Chapter 2: Chapter 2: Incubus

When I woke up a sudden splitting headache suddenly came over me, not just that but frankly my entire being ached, every muscle and bone in my body felt as if they had been pushed to the absolute limit for months and this was the first rest they've had. I lay in bed just staring at the roof, not even focused on what I was looking at but just trying to think of anything to alleviate the pain, once a few seconds had gone by I instantly fell asleep again. 

Over the next few days I repeated this terrible process, though I was fairly certain it was only a few seconds each time, it felt like years as the pain seemed to be endless. After roughly a week had passed I was woken up by a knocking on the door, in the first few days I couldn’t move a muscle but now I was able to get out of bed and take a few steps around before feeling like I was gonna collapse. 

I knew the person knocking was probably from school due to my absence, not just last Friday but the last week, it was hard to believe that it was already Wednesday and it had already been five days since I met the man named Lilu on the bus, but my phone's date wasn't able to lie, and I didn't live with anyone so no one could have changed it. 

After an intense struggle I made it to the door and pulled it open while heavily leaning on it, when I saw who the person waiting at the door was I was surprised to see Ms. Wilson, my English teacher. I was certain it would be some errand boy but here we are. When she saw my obvious unwell state she seemed at first confused but then worried. 

However, as she looked down there was a small noticeable tinge of red on her cheeks and that's when it hit me I was only in underwear, two days ago I had struggled to rip off my clothes as they felt extremely constricting to my constantly sore body, and that had now led to this situation. I likely would've cared more but at the moment I was in so much pain that I began to fall to the ground. Before I could make contact with the hard floor though I felt a pair of small soft hands catch me right as I once again entered an unconscious state. 

Emily Wilson POV:


As I caught the almost naked boy in my hands I felt extremely aroused, a intoxicating scent flooded my nose as I held the boy tenderly. His name was Milo I believe, I was told to come here to check on his well-being, the school thought he was skipping class and if anyone could get a male student to return to class it would be me. But to my surprise when I had gone to the address it wasn't an expansive mansion but instead a small two-story apartment building. When I realized the boy wasn't just a spoiled brat I became curious as to why he had skipped almost an entire week of classes, but when he opened the door his frail yet perfect body seemed to pull me in, I almost didn't notice how sickly he was as I began to get lost in his eyes, was he always this attractive? I wondered as I held him in my arms. And what shampoo did he use, because the smell was exhilarating. However, after the initial shock had passed I realized he had just collapsed. 

My first thought process was to call an ambulance, but if he could make it to the door and hadn't called one already, I decided that would be his decision to make. I entered the apartment with a tinge of nervousness, which once again distracted me from the boy in my arms, why was I nervous? I had plenty of experience with men, I had almost been married once in fact, so all this over a student baffled me to no ends. As I retook a hold of myself I carried Milo towards his bed and placed him gently down, following this I checked his temperature and feeling how hot he was I made my way to the kitchen, bringing out a large pot I began to look through the fridge hoping to find ingredients to make some soup, and that's when it hit me again, why was I making him soup? He's not my friend or my family, I don't even know him at all besides the daily morning attendance, in fact, we've never even had a personal conversation. But as I could obviously see he was living alone I decided it would be best someone looked after him for at least tonight so I wrote a small note leaving my number behind so he could call me for emergencies, I also realized that this was an extremely irrational decision I would usually never carry out. I could only imagine the pain it would cause if my phone number got out among the student body. But for some reason, I felt an overwhelming need to make a way for him to contact me. 

After leaving the note I made my way to the grocery store, I had decided I would take care of this intriguing and handsome boy, obviously only because it was a teacher's responsibility to take care of her student. After calling the school and explaining his absence was due to a high fever I began driving toward the grocery store.

