Chapter 11: Chapter 6


 Akudou ch 6


Naruto woke up early in the morning and sneaked out of his apartment. He leaves towards the Uchiha compound and from there straight towards the woods. He explores the woods to find a small and hard to notice space that he can turn into his hideout. With his [creation], like his mother he can make a small space bigger and morph it to his will. It requires a lot of chakra to maintain, but he can just fill the core with his chakra when he's free.


After searching for a while he found a well hidden natural cave that had formed on a rock cliff, below it is the Naka river with it's strong current, the entrance is only around 30cm tall and 1m wide but it's not a problem for him. 


Naruto turned into a fox and jumped in, finding the inside is a house sized rock cave. The ceiling is about 6 meter tall and the narrower part is about 9 to 10 meter wide. The floor is filled with dirt with a pond a little to the side. Naruto decided to turn this place into his hideout and was about to apply [creation] but was stopped by Kurama.


"Naruto, before you put the [creation] explore the inside first, find another opening if possible"(Kurama)




"The opening is good and hidden, but if the dirt managed to get inside because of flood then we need a way to seal it in emergency"(Kurama)


"You learned how to transform your chakra already, so you can seal it with earth technique if needed"(Kurama)


"Then why are we searching for another exit?"(Naruto)


"Well that is because if the flood did come and we have to seal the entrance, we wouldn't know when the flood will stop, if we open it and there is still flood we might drown"(Kurama)


"Ooh! yeah didn't think of that"(Naruto) 


Naruto laughed shyly before he went to search for another exit from the cave. Unfortunately he couldn't find one, so he might need to dig a new opening.


"Naruto, why don't we try something"(Kurama)


Naruto's fox ear perks up hearing Kurama's word


"What is it?"(Naruto)


"Your father, as I have told you, was known for his hiraishin. Though I don't know how to do that and I doubt the current you could learn it, I heard that it was made using the summoning technique as a base, so-"(Kurama)


"So we make our own hiraishin!?"(Naruto)


Naruto shouted excitedly.


"Fufu~ I guess you could say that"(Kurama)


"So! so! What should I do!? What should I do!?"(Naruto)


"Summoning techniques need blood contract and chakra to activate it. We can use the [creation] core for the chakra fuel, but we need something to put the blood contract on"(Kurama)


"Why don't we mimic your father and use something like a kunai to draw the seal on?"(Kurama)


Naruto took out a throwing knife, the type made with metal sheet so it has a large flat surface he can use to draw the seal. He follows Kurama's instructions, using his chakra infused claw to carve the seal before using his blood as ink to fill the carving. After that he started creating the core with the throwing knife inside of it, linking the chakra to the seal.


Unlike his mother he needs a long time to finish the core, his chakra control is still not on par with his mother. But now that it's done, as long as he can connect his chakra to the core using his sage technique he can teleport here any time. Or he can make the foxes into his summoning animal so they can come back here to activate the seal when he unsummon them, so he needs blood contract from each fox later.


It is complicated, but it's the best they can do at this stage. He can try and learn hiraishin, or try to recreate it himself when he's older.


It takes him until sunset to finally finish expanding the place before walking back home. He is still transformed as Niko, he has been switching places with Niko while he sneaks out and only turns back when he searches that cliff for a hiding place. When he got home, Niko greeted him while still looking like Naruto, the other foxes were still not home, searching for information on the Tsunade and Kurama clan.


They're just exploring the village while hearing rumors from villagers for now though, it's not an urgent matter so there is no reason to rush. And it's also good to have people to get used to the foxes walking around.


When the two foxes are back they told Naruto that as expected, they couldn't get any significant information, though Ichigo did find some kids talking about wanting to be like Tsunade and that Tsunade has not been in the village for a long time.


Naruto since then alternates his days between fixing the hideout, hunting, and playing with Hinata.


He learned that Hinata often trains her taijutsu so he decided to join her in her backyard. She was a sweet girl who didn't like to hurt others so she was reluctant to spar with him. So Naruto told her to think of it as a game, the same with how he has been doing with the foxes. Thinking of the spar like a game of tag instead of fighting, thanks to that, Hinata becomes more confident because she doesn't have to think of hurting him.


