I didn’t sleep well. It was a restless night, filled with nightmares. Well, not really. I was just spinning thoughts in my head. Alice really got me to realize something. I’m stuck here. I’ll never see anyone ever again. Everyone I used to know. Gone from my life.
I really don’t want to get up. I turn in bed and try to get back to sleep.
Grr. Who is disturbing my sleep? I finally felt like I could actually get some restful sleep, and immediately someone had to come bother me.
“Lord Brian, please wake up.” A soft female voice said. She was shaking me softly.
“...don’t want to…” I said and turned away from her. I know I’m just a moody teen, but at the moment, I don’t care.
“But you will miss breakfast.” She tried arguing.
“... don’t care…” I don’t have an appetite anyway.
“Please, get up.” She tried arguing.
“...” I didn’t respond. Just go away.
After a little while, I heard footsteps moving away from me, and the door opened and closed. Good, she left. I hope I can get back to sleep.
“Brian.” Oh, great. Who is it now?
“Brian. Wake up.” And now there is more shaking. Next thing I know they will be kicking me in my side.
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“...what do you want…?” I ask in a groggy voice.
“Could you wake up? I need your help.”
“For what?” I asked.
“It’s Alice. She is in some kind of spell and I can’t get her out.” The voice of Christina told me.
“Alice? Why would she?” I open my eyes and turn to face the MILF sitting on my bed. She is a MILF and you can’t convince me otherwise. But she is off limits. Her husband is already mad at me and I don't want to face his wrath.
“I don’t know, but she is inside some sort of dark bubble, and we can’t get through to her.” Christina told me. “Would you help me?”
…Do I have to? I guess I do. I’m kind of responsible for her being able to use magic, so I should at least try. And all things considered, I’m also the one that likely caused her to shut herself in that spell.
“Fine.” I sat up on the bed. Other than Christina, one maid was in the room. I haven’t seen her before, I think.
(She has been present at the dining room when they have been bringing out the food.) Laura informed me.
I see. Well, anyway.
“I think I need to change first. Please give me a moment.” I told the two of them.
“Sure, but don’t take too long.” Christina said as she walked out with the maid.
Okay, now I need a plan. If Alice has locked herself into a dark magic spell, I need something to dispel it with. MST should work for that. I think I could also use Dark Magician or Dark Sage. They should be able to overpower the spell, even if it was cast by Dark Magician Girl, instead of Alice.
But I’ll need some more sacrifices for the toploaders, so I guess I should speedrun my daily packs.
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