A tiresome morning, with a mundane sky, it was another monotonous day. I extended my limbs, stretching them to their capacity in hopes of escaping the lethargic feeling still overwhelming my body. Rubbing my eyes while simultaneously raising from my bed. Shutting off my alarm clock and slowly fighting the grogginess in my eyes I stumbled toward the bathroom.
“Another day Milo, here we come” I pessimistically muttered while taking a leak. After the morning ritual, I splashed my face while rinsing my hands, I was fully ready for another day of school. Trudging back to my room I began to change into my school uniform I thought back to the past few weeks. It had already been a month since I moved away from home. Chasing after my dreams, or at least my parent's dreams of having their child attend one of the most prestigious schools in the country. I had always had decent intelligence, and when you combined that with two strict parents who forced their children to be doing grade 9 homework at the age of 6 or 7, it lead to yours truly, Milos Lussuria's narrow acceptance at Midbrook Academy, a school where you were either stupidly rich or stupidly smart.
Once my uniform was on I walked over to the small kitchen counter, grabbing a bowl, a spoon, some milk, and the box of cereal in the small cupboard above me. I began to munch on my typical breakfast while dazing at the sky.
It was too early to have any thoughts right now, so I simply ate in silence. Ever since I began living on my own, the silence was something I had begun to deeply appreciate. Growing up in a noisy family household I had never been able to have so much alone time and privacy. Of course, most kids my age weren't subject to the same situation, I was a special case.
Smart enough to barely get into Midbrook but definitely not near smart enough to get that sweet scholarship. I obviously couldn't afford dorms that each came with their own cleaning staff. So here I was, living in a small apartment a friend of my mom’s owned. While staying here my mom’s friend would check on me roughly once a week, becoming my supposed “caretaker”, not like I needed one at my age.
After cherishing my last spoon of cereal I put the bowl gently in the sink along with the spoon, deciding to clean the dish along with whatever dishes I used to make dinner tonight. Following that, after a few quick daily rituals such as brushing my teeth and washing my face, I began the 10-minute trek to school.
After the uneventful walk, I arrived at the looming gates of the academy, walking past the security guards and entering the massive campus. Being a total of 500 acres, the campus had over 30 buildings, though some were dorms, I had always wondered why they needed so many buildings for a high school, maybe it was just so rich kids could flaunt, who knew.
Once I arrived at my first-period class, I took a seat near the back, right by the entrance. It was my favourite spot to sit. Letting me be the first to leave class, never be chosen by the teacher to answer a question, and never get into fights over a window seat. A perfect way to fit in.
I took out my notebook and pencil from my backpack and leaned back in my chair shutting my eyes and relaxing before the start of another tedious day. As the teenagers slowly trickled into class, an annoying ringing began to buzz, reminding all the kids that school was in session.
Perfectly timed with the arrival of the bell, was the arrival of my English teacher, Ms. Wilson. A beautiful blonde woman, with black high heels and a black dress suit to match. Her dark pantyhose and peeking cleavage created the stereotypical smoking hot businesswoman, when combined with her uptight yet lovely British accent she is the target of an endless amount of perverted fantasies of many of the boys in class, maybe even some of the girls too.
However she was infamous for her strict teaching style, and after a month of lessons, I had learned to pay extra special attention unless I wanted to be subject to a swift wallop of a baton. You would think in a school full of pampered little brats there would be a no tolerance for physical lessons, but when the school has a reputation as infamous as Midbrooks is, their teaching style is never questioned, especially with the number of influential backers they have behind them, each teacher here is a powerhouse on the level of any rich successful CEO when it comes to connections.
Over the course of the day, classes continued, from Math to Biology, business management to finance, self-defence and fencing to ballroom dance and classical strings. I participated in an endless amount of classes that would lead to an endless amount of homework but being a student at Midbrook Academy either meant you had professionals in each field doing your homework for you, or you were such an outstanding genius that every subject came easy to you. Of course with my brains and budget, neither of these were an option, so all I was left with was a nonexistent social life while simultaneously being ranked as one of the lowest scorers in the class. But I was still struggling to stay here, if only for the sake of my current freedom and future career, which I still had no thoughts on yet. As long as I was raking in absurd paychecks it didn't really matter to me, obviously making Midbrook the best school to attend. Universities like Harvard and Oxford would beg for students from Midbrook to attend their schools, meaning I would be set for life as long as I can survive these next three years.
Once the day had come to an end, I began the trek home. Another eventless day to turn my mind into mush. But a strange occurrence startled me on my way home, a goat standing in the middle of the sidewalk staring directly at me. At first, I was baffled, why was there a goat of all things a few hundred meters outside of the academy. But then I noticed a stranger occurrence, no one seemed to see it. In fact, they acted as if it was completely natural that there was a goat here. It obviously stood out among the everyday things, even though the academy was on the edge of the city due to its size, we were still in the city, with cars continuously passing by, and the occasional pedestrian on a walk. But everyone just ignored its existence.
You are reading story The Incubus at novel35.com
Out of curiosity, I walked closer, slowly raising my hands in some sort of peaceful gesture while nearing the animal. A part of me thought I should just leave it alone, but a strange attraction force seemed to pull me towards the goat, and as I stared into its eyes and it stared back, it felt like fate pulled me towards it.