That's how he met with Kurenai, Hinata's guardian. At first she doesn't trust him, though she doesn't show it. But after slowly getting to know him, her distrust started to fade and she started to give them lectures on how to capture someone in their game of tag.


At one point he met with Kurenai's boyfriend, though they wouldn't admit it, Asuma, the hokage's son. That is not surprising, but what surprised Naruto was that his mother told him that Asuma had Tengu's blessing. That means he is one of Tengu's monks, a possible ally depending on who's side he's on. So Naruto decided to keep a watch on him whenever he can before deciding if he can be trusted.






Now it is quite a routine for Ichigo and Sango to explore the village and for Niko to play in the woods, so the anbu has started to lower their guard around them. And every time he has to go to the hideout Naruto turns into Niko and makes a copy of Niko hunting or sleeping once he got into the forest to deceive the anbu tailing him, while the real Naruto sneaks into the hideout.


Now though, Naruto and the foxes are in the forest together avoiding the village. Today is his birthday and the day kyuubi attacked the village and was stopped by his father. But that doesn't mean a thing for him as he noticed the hate and the look the villagers gave him.


Naruto knows they are planning something so he hurriedly hides all his stuff and sneaks into the forest while not being seen by the villagers. He hoped the current anbu wouldn't do the same thing as the one from two years ago did.


As the fish he put on the fire is getting ready, Naruto notices someone coming towards his direction. The foxes also noticed it and stood vigilant towards the oncoming person, so Naruto also turned his head towards it. The person comes out knowing he has been spotted, not hiding that he is a shinobi.


Naruto keeps his guard up, overlapping himself with an illusion in case of danger. Two shinobi show up, not nearly as strong as the anbu, but he also noticed the anbu is staying still so he is ready to bolt in case he can't handle it.


"I guess they're trying to find out if you're a spy, or possibly trying to get your trust by saving you in emergency"(Kurama)


"What should I do?"(Naruto)


"For now don't show anything useful, you can use the overlapping illusion, we can say you can do it since you were little, maybe we can find out some information about the Kurama clan that way. If not, at least they will think you probably disappear using this illusion when you're little"(Kurama)



Naruto was ready to protect himself as the two shinobi walked up to him with a sneer. They don't even try to hide their hate toward him.


"Finally found you, you demon brat"


"Heh! Do you think you can hide from us?"


The shinobi walk up and kick him. Naruto had already taken a side step, letting the shinobi hit the illusion. As the illusion was not solid, the shinobi's foot just passed through making him stumble into the fire behind the illusion.




The surprised shinobi barked as he jumped out of the fire and looked around to search for him. Naruto and the foxes are ready for the next attack, he can only go on the offense with pure taijutsu. Which with his current strength, would not be much of help.


You are reading story Akudou – a Naruto fanfiction story at

"It's a genjutsu! Hah! It seems you got some trick up your sleeve, but how far can you hold up!"


The other shinobi said as he threw dozens of shuriken at him. Naruto crouches down to evade it, getting on all four and ready to dodge the next attack. The first shinobi followed up the attack with a drop kick, Naruto jumped to the side as the kick barely Missed his head. Ichigo launched at the first shinobi trying to bite him, but the shinobi was faster and managed to jump back.


"Don't get scared by a simple fox you idiot!"


The second shinobi threw a second batch of shuriken towards Ichigo in a wide area. Ichigo moved as fast as she could but some managed to scratch her.


"Shut up!"


The first barked as he moved to attack Ichigo. Naruto noticed that and ran towards Ichigo, Niko and Sango moved to attack the second.


"Heh, trying to protect your little pet huh!?"


The first shinobi sends another kick toward Ichigo who jumps back to dodge it. Naruto tried to hit the first shinobi from the back, but the shinobi just turned and moved his kick into a sweeping kick towards Naruto. Naruto didn't expect him to be that fast, hurriedly covering his face with both his arms.


The kick sends him flying backwards, he rolls backward and crouches on all four to stop the momentum and look back at the shinobi, ready for another attack. A stomping foot greets him as his head jerks back in surprise, saving him from a hit to the head. 


