Robin inhaled deeply, the spring air around him sweet and tasting like freedom. The forest was a green smudge in the background, through the foothills he was steadily climbing still sported the odd clump of evergreens.
The Keep was a looming presence ahead of him. Robin was using it together with the landmarks he had scried out from the tower to navigate to the last place he had found the Sisters Sharp making camp. If he was lucky, they’d still be there; if not, he could hopefully follow their tracks to wherever they were now.
Robin bounded forward, making good time, the rocky hills beneath him no problem for his current form. His latest level up had brought with it the chance to finally get his hands on [Mask of Myriad Faces]. He was currently bounding up the hills on the legs of a satyr. The hooves were great on the terrain and worlds better than the makeshift sandals he had been wearing.
Even better, he looked exactly as he wished to, thanks to his [Mask of Disguise]. Should anyone out here spot him, they wouldn’t see the goat legs he was using. He looked as he normally did (though he’d kept the red hair) and he’d given himself the illusion of some nice clothes. He was sporting a dashing pair of knee-high pirate boots and black trousers, covered with the latest version of the three-quarter, fantastical trenchcoat he’d been working on ever since he found the mask in the tunnels. It was currently black with brilliant blue accents.
As soon as he was free of the forest, he’d received a quest notification.
Quest Complete! [Freedom, Freedom, Freedom!]
You have won your freedom thrice over, from cage, from the snares set for your heart and mind, and from the enchanted forest itself. You’ve defeated a triple-threat and that deserves a tripled prize!
Reward: Lumberjack, Clothier, and Spellbreaker professions unlocked. All experience rewards relating to this quest will now be tripled, retroactively. Hold on to your butts, this is going to be a ride!
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