Though I hadn't really formed an opinion on fate or religion, the urge to approach the animal and the glint of intelligence that seemed to hide behind its bright blue eyes and dark black pupils felt magical, even though I knew it sounded stupid. But as I grew within inches of the goat, it vanished. It was so sudden I actually fell over baffled at the sudden disappearance of the animal. As I sat on the ground I began to playback the memories in my head, was I going crazy? Did I need a therapist? I sat questioning my sanity for a few minutes before my common sense convinced me I was seeing things and decided to blame my imagination on dehydration, it was currently smouldering, and I hadn't had any water today unless you count cafeteria apple juice at lunch or the milk in my cereal this morning. After getting over the fact that I had just hallucinated, I continued walking back to my apartment.
Once I had arrived at the small two-story building, I trudged up the outdoor stairs and walked past the apartment beside mine, I had always complained to my mother's friend the landlady for giving me the apartment at the end of the railing when my neighbouring apartment was unoccupied, but she would just retort that mine was the smallest and since I wasn't paying anyways I didn't get a choice, I couldn't argue with the logic but it made me grumpy nonetheless.
After dropping off my bag and downing three consecutive glasses of water, I headed out once again to get groceries for dinner tonight, bringing my transit pass with me I caught a bus leading to a deeper part of the city where I could find a retail grocery store with cheap prices and endless isles. I kept in mind that unless I wanted to wait an extra hour for the bus I had 28 minutes to get my groceries and get to the bus stop. Setting a timer on my phone for 22 minutes, leaving me 5 minutes to buy whatever was in my bin by then and get to the stop right outside the store I began my hunt for dinner.
When the timer went off in my earbuds stopping the music I was enjoying, I began checking my list one last time and after grabbing two more items I began my journey back to the front of the store to purchase what I had selected. After checking out my items and heading back to the bus stop, I waited two minutes and my bus arrived. Boarding the bus and showing the old driver my ticket I went to sit in the back seat of the empty bus, however, an eerie feeling tickled my consciousness, why was no one else on the bus? And why was no one else boarding the bus? It wasn't even 6 pm yet, so buses going throughout the city should be fairly full, and there was only one bus that went to the stop I was at, so why were there several people at the stop standing dazed and not entering the vehicle. Before I could think further the bus began to move and I simply tossed the strange occurrence to the back of my mind. It had been a strange day and I think I just needed some sleep. After dinner that was my plan, I'll do my homework tomorrow night since it was a Thursday today so I would have the rest of the weekend to catch up.
As the bus trudged along with the neighbourhoods I suddenly realized there was a man sitting near the front of the bus, it was a creepy sight based on the fact that I had sworn there was no one on the bus beside the driver when I had first boarded, then suddenly the man stood up turned around and looked at me, he was perfect.
This man was perfect, from his nose to his eyes, every feature on his face was attractive. Handsome, stunning, charming, seductive, he was simply exquisite, freakishly so. It felt like no man's face could compare to the face I was looking at. He wore a white tuxedo and an expensive-looking fedora, definitely not your typical bus wear, but besides his facial features or uncommon clothes, the thing that caught my eyes the most was his violet eyes. As I gawked at his appearance he smiled and began to pace towards me, the bus entering a tunnel turning the once bright insides fairly dark. Of course, I was so distracted by the strange interaction that I didn't process the fact that there were no tunnels on the route the bus took to take me back home.
As the man began to near me his smile only grew, and once we were face to face, him standing down looking at me seated, he raised his fedora and bowed gracefully, putting his two goat horns on full display. If I was gawking before now I was just dazed, I couldn't even process what I was seeing. It had already been a strange day, but why were there goat horns on this man's head? Was it a prop?
Ignoring my bafflement the man raised his head from the bow, replaced his fedora atop his head and spoke, “I'm glad to make your acquaintance Milos Lussuria, my name is Lilu, brother of Lilith, I am the first incubus, and you are a demon, now let us begin the awakening and you may claim your birthright.”. I said nothing, too stunned to talk, part of me wanted to think this man was just crazy, or this was some reality tv show, but another part of me, deep in my subconscious told me that this was all real. Before I could sort out any of my thoughts the man poked a finger into my forehead, I began to feel pain as his sharp nails broke flesh, once a small cut had been made, he bit his thumb and placed a drop of his blood atop my forehead.
I tried to move before he could do whatever this ritual was, but I realized I had zero control over my body, I was completely plastered to my position, unable to even blink. Once his blood had mixed with mine I suddenly felt a deep burning pain on my forehead which quickly spread to my entire brain, following this my body quaked and every part of me began to ache, from my toes to my head, it felt as if every blood cell in my body was shaking violently due to the intrusion of this new blood in my forehead when the pain began to intensify to such an amount I began to foam at the mouth I suddenly collapsed falling unconscious.
A few moments following the awakening and collapse of Milo, the grin on Lilu’s face seemed to grow even more as he began muttering to himself, “the boy's powers are some of the strongest I've ever seen, let's see if he can handle it, or if it will be his demise. Nonetheless, It will be a fun show to watch for sure, I've been bored with watching these weak demons for centuries”. After his monologue, he looked toward the bus driver who was only just a skeleton now. “Alright, take the boy back to his home, and whatever happens, make sure Lilith doesn't find out about this, if she knew who the boy's father was, she would be sure to claim him for her own.”