Milo Pov: 

Waking up to a pleasant scent I strained my sore neck to see its origin, and that's when I saw her. Emily Wilson, my untouchable ice queen English teacher was in my kitchen making soup. For the dozenth time this week, I questioned my sanity. Why was she here? Of course, it mattered little to me as I smelled the food. I didn't realize how hungry I was until my stomach begin to ache so violently that it outweighed the pain my body was still going through. I slowly sat up planning to make my way to the intoxicating soup when my stomach let out a loud grumble. Emily turned towards me a smile on her face as a blush covered my cheeks. “Glad to see you awake Milo” She spoke as she took out the freshly washed bowl I had used for cereal Thursday morning and began to dish up the delicious smelling soup. 

Once that was done she made her way to me, even with the pain racking my brain I couldn't help but be mesmerized by the way her hips swung as she walked, her cleavage now on full display in the dress shirt she was wearing that had been unbuttoned just enough to show a healthy amount of skin. Her hourglass figure really seemed to stand out as she walked without the typical suit jacket towards me. Once reaching my position on the bed she pulled up the only chair I had in the house and brought the bowl near my face. As I reached out for it she suddenly pulled back. Stopping my hands with her free hand and then leaned over taking out a spoonful, blowing on it twice and slowly pushing it towards me. Was I really being fed by one of the most beautiful teachers at my school right now!

 However, distracting me from my thoughts was the deep cavern that appeared in front of my line of sight as she bent over. If before I could see the surface of the mountains, now I could deeply see into the ravine that was her chest. My mouth dropped open at the mesmerizing sight of her revealing cleavage, and she used that chance to place the spoon in my mouth. The sudden spoon of soup tore me away from my dirty thoughts as I mt stomach seemed to cry out in bliss at finally being given energy. I hungrily opened my mouth again begging to be fed as she orderly repeated the process of scooping, blowing twice, and feeding me each spoonful. Once I had finished the meal I soon felt a deep urge to sleep overtake me once again and quietly lay down falling into a deep pleasant sleep. 

Waking again to the dreary roof I groggily took in my surroundings. From the empty apartment to the small not left on my desk, after checking to see it was already Friday afternoon I realized I had gone a week straight without attending school. Once that had set in I gradually moved my body, realizing the pain was virtually gone a set of ease and relief washed over me. Spending more than a week straight only sleeping or in deep pain was harrowing. As I felt a dep parching feeling in my throat and a primitive hunger take over my thoughts I made my way to the kitchen and began downing water. After drinking two glasses and realizing it wasn't near enough I directly took my face in the tap and began to inhale the water like a dog lost in the desert. Once I felt adequately refreshed I began to scavenge any food left in my kitchen that hadn't gone bad. Thirty minutes later I had eaten out a total of over 8 regular meals and still only felt slightly full, but halting me from eating more was a lack of food and a curiosity about the contents of the note that had been left but Ms. Wilson, heading over to my bedside desk I picked it up and began to read,


You are reading story The Incubus at

Dear Milo, 

Due to your high fever, I have informed the school you will not be attending school this week, if you would like to call in sick for next week as well please let me know. I have left my phone number at the bottom of this page and if you desire anything at all please give me a call, I would be happy to help. I hope to see you in class Monday morning and wish you the best while fighting this fever. If it worsens feel free to call me or a medical professional as I wouldn't want anything to happen to you. 

Sincerely, Your favourite teacher



After reading the note and questioning why it seemed as if Ms. Wilson cared so much about me, I made my way to the shower. Sitting in bed had surely made me smell terrible, even if I couldn't smell it myself. But as I entered the bathroom and looked at my almost naked body in the mirror I jumped in surprise. At first, I thought there was a stranger in the mirror but that's when I realized said stranger repeated all my actions. Looking down at my toned body I couldn't believe it. I had never been out of shape, but I had always been on the skinnier side. Now however I was the definition of a model's body. An eight pack of abs covered my stomach, and my chest seemed all muscle. I wasn't huge like a bodybuilder either. It gave off the feeling that I was extremely flexible but strong as well, I inspected and admired my body, from muscles that seemed to appear in places I didn't even know they could, to arms that were both slender yet rippled with muscle. My body was overwhelmingly perfect. I was mesmerized by my own perfection, it was scary. And my face, it was perfect, just as perfect as the man named Lilu. It was strange though as I could still tell it was my face. It just seemed like everything that had once stood out as unattractive had changed. I couldn't find a single flaw, if I had always had a face like this I would have been an overwhelming narcissist, but now it just disturbed me, why did I look like this? Was it because of that man's blood? I slowly crouched down, sliding against the wall as I lost feeling in my legs. It was frightening, all these changes in my body, what was happening to me. 