Knowing his body already moves by reflex, Naruto follows along with it, jumps in a back flip and sends a kick toward the shinobi. Naruto uses the overlapping illusion to deceive the shinobi, making it look like he is just trying to jump away. The kick hit the shinobi on his shoulder, but wasn't able to deal much damage without using chakra, the shinobi just looked down at him with a sneer unbothered by the kick.


"Heh! You call that a kick? Here is a real kick!"


He sent another kick toward Naruto, faster than before. Naruto, who was ready for an attack towards his head, crossed his hand to block the kick, but the strength of the kick still sent him flying back.


Ichigo at that point was already at the back of the shinobi and launched a bite to his neck surprising the shinobi. The shinobi reaches back and yanks her away from his neck before kicking her toward Naruto.




Naruto, who manages to get back up, hurriedly catches her. Though because his arm still hurts from the previous kick, the pain got worse by catching Ichigo. And now shinobi was mad and stared at the two of them.


"You… I'm done playing, you're just a demon kid who's hated by everyone, nobody will give a glance even if I kill you here"


He makes hand seals before inhaling a large amount of air. Naruto was ready to use some chakra to escape the attack, but before that happened a dark shadow suddenly appeared and sent the shinobi flying hard towards a tree before moving towards the second one.


"Niko, Sango!"(Naruto)


 Naruto quickly looked towards the second shinobi and found the shinobi slamming hard into a tree. Niko and Sango have some cuts here and there but they would be fine. Naruto looked at the person who saved him, it's not one of the anbu.


The person turns around and faces Naruto. A young man with wavy black hair and eyes, he looked around for a second before smiling at Naruto.


"Yo! Are you ok?"


"Who are you?"(Naruto)


Naruto is still on guard, he still doesn't know if the man is really there to save him or if he is with the anbu.


"Ah, I'm Uchiha Shisui, and you are?"(Shisui)


Naruto looks at him for a moment, but doesn't show any sign of trying to deceive him, and he doesn't seem to notice the anbu hiding around the area. Naruto doesn't blame him, if not for his ability to sense others emotions he probably won't notice them too. At least for now he could trust him genuinely trying to save him.


"Uzumaki Naruto"(Naruto)


"Well Naruto, are you hurt?"(Shisui)


"I'm fine, but my friends are hurt"(Naruto)


Shisui took a look at the foxes, then he reached inside his pocket for bandages and meds and started to treat their wounds. After some time he finished treating the foxes he got back to Naruto.


"So why are you here and why did those two attack you?"(Shisui)


"So you don't know me?"(Naruto)


"Are you famous? I've been on mission outside the village for a while so I'm a bit late on information here"(Shisui)


"Famous for being hated by everyone, yes."(Naruto)


Naruto grumbles, now that he was somewhat safe he felt annoyed that he can't do better in the fight.


"Why is that? Did you do something that make them hate you?"(Shisui)


"That would be far better than the truth, they just hate me because I'm born like this"(Naruto)


"So they attacked you out of spite? Just because they don't like you?"(Shisui)


"Well in their eyes I'm just a demon who killed their loved ones"(Naruto)


Shisui took a good look at Naruto and realized what Naruto was talking about. Red slitted eyes, black marking around his eyes, and whisker mark on his cheek. Even with just that he could see the similarities with the kyuubi, no wonder people who knew and lost their loved ones in the kyuubi attack would hate him.


"Well that's harsh… so what do we do now, I could get you back to the village-"(Shisui)


"If I go back now, more people are going to go after me, they did the same two years ago"(Naruto)


"Ah sorry, then what about I bring you to the hokage and explain your situation?"(Shisui)


"I guess that's better than being attacked in the forest or in the village"(Shisui)


Shisui looked at Naruto and stopped, he looked at the foxes before looking back at Naruto.


"Umm… I can bring you to the hokage, but I'm not sure about your friends"(Shisui)


"It's fine, they can hide in the forest while we go"(Naruto)


"Okay then, let's go"(Shisui)


Shisui moved and held Naruto and a second later both of them disappeared from the place.