As we agreed to try to cure Lucia’s curse, I let Vampire Lady take control of the situation. I’m not an expert on this.
“Miss, we should move to your bedroom.” My summon said to Lucia.
“That’s fine. Follow me.” She said as she got up from the table.
“And you will stay here, Master.” My summon ordered.
Really? I can’t watch? That’s disappointing.
“I don’t mind if he comes.” Lucia argued.
(It would be better if Master doesn’t go, in case Lucia has a reaction similar to Master’s when blood magic is used on her.) Laura told me. Yeah, I almost lost my mind to the pleasure when she did that blood scan thing. I’ll just stay here.
“It’s fine.” I said to the duo. “I can wait here.”
“We’ll be back soon.” My summon said as they walked up the stairs.
Well, now I’m here with nothing to do. At least there is one thing. My reprints. I’ll just pull those open as I wait.
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