I sat there for hours, questioning my reality, what was happening? Who was that man? Why did all that pain lead to this? But I had always been a go-with-the-flow type of guy. Even when my entire world had been flipped upside down I knew I should work instead of worry. So I postponed my shower plans and began my research. My memory of the encounter I had with Lilu was vivid, in fact, it seemed far more detailed in memory than when I was there in person, was this another change. I began to test my mind, realizing that all my memories no matter how insignificant seemed immovable in my head, from things I read in a textbook, I even began to think back to memories I knew I could never possibly remember. I remembered the feelings I had felt while extremely young, I even began to remember my birth, it was distressing. 

Before any other changes horrified me I began my research. From looking into demons or the origins of Lilu and Lilith. I remembered the man saying I was a demon, was that why changes these were happening? I also remembered him saying he was an incubus. Following these leads, I scoured the web. Looking into any form of mythology describing demons, incubus, Lilu or Lilith.

After scouring I had come to a conclusion that this really all was some massive impossible prank, which I had ruled out after the body transformation, I was a demon, and not only a demon, a sex demon. I had read that incubus would seduce females and impregnate them, the thought alone made me shiver. Was this a good thing? Of course not, frankly I was disturbed, but a little voice in my head was already telling me to abuse my powers, to wreak havoc. Were these my thoughts or the demon talking? Are they one and the same? Have I always been so sick? I didn't know and didn't want to know.

One thing above all else I had decided, was I needed to understand myself, my powers and the responsibility that comes with being a powerful demon, even if I was a sex demon. I began reading about the powers of an incubus, from basic charm to masterful illusions, natural aphrodisiacs, and powerful mind washing. I even read they can fly, are immortal, and can visit people's dreams. 

After doing my research I began testing my powers, I took the bus to an abandoned warehouse, receiving lustful gazes from every woman aboard. Once arriving at the abandoned warehouse I began my tests, superhuman speed strength and stamina, flight, illusions, all sorts of things. I slowly found out that my physical attributes from strength to speed were all at the level of Olympic athletes, and my stamina was virtually endless. Definitely not comparable to humans. However, I had no luck with magic. 

Over the next two days, I tried to figure out how to become less noticeable, the first thing I did was cover up my face and body, wearing a bulky jacket and shades a baseball cap and a mask. I looked like I was going to rob someone yet for some reason every single female I passed while walking or while riding the bus would fervently ogle me. After several days I realized it was the smell. And after simply concentrating and thinking deeply to myself to stop smelling it seemed to work. I had figured out from this any other powers are likely activated or controlled through my thoughts.

I had learnt to control my scent, and when Monday arrived and I headed to school, though I couldn't control my attractiveness, at least yet, I still wasn't giving off whatever scent seemed so attractive to every female I neared. 

While walking to school I wore my mask and shades, but once I arrived there was no way I could enter looking like this, so I had to reveal my appearance. That's when it started, first the stares, then the whispers. From the occasional “who is that!?” to “I think I'm in love”. As I entered the massive campus I received an unorthodox amount of attention from every single girl and even most of the guys while entering the school. Jealousy and rage seemed to cloud the faces of every guy I passed, though some seemed just simply baffled, and the girls couldn't take their eyes off me. I found after taking a few turns I had already begun to have a growing group of female followers just walking behind me not saying a word but staring soullessly. After arriving at my building I made my way to English class and that's when it got so much worse.