out a document and handing it to him.
"I'm here to talk to you about the Avengers Initiative."
* * *
Up to 15 advanced chapters are available on Pat reon if you don't want to wait for the next update https://www.pat
Editors: Cyeven and Leo