Chapter 12: Chapter 7

Akudou ch 7

Naruto and Shisui show up at the hokage office. The hokage greeted them with a smile after seeing Naruto there, Naruto could feel his confusion for a second.

"Ah Naruto, Shisui, what brings you here?"(Hiruzen)

"Hokage-sama, I found Naruto-kun being attacked by two chunin level shinobi in the forest behind the Uchiha compound on the upper side of the Naka river."(Shisui)

The hokage seems to be thinking for a bit before asking.

"And what happened to them?"(Hiruzen)

"I incapacitated the two of them, before bringing Naruto here, a kage bunshin of mine is handling them and bringing them over to the military force"(Shisui)

"I see, then bring the report here after you done, also, just in case hand them over to Ibiki after you're done with them"(Hiruzen)


Naruto was observing all this time until Hiruzen looked at him again and asked.

"So, Naruto, are you hurt anywhere?"(Hiruzen)

"No, my foxes got wounded here and there but there's nothing serious"(Naruto)

"Alright then, while I deal with this…"(Hiruzen)

Hiruzen paused, thinking for a bit before he continued toward Shisui.

"Shisui, you look after Naruto for now, you can give your report later along with the report from the military force, I'll brief you then, you two can go now"(Hiruzen)

"Yes hokage-sama"(Shisui)


Hiruzen [POV]

Inside his office, Hiruzen takes a puff of smoke before calling his personal anbu.

"Bring those who are on Naruto's guard duty, I want to hear their report"(Hiruzen)

He continued his paperwork for a bit before a squad of anbu showed up kneeling in front of him.


"Ha! Naruto Uzumaki fights against two chunin, and we find that his fighting capabilities are as reported before from his spar with Hinata Hyuuga."

"He works with the three foxes to defend himself against the chunin."

"Any other information?"(Hiruzen)

"Yes, we found out that he was able to use a physical type of genjutsu to overlap himself to deceive the enemy"

"Genjutsu? How powerful?"(Hiruzen)

"At this point we see it as an E to D rank jutsu, it bears a resemblance to henge jutsu, it is resemble the Kurama clan's genjutsu"

"It doesn't seem to be powerful from the observation, he was only using it close to his body, and when he was hit and sent tumbling the genjutsu dispersed like mist."

"It also doesn't seem to hide him from sensor as the sensor type still can find him inside the genjutsu"

"I didn't get information of him learning genjutsu, is it a kekkei genkai? But neither of his parents have genjutsu based kekkei genkai, does Minato share the blood of the Kurama clan? Or is it a hidden kekkei genkai of Uzumaki?... Hanako and and Tsunade do have physical type genjutsu that they use as henge so that's a possibility"(Hiruzen)

Hiruzen takes his time thinking, before he opens his mouth to ask the anbu again.

"From your current observation, how strong is he?"(Hiruzen)

"From his fight, he doesn't seem to be able to use chakra enhanced attack yet, and the hit he sent doesn't seem to be that powerful so he is not even at the level of lower genin at this point, but if he can control his chakra and use his genjutsu to his advantage it could be quite useful in battle"

"Alright, you can continue your job, no, just watch from afar, don't let the Uchiha suspect you of spying on them and don't let them know you're watching Naruto"(Hiruzen)


The squad was gone in an instant. Hiruzen takes a smoke again before he continues his paperwork.

"Root anbu is still bad at this kind of task, I need to change the guard duty to normal anbu only so they can make their own decisions"(Hiruzen)


Naruto and Shisui walk towards the Uchiha compound after leaving the hokage's office. Shisui leads the way while Naruto just curiously follows him. Naruto was planning to get to know the Uchiha, but didn't think that the Uchiha would find him first. Now it's up to him to find who is trustworthy and who's not.

They reach a training area, it seems Shisui wasn't going to bring him inside the compound itself. There is someone already waiting in the training area, an older kid about 12 or 13, long black hair and black eyes. He looks like the silent type and the way he carries himself make him look more mature than he actually is. He looked at Naruto for a bit and decided to ask Shisui.

"Who is this?"

