Chapter 21: Special Chapter: A Day with Ty and 343

(Set after chapter 8)

Site-19 Light Containment Zone, SCP-▮’s Containment Cell.

Ty was currently alone in the containment cell, her twin sister, Annabelle left for another world to do something important, but it was still boring with her lack of presence.

Ty sighed as she teleported to the site's roof with her book, she just couldn’t get anything nowadays.

“Why am I not surprised that you’re not understanding your gifts?”

A gentle voice behind Ty brought her back to reality, she sighed again because she knew who it was.

“@!#%×/+$, don’t you have anything better to do rather than patronize this sibling of yours?” Ty sighed before she turned toward the brother that people referred to as God like he’s the only deity that exists.


Item #: SCP-343

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-343 resides in a 6.1 m by 6.1 m (20 ft by 20 ft) room at Minimal Security Site 17. It should be brought any items it requests and visited by at least one staff member each day. Attempts to add further safety precautions or required clearances are unnecessary/impossible due to the nature of SCP-343 (see description).

Description: SCP-343 is a male, seemingly race-less, humanoid in appearance with apparent omnipotence. SCP-343 was discovered walking the streets of Prague and detained after a staff member witnessed him disappear from the streets and reappear on a rooftop. SCP-343 is detained willingly in his chamber, as containment has proved impossible (see notes).

Addendum #343-1: "SCP-343, colloquially nicknamed 'God' by the staff here, looks like an older man, although his features are different to each observer. In my first talk with him, he claimed outright to be the creator of the universe. When I asked him to prove this, he laughed, walked through the wall of the chamber, and returned seconds later with a hamburger in his hand. When I returned for a second visit, the previously bare cell had been furnished in up-scale, Old English style, complete with a roaring fireplace, and seemed many times larger than it did from the exterior. SCP-343 greatly enjoys speaking with people and seems to know about all topics. Visiting SCP-343 has become a daily event for many of the staff here, and all employees report feeling generally happier after each visit. Attempts to bar staff below Level 3 clearance have proven unsuccessful, as guards assigned to watch the room quit their posts, saying 'You know He likes company' or shrugging when questioned. Since SCP-343 has thus far been harmless, all staff have been allowed access, and somehow they all have time to meet with him for as long as they need. For now, I leave this report open as further questioning of SCP-343 is ongoing." - Dr Beck

-[WARNING SL-4 or higher needed for further access]-

Addendum #343-2: In regards to document 343-1a, there are no relevant records available or seemingly in existence and, similarly, all records of Dr. ████████████ ███████████ ever working with SCP-343 or Dr Beck are missing and presumed non-existent. All staff questioned about the document convey ignorance of Document #343-1a and claim not to have met Dr. ████████████ ███████████. In a related matter, Senior officer Dr Beck has requested a higher staff rotation "…to increase morale in worse-off sections." This is a very odd request and was the subject of further investigation. Other localized anomalies such as better health, greater job satisfaction, and lower fatalities in this section have led to the request being granted. This subject is now closed on orders of O5-█.


You are reading story A New Adventure in a Different but NOT Normal World at

“Only would think my comfort is patronizing” @!#%×/+$ called Ty out, clearly amused with her reaction towards him.

@!#%×/+$ wasn’t anything like how others saw him, he was more otherworldly, more like the biblically accurate angels(I allow your imagination to wander on what God could look like in comparison to the biblically accurate angels).

“But why are you here, @!#%×/+$?” Ty asked while emphasising you, she knew @!#%×/+$ wouldn’t just come by.

“I heard from the others that you were hurting again and I know how much you hate those three scars” @!#%×/+$ said carefully, as to not touch a nerve.

“What would you do about it?” Ty questioned as she turned her head to look at him, @!#%×/+$ smiled softly in response before moving towards her.

“I may not be able to deal with the giant one on your back because that’s the one Madalia looks after, but… I can ease the pain for the ones on your eye and arm” @!#%×/+$ stated as Ty turned to him fully and sat on the ground, @!#%×/+$ sat in front of her not long after.

“Fine…” Ty agreed to @!#%×/+$ helping her, plus if she didn’t she just might have to deal with the rest of her siblings except him of course…

@!#%×/+$ chuckled as he moved his up to Ty’s left eye which was right for him, he placed his hand over the eye and used some of his light to heal it.

Ty stayed still, even though she’s part of the balance, she is still on the dark side of it with Uni being the light.

“Alright, I’m done with your eye, I just need your left arm now” @!#%×/+$ stated as Ty moved her arm and moved the sleeve up to reveal slightly black bandages.

“Aww, how bad of you to not change the bandages” @!#%×/+$ said in despair as he conjured up a med kit, “What did I say about patronizing me?” Ty rhetorically asked with venom.

“Not to but what did all of us say about looking after yourself?” @!#%×/+$ countered back, “Touché” Ty mumbled after the bandages were removed, the cut on Ty’s arm looked like it was a ravine made as a tattoo, but it also looked like someone carved a flesh ravine in her arm. (I didn’t know how to describe it, it just looks like a ravine but it's in her arm).

@!#%×/+$ healed the scar on Ty’s arm as well before rebandaging it, “there all done” @!#%×/+$ stated as he took Ty back to her and Annabelle’s containment cell.

“Thank you,” Ty said shyly as she went back to reading on her bed, “It was nothing big sis” @!#%×/+$ said before disappearing.