Meanwhile, back in Wyndham Wood…
‘Wait!’ Cherry held up a hand. ‘Where did the delicious little morsel go?’
Eli paused, mid-rant, and glanced around him. Robin was nowhere to be seen. The priest was alone with the dryad.
What? Eli’s hand reflexively tightened on the end of the charm he was gripping as if his life depended on it. The string, already strung quite tight, was no match for this added pressure and snapped. A cascade of twigs burst from Eli’s hand, among them a small flutter of something white.
The while clearing froze in surprise.
Eli snatched up the slip of parchment amongst the twigs. There was writing on it. It was a note! One eye still on Cherry, he quickly scanned the words.
If you’re reading this then you’ve discovered this charm is a fake. Unlike the one I gave you. Guess you should have trusted me! Better luck next time. Oh, and give my love to Cherry, would you?
Yours in Pwnage,
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