“Zay get over here. You are going to be our test dummy.” I say to Zayaan. I was going to start with Alice sense she asked first, but I think Zayaan might be a safer choice.
“Why am I first?” He asks.
“Well I can just not make stuff for you if you so wish.” I tell him.
“Fine. I can be first. But why?” He insists.
“Safety concerns. The tailor part was not an original feature of this dungeon, so I’m not completely sure it works like I think it should. I’m not going to have a lady strip or something if something bad happens.” I tell him
“But you are willing to take the chance with me?” He says.
“Do you ever want to have a chance at becoming a dungeon master?” I ask him.
“This is blackmail. You are evil.” Zayaan is not happy with my little threat.
“Fine, I’ll take that as your refusal. So who wants to be a test dummy?” I ask everyone. No one seems super willing.
Well I’ll just browse the menu while they decide if going naked is worth getting new clothes. Not that I believe that will happen.
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