I followed Lucia towards her house. Or is it Prime Rib’s house? Well, that doesn’t really matter.
The house was only a few blocks away from the guild building. It looked like any other two storey house in town. For an adventurer’s house, it was decently large. Well, I guess Prime Rib is the second highest ranking party in town.
Lucia used a key to open the front door and we went inside.
The downstairs had a large open room with a kitchen space and a table. Minimal decor for a house. There were stairs leading to, well up stairs, and a couple of doors to other rooms. We sat down at the table.
“Well, we are here. What did you want to give me?” She asked.
“Before I do, can I ask another question?”
“Go for it.” Lucia answered.
“How did you know I helped Alice?” I asked.
“Oh, that. I was asked to perform blood magic on her a little over a year back. Her teacher wanted to know what were her strongest attributes, but this town doesn’t have a place to test them. But I can do it with blood magic.” She told me.
“And you realized she didn’t have a strong enough of an attribute to use magic, correct?”
“Yes, and I told her teacher. But I also remember her strongest ones being wind and earth. There is no way she could have grown her dark magic enough to use it. Without some outside interference. You showed up in town and just a few days later, Miss Alice was using dark magic. There is no way that is a coincidence. Especially since you were staying at the Watchman manor.” She gave me her theory.
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Wow. She really saw straight through me. Not that it was that difficult, but it’s still impressive.
“I would give you the perfect score, but this is not a test.” I told her. “I did interfere with Alice’s attributes. And I could do it to you as well, if you want me to.”
“I don’t need it.” She answered.
“You don’t want light magic?” I asked. “I could also boost your water magic, if you prefer that.”
“I Don’t Need It.” She said slowly, emphasizing her words. “You are the one that taught me that. I don’t need approval from others. Only from myself.”
I guess I did say something like that.
“That doesn’t mean you need to refuse.” I told her.
“Then let’s do this.” She offered. “If you can cure my curse, I’ll let you do whatever you want with me.”
“Well, that’s certainly an offer.” I’m pretty sure she didn’t consider what she just said. “Are you sure you are fine with Anything?”
“.... nothing lewd.” She added.
“Deal.” Now I just need a vampire. Let’s go!
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