"Yo, Itachi, this is Uzumaki Naruto, hokage-sama asked me to look after him for a while"(Shisui)

"Well Naruto, this is Itachi Uchiha, my close friend, he is young but he's a genius. Oh Itachi, while I look after Naruto, why don't you get Sasuke? We can't do our normal routine while Naruto is here, so might as well get Sasuke here"(Shisui)

"Are you sure?"(Itachi)

"I think the hokage knows it, that's why he leave him to me, and I have to give the report on the attack and my mission after this so I will have to leave him in your care for a bit"(Shisui)

"Alright, I'll go get him"(Itachi)

"Who is this Sasuke?"(Naruto)

Shisui looked at him and smiled.

"Well, Sasuke is about the same age as you, so I think you two might get along. And you two could end up in the same class and even the same team, so I think why not get to know each other sooner"(Shisui)


"Ah… well I don't have siblings but Itachi is my close friend. Itachi and I are often out on missions so Sasuke is often alone, I don't think he is a loner but he doesn't seem to try and get close to his classmates. Maybe it's because he is too attached to Itachi, so I think it's better for him to have friends who he can spend his time with, maybe a little rivalry so he doesn't blindly chase after his brother"(Shisui)

You are reading story Akudou – a Naruto fanfiction story at

"I did saw how you fight with that two shinobi, and I think it will help him to have someone with closer ability with him instead of keep comparing himself with Itachi"(Shisui)

Hearing his answer Naruto let out a sigh, it is a relief to know that Shisui is not lying as far as he can tell, and getting to know an Uchiha close to his age might be better for him, especially if what Shisui said was true it's better to get close sooner.

"You're a kind person, you know that?"(Naruto)

"Is that what you think? Hehe, thank you"(Shisui)

Shisui reaches out, ruffling his hair while smiling down at him. It doesn't feel bad, similar to when his mother combed his hair or when she is patting his head. Maybe because of the genuine feeling behind his gesture.

"By the way, where did you learn that? That was quite something even if you wasn't able do much against a high genin level shinobi"(Shisui)

"Fighting? I learned with my friends Hinata, her guardian, Kurenai-san helped us too sometimes when she is home"(Naruto)

"Is that so, so you learn from our genjutsu mistress huh, no wonder you can do that"(Shisui)

"Genjutsu mistress?"(Naruto)

"Oh, you didn't know? Outside of Uchiha, who is known for their genjutsu, and the Kurama clan, who haven't been able to have a good shinobi because of their clan have naturally weak bodies"(Shisui)

"Kurenai is the best genjutsu user in konoha, hence why she got that nickname"(Shisui)

Naruto was surprised he got info about the Kurama clan here. But it's good to know and he now has the reason to ask about the Kurama clan.

"Eeh, I didn't know that. But why do you say "outside" of the Uchiha and Kurama clan?"(Naruto)

"That is because the Uchiha And Kurama clan have what is called kekkei genkai that make them better at genjutsu than others"(Shisui)

"What's a kekkei genkai?"(Naruto)

"Kekkei genkai is a special power that inherited by someone in a certain lineage, for example the Uchiha have sharingan, and with that we can put someone in a genjutsu when our eyes met"(Shisui)

"Woah, cool! Then what about the Kurama clan!?"(Naruto)

"Oh the Kurama clan? They don't have special eyes like Uchiha, but their genjutsu are special, they can apply their genjutsu into reality"(Shisui)

"That's So cool! You can make anything you want?... But you said they don't have good shinobi? Why is that?"(Naruto)

"Well the people from the Kurama clan is born with naturally weak body, so most of them can't do what normal shinobi can, I heard they never have problem producing strong shinobi in waring era but in the year following after the founding of Konoha it started to decline and their weak body started to be a problem"(Shisui)

From Shisui, Naruto was able to find out that the Kurama clan live in the opposite of the Uchiha, past the Nara clan compound, their compound is surrounded by woods so it's quite hidden from view. 

