I knew that the real cultivation world was magical but to see it first hand was different.
It was like reading a fairytale and living in one. Telling a memory to someone else and remembering a memory yourself. Two pair of shoes but still the same.
Master introduced me on everything I should know. From the training facilities to the housing. There was also a dog here, as master didn't name him I just called him Wagdroll. You know, if he didn't wag his tails he was drooling while sleeping.
If there was one thing that didn't suit me was the personality change of master. Why would he suddenly be so cold to me? It was just a feeling inside me but I had the bad feeling of being grown to be somwthing he wanted.
The art he thaught me, with just inserting some memories in me, was called Medicine God. I was a alchemy fanatic since I grew up, our family is a family of alchemist anyway. I really liked it, using herbs and ressources found everywhere to cure pain or other allignments. Even using your will to mend bones and growing plants was possible for me now.
He also gave me two artifacts, no three. One was a robe which he said was to let others know I was his disciple. The other two were things I couldn't comprehend yet. A couldron with a name who I would call ambigious, Solar Cauldron.
A book who could tame, I would rather called it imprison, living beings in it. Master told me it could also summon beings I slaughtered but that wasn't my dream.
My dream was to heal the wounds of everyone I meet and bring happiness to all. Like my late fater did. He was once known in our family as the "Bringer of goodness".
He helped people where he could. Even uncle was saved by him when they were attacked. My father knew that he could have saved mother from death. He still didn't blame him.
Now that I think about it. Uncle will probably be screaming at rhe patriarch to find me.
After father saved his life he did become much more humble..
Origin watched his newest disciples eyes get wet after he told her how to use the Summoners Book and sighed. How he wished that everything he knew was just a bad joke.
"Don't be too sad. Your way will be fought with even more obstacles. Just know that at the end, you can rest peacefully. I will be here for the next few days and guide you."
Lana did reach the Nature stage several days later. Maybe she was gifted or the eniviroment here was really just too good.
He told her too go and train herself because it was time for his breakthrough.
As Lana left her master alone she couldn't hear him say one last sentence.
"The birth of the Savior....a path of pain and suffering...."
Origin was flying through the pocket dimension inspecting every corner he could.
"The laws here are the same as outside. It really is a new galaxy. Just where is it connected too? A plane of existence can't be stand alone..more things to uncover. Maybe after I break my shackles I will know more. That planet looks like a ggod place to do it."
Origin landed on a planet and was a little surprised to see some lifeforms already evolving. Not that he disliked it.
Many years passed. Origin was still there and ressonancing with the world. Some times stars, far away from him, would pulsate and send light towards him. Other times there would suddenly be complete darkness.
The only being who saw all that happen was a dog who was wagging his tail outside a tower far away.
Several decades passed again.
The pocket dimension began to tremble. It was only for a moment. If a God Stage being was here to wittnes that, they would have know what has happenend. It was still only the dog, wagging his tails a little bit faster, who experienced everything.
Origins eyes slowly opend, a big smile on his face.
"Lesser Divine..no..I may be only a Lesser Divine but this abilities..in this dimension I am a god. Time to look what my disciples are doing."
Some years before Origin broke through a celestial pair was meditating under a tree with a dog lying beside them.
You are reading story Master Origin at novel35.com
"Say sis, do you think this plan will work? I can't stand the thought of--"
"Do you think I like it? If you want to say something, say it to master when you come back. As for junior sister...you aren't the one who will be in the most pain.."
Yes, Tobias and Rukia were back in the pocket dimension. They already met their junior sister and Rukia instantly fell in love with her.
She was everything you could wish from a junior. Sometimes she was headstrong but that was good.
They trained with her, explained the world and it's laws. Even gone as far as to go out and bring in some herbs to plant.
Soon after Origin broke through.
A women in white clothes walked out of the tower with a big grin on her face.
"Senior Sister Senior Sister! I'm finally at the Void Step stage! Hehehe, if others knew they would probably vomit blood. Well, I would patch them up!"
Lana was happier than ever. Sure, in the Minia family and the Grandal clan it was good too. It was just right after her senior sister came that she began to love this place.
If she didn't knew better, she would have thought that this was all a dream.
Rukia just giggled, looked at Tobias and elbowed him in the side.
"So, what was that about if she can reach Void Step before master comes back you will quit being masters disciple?"
Rukias tone was rather playfull but why did Lana think how real it sounded?
Tobias was looking gloomy and was silent for some seconds. He looked up at Lana and had a hint of killing intent in it.
Lana was puzzled and scared while Rukia instantly teleported before her to shield the negative vibes.
"Junior brother..do you want to have a round?" Rukias voice was chilling to the extrem.
Tobias looked at his sister and back to Lana " You will regret this. I will destroy your dreams." He took out the disciple token and crushed it.
This made Lana's face go extremly pale. What happenend? Why were her seniors suddenly so aggresive to each other? Didn't she just step into the Void Step stage and tell them the good news?
Sure, her senior brother was always a silent and strict type but he also was caring for her!
She couldn't help but shout out " Senior brother! What's wrong?! Senior sister you too! Why are you like that? We are all the disciple of master!"
Tears were already flowing down her face. How did this all happen? Weren't they just happily together?
Rukia sneered and said to Tobias "Hmpf, as if. What do you want to do killer her? Master would burcher you up for good. I can finaly have a piece of mind with you gone, you fucking lunatic. Do you really think I don't know what you did everytime you got out? Butchering innocent lifes for your fun?"
Tobias laughed before replying to her. " Hahaha do you know which planet is nearest to our location? I will just begin there. Minia family will come afterwards!"
Lana was instantly on alert red. She knew they were in the Muriam Galaxy! Rukia was one step faster and immediately threw out an imprisoment array. Sadly the wished effect didn't come into being.
Rukia was shocked and almost sturred her next words "You are a Deity stage cultivator already?!??"
Tobias only smiled at her and turned around to Lana.
"Grandal family, eh? I hope that little girl Svena is really as beautiful as you told me hehehehe. No, I will just obliterate the whole planet. Puny Transcended stage cultivator aren't needed." He threw out an imprisoment array and bound both women.
"I don't think even master will find me in this whole big existence. Just hope we will never meet each other outside "junior" sister kekekekek"
With that daid he vanished from his spot, to do his cruel conquest of slaughter.
Lana was in tears which flowed down her face like a waterfall. Her mind was almost broken apart.
Rukia still had a face filled with shock on her. If one looked closely at her eyes though, one could see tears also weling up inside them.
Rukias thought was only, I'm sorry junior sister.