Chapter 20: Chapter 17: Planning and Secrets Revealed

Site-19 Main Briefing Room…

Ty and Annabelle were sitting in a briefing room with the O5 Council and some hand-picked scientists(Dr.Stephens, Dr.Clef, Dr.Bright, etc…).

After Ty said that she felt like something bad was going to happen, a giant earthquake occurred that caused quite a lot of damage to the site and well the Earth’s plate.

Normal people would’ve thought that it was the plates clashing but the SCP Foundation knew better, plus Ty and Annabelle revealed that it was one of the signs alongside the courtesy of SCP-990.

He also informed the O5 a few days ago about the upcoming cataclysm, which was why the meeting was happening.


Item #: SCP-990

Object Class: Keter

Special Containment Procedures: Currently no containment for SCP-990 has been devised. Any personnel with suggestions for the containment of SCP-990 should report to Dr. ██████████. Any and all ideas are welcome, regardless of who suggests them.

Description: SCP-990 is generally a human male dressed in a Cold War-era business suit who appears to Foundation personnel through dreams. Thus far no Foundation personnel have encountered SCP-990 in the real world; if he corresponds to an actual human being, we have yet to find him. Presently there have been no reports of SCP-990 appearing to non-Foundation personnel.

SCP-990 has been appearing to Foundation personnel since [DATA EXPUNGED]. SCP-990's existence came to light when several Agents discussed having dreams involving a similar individual. Numerous other Agents reported dream sightings of an individual matching the description of SCP-990. The phenomenon did not officially receive SCP classification until the aftermath of event-990-07.


Since Event-990-07, SCP-990 has appeared to many Foundation personnel and made similar threats. As of yet no situation on the scale of Event-990-07's has occurred; however, SCP-990 has successfully predicted the deaths of Doctors ████, ██████, and ████, as well as the destruction of Watch Station Epsilon-38, and [DATA EXPUNGED]. Any threat made by SCP-990 should be reported to Foundation authorities, regardless of its severity.

Foundation personnel are considered free to converse with SCP-990 if he should appear to them, and are encouraged to try to obtain information from the subject regarding himself. Additionally, Dr. ██████████ has stated that anyone who can determine whether or not SCP-990 has a corresponding body somewhere in the world will be well rewarded.

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“So, the Scarlet King has been brought into the world or not?” Dr.Stephens asked the twins, the said duo shared a look.

“He is but he won’t do anything yet…” Annabelle hesitated before speaking, “He’ll need to get used to not having access to his powers for a long time and be used to being mortal” Annabelle finished.

“And I'm guessing he has a vendetta against one of you?” Dr.Bright asked from the back of the room, the twins nodded.

“Of course, Crimson was never one to allow others to do as they please when it comes to ‘family’ means,” Ty said quietly, “Wait, you know his real name?” Dr.Cleff asked in shock.

Annabelle looked at Ty with a certain glint in her eyes, Ty responded to Annabelle’s glint with a nod of the head.

“Crimson is one of the 22 family members of ours that Ty had to kill, he out of all of our siblings took after our ‘mother’ the most” Annabelle informed everyone, everyone was then in tense and shocked silence.

“Was there a good reason to kill them?” Dr.Cleff pierced the silence, Ty nodded before giving her verbal response.

“I don’t kill without reason plus those I kill were too far to change and be better,” Ty said with a quiet sorrowful voice.

“Alright, then I won’t mind it but do you two have a plan in mind since it’s your sibling” Dr.Cleff stated with a gentle voice, all the Foundation personnel were shocked.

“Yes, I do” Ty answered with certainty, everyone’s attention went to her in the next few seconds.

“Since there will be tricks and creatures that we’ll need to face, I and Annabelle were thinking of splitting up and taking teams with us to either face the creatures or face Crimson, the team that faces the creatures will be aiding with evacuation since I have no doubt he’ll bring innocents into this” Ty explained thoroughly.