Though Shisui doesn't know the reason why they did that, Kurama told Naruto that they probably wanted to distance themselves from Konoha. When they lost her, they lost their ability to protect themselves, both from outside and from their own power. They were betrayed by Konoha just a few years after its founding, but sadly for them, they can't leave. With nothing to protect themselves they were forced to stay.

With this they have a clue where to go to find the Kurama clan. Hopefully they're still the same as they were before his mother was sealed. And Naruto could have the backing of a clan to help him, though they still haven't decided if they should be open about it or not.

The anbu is there to monitor him, they didn't just follow him, but the foxes too. That means Hiruzen probably suspected him of being a spy. But he let him be with Hinata, and even let the Uchiha take care of him. So it's possibly a "just in case" scenario, or that he has really grown old.

But what if he suddenly got the backing of a clan? Would they suspect him more? Or would he be more trusted because a clan decided to trust him and back him up. With his genjutsu ability, they could make up a story that he has the kekkei genkai of Kurama clan inherited from one of his parents, which is not wrong. And hopefully that would make him more trustworthy, or at least make it harder for them to try and do something funny like today again.

"You know, I guess it's good to have new friend, I never have a male friend before so it might be fun"(Naruto)

"Oh what's this? Bragging that you already have a girlfriend at this age? Hahaha you're quite something!"(Shisui)

"It's not like that! we're just friends! Some kids was bullying her and I helped her, then we talk and became friends"(Naruto)

"Ooh, isn't that like a prince saving the princess? I bet that girl has fallen for you hahaha!"(Shisui)

Hearing that Naruto's face becomes red as he chases after Shisui who ran away after saying that.



"It is true though, you even said her eyes are beautiful while looking straight at her face, isn't that just like the prince from stories?"(Kurama)

Hearing his mother join in the teasing, Naruto covers his ears as his face becomes hotter.

"Aaah~! I didn't hear anything!"(Naruto)

""Hahaha~!""(Shisui, Kurama)


They waited for a few minutes while talking, mainly Shisui teasing Naruto about Hinata, before Itachi came back with a boy the same age as Naruto, he had black hair and eyes like his brother and Shisui. Unlike his brother, Sasuke seems to be the active type, he is more expressive than his brother.

"Yo, Sasuke, have you been well?"(Shisui)

"Shisui-san! Yeah I've been practicing a lot since last time so look forward to it!"(Sasuke)

"Ooh, is that so, then I'll be looking forward to it"(Shisui)

"By the way, who is this?"(Sasuke)

"Ah, today's schedule was changed because the hokage asked me to look after him for a bit, his name is Naruto. And while at it, I told Itachi why don't call you too and train together, since it's rare for us to have free time lately"(Shisui)

"So that's why! Thanks Shisui nii-san!"(Sasuke)

Sasuke gave Shisui a big grin as he ran up to his brother, eager to show him his Progress. As Sasuke started showing Itachi his shuriken-jutsu, Shisui asked Naruto if he's good with shuriken.

"Yeah, I use them for hunting so I'm good with it, though I already sold all of them and only use throwing knives"(Naruto)

"Then why don't you try and compete with Sasuke?"(Shisui)

Naruto just shrugs his shoulders and Shisui accepts that as agreement and proceeds to tell Sasuke and Itachi. So now Naruto and Sasuke are standing apart facing a target and ready to throw their shuriken.

Sasuke used a side throw using his star shaped shuriken, it's a more difficult way of throwing but it's a good form as a decoy shot. The four hit the target at random, not a bullseye but all of it managed to hit the target.

Naruto on the other hand uses throwing knives, he sold all his shuriken because its not as multi purpose as a throwing knife, and eventually he wanted to be able to use bo-shuriken such as senbon. He used an overhead throw, an easier way to throw and hit the bullseye. But it's a straightforward shot so it's easy to predict and dodge, but for something like hunting and throwing at an unmoving target it's enough.

"Heh~ so you use an overhead shot huh, I guess that's the easier way to go if you use it for hunting"(Shisui)

The throwing knives hit the bull's-eye, making Sasuke frustrated about his defeat. Sasuke asked him for a rematch and the two go on on their own as Shisui leaves to report to the hokage and Itachi just watches from the side.