Now that Sora had quenched his thirst he decided it was time for a nice hot shower and a change of clothes. After he was finished drying off he used his shadow gate to materialize a luscious grey robe for himself to relax in.
As he pondered about the best course of securing his transfer to Kuoh academy under his new name as a 2nd year foreign exchange student, he remembered the prism the system chair had given him.
He opened his gate again and pulled out the black little pyramid. It was an black sleek prism with red veins running down its sides that seemed to pulse with power. Sora didn't really know what to do with it but the chair had been pretty clear that it was going to be important.
He tried activating it through voice command, and when that didn't work he tried opening the top like a water bottle. Then when that didn't work he tried to pour energy into it, but still it just sat there.
"Is that stupid chair fucking with me again?" He wondered aloud with an annoyed voice. "How am I to turn this useless thing on huh?"
Sora spent another 5 min fucking around when finally he became fed up and smashed his hand down on it. His palm nicked one of the sharp edges and he bleed a few drops of blood onto the side.
Suddenly the prism started to shine and pulsate like a heartbeat. It levitated off of the floor and glowed brighter and brighter. Finally with a wave of energy that sat Sora onto his ass the prism opened. After the blinding light had subsided Sora opened his eyes to see a young woman floating in the middle of his room. Sora was stunned and his mouth hung open at the appearance of this new girl.
"Um, who are you?" Asked Sora with a still shocked expression.
The girl just looked down at him from the ceiling. She wore a plain white dress that reached down to her feet and was slit up to her thighs. She had the appearance of a 15 year old with a fair complexion. Her eyes were red and slit like a cat's and her hair was long and golden blonde which swayed as if she were submerged underwater. The thing that struck him the most though were her cold eyes and her emotionless face.
"Um" as Sora was getting ready to ask again the strange girl finally spoke.
"Is thou my new master?" She asked in a bell-like voice.
"What?" he answered confused.
"It was thee who has summoned me to this lower world, so I shall ask again is thy my new master?"
"Ye, Yes," he stuttered.
"Very well then let our pact be sealed." she said as she floated down to him pressing her hand against his chest.
A huge red light shone throughout the room and could be seen by civilians on the streets below. When the glowing ceased Sora found himself yet again on his hands and knees wincing in pain. His body was burning hot with steam coming off of him. As he reached and pulled his robe apart where the girl had touched him, he found a strange arcane symbol with runes almost like a tattoo on his left peck.
"What the fuck is this?" He coughed angrily and confused.
"It is the proof of our bond." She responded.
"What bond? What the hell are you talking about, Miss ghost?" He shouted
"Oh my" she responded, holding her hand to her forehead. "I had no idea my new master would be such a simpleton."
"Well how about you explain then instead of just insulting me." He retorted, getting more and more irritated by the ghost girl's attitude.
"Very well my new dumb master." She said as she floated down until she was eye level with him. "Thou has carried me down from the higher realm and brought me here. Thous blood unbound my seal and set me free forming a chain between me and thy and now I must remain by thou’s side and fulfill my purpose to thy."
"And what purpose is that exactly?" He asked, still confused.
"To follow thy on thou’s journey, to support thee with all of my being, and to punish thee should you break the taboo." she said flatly
"OK so you're like my tutorial or support system then?"
"Indeed that is not an incorrect analysis, Im glad my master isn't as dumb as he looks." She said with an emotionless voice. "Although thou may think of me as thou's babysitter as well."
"Thanks, I guess." He responded annoyed by the ghost girl's cheeky attitude and snide remarks. "So what are some of your functions you keep talking about?"
"Right to the chase eh? Very well my model allows me to function as a complete support system for thy. I'm capable of managing thous funds or ease thous burden on converting to the new world.``
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"Wait, are you saying you can create authenticated documents and handle all of the linguistics I might require?"
"Correct and much more." She responded
"What about any combat capabilities?"
"I'm not really designated for direct combat unfortunately, though I do have thousands of demo's and modules for combat training, magic or otherwise."
"So can you help me train and master my new abilities?"
"Yes," She flatly responded.
"Good" He said exhaling he was worried he was gonna have to figure out how to master his new powers on his own. "At least this will cut down on the training window." He thought.
"So can anyone else see you or only me?" He asked.
"Only the master will be able to perceive my presence; none will be able to either see me or hear me."
"Well that's good to know." He said looking down at the young girl in her revealing white dress. He was distressed over all the implications of having such a young looking girl, wearing such a provocative outfit following him around and referring to him as master.
The girl seemed completely oblivious to Sora's relief of her invisibility.
"By the way do you have a name I can call you by?" He asked
"No I don't but feel free to bestow one upon me, master."
"Um, OK" Sora then sat on his bed and began to think of a good name. She was a girl and she wasn't and he didn't feel good about referring to her as you forever. After thinking for some time he came up with one.
"Since you said you are Enma's spawn your name will be Ea." The girl gave him a surprised look in response to her new name.
"Ea huh, um I think I like it." she said her emotionless face changed ever so slightly. "Thank you master."
"Dont worry about it." He said smiling "Also cut it out with the whole master thing you can call me Sora alright."
"Alright Sora." She responded.
"Also enough with the early English please speak with a more modern vocabulary alright." He said dreading the idea of having to listen to such an annoying voice that reminded him of a Shakespeare play.
"Alright all try my best." She conceded.
"I have high expectations for you Ea, I'm gonna be counting on you." He said smiling.
"Yes, leave it to me Sora you can count on me." She responded.
"Well I think that's enough excitement for one night, let's go to sleep, we have a big day tomorrow and i'll need your help."
"What will you need me to do Sora?" She asked expressionless.
"Tomorrow we're going house hunting." He said with a grin as he prepared to turn in for the night