Chapter 23: CH.23 Founding a Dungeon p2

“I think the Card summoner skill you all got is something that works with my unique skill. I got the same skill as well, but mine was assimilated by my unique skill.” I tell them.

“Brian, I don’t understand.” Alice says. I think no one else does either, based on their looks. Don’t blame me, I don’t understand it either.

“I would like to better explain Alice, but I really can’t. I just don’t know myself.” I say to her. “I would like everyone to give me a little time to check what has changed with my skill and then I might be able to explain it to everyone. I’m sorry”

“That’s fine Brian. You don’t gain a new skill every day. And most people don’t even have an extra skill to begin with.” Zayaan says to me. I can tell the baron still wants to know more, but I really would just be speculating. It won’t be good info.


“What about the dungeon status?” The baron asks me.

“I think it’s fine. At least as far as I could see. I absorbed all the monster corpses so our way out will be easier. I also got some generation points that can be used to make stuff.” I tell him. “Oh yeah, there also is no current master, so we might want to name one.”

Zayaan and the baron seem to instantly lock eyes as I say that. I guess they want to compete for the dungeon master position. Well it does come with health benefits so I guess I understand.

“Zayaan, according to law only a government or guild employee can be a dungeon master. You are neither, so you can’t be the master.” The baron tries to shut Zayaan up.

“You should very well know that that’s not true. Anyone with approval can get the position. And we have the founder here, and in a dungeon the founder's word is the law.” Zayaan says back. So I make the rules in this dungeon. Cool.

“You two stop.” I say to them. “Keep that going and I’ll make Rico the dungeon master.”

“Really?” Rico seems excited. “You better do it.”

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“No, I won’t, Rico.” I say to him. “You would be a terrible DM. You would just try to maximize profits. Which might not be bad in the short term, but in the long run it might harm this dungeon.”

“Well we will deal with the dungeon master problem later.” The baron says. “Can you tell us what items this dungeon can generate?”

“Sure. There are eight generation spots, not that I know what that means, and five available items to generate.” I say.

“Eight slots but only five items. That doesn’t seem right. What are these items?” The baron asks.

“Cardboard, denim fabric, cotton fabric, tricot fabric and magic bag.” I answer.

“I have never heard of the first four but magic bags are quite valuable. We were lucky.” The baron comments.

“You don’t know about cardboard boxes?” I ask.

“No.” He says.

“Well… I don’t know what to say.” How does a world have functioning magic toilets, but not cardboard boxes? That makes no sense. These dungeons work in mysterious ways.

“Can you make one for us to see?” The baron asks.

“Sure, just give me a second.” I answer.

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