Chapter 22: CH22 Last talk with Lana

Several minutes after the imprisonment array was activated it finally canceld itself.

Lana and Rukia were freed from the shakles which bound them and regained the ability to move.

Lana heard her senior sisters voice before she could use the teleport function of the token.

"Don't do it junior sister! Helio Prime hasn't cultivators strong enough to withstand Tobias. I fear that..if you teleport now you would die too.."

Rukias voice was filled with remorse when she spoke to Lana. 

On Lana's face weren't tears anymore. A living being has only so much to shed. With a calm and focused face.

"I understand..can you come and get me if master comes back? I will go and train"

With an almost robotic voice, the girl which probably lost her second family, left.


The Muriam Galaxy may not be a strong one or without much space travell. It also may not be connected to the Galaxy Web. It was still part of the cultivation system though.

Many culrivators were dumbfounded when one day the biggest planet just straight up vanished. Helio Prime was no more.

Nobody knew why or how it happened. There was also no suspect to who had done it but every cultivator knew that it wasn't natural.


Origin teleported himself into the pocket dimension after his little trip outside.

He saw Rukia standing there as if nothing ever happened. He did feel bad for her, no for all three of his disciple. Especially Lana, he didn't know of he could ever make up it up for her.

Rukia saw Origin and bowed. "Was it a succes master?"

Origin just gazed at her for several seconds before answering. "Yes, how is Lana?"

"As you predicted master, I hope she can forgive us after all of this is done...may I ask of this will really work?"

Rukia didn't think her master was just doing this for fun. He had his reason which he told her and her brother but still, to make this universe a fun past time event to watch, was just too crazy of a thought.

"I don't know, I'm not even sure if the reality I think of is real or not. It's just a hinch but still worth trying. I will go and visit some other place to get more information soon. I know of the perfect place but It can be possible for all of you to reach the Divine stage before I can come back. Just promise me to look after the other two... You should know that your task may be hard but it isn't as mentaly challenging as theirs."

Rukia did think for a while. Her brother has to be the enigma of destruction while her junior sister has to be the equilibrium of it. As for her? She had to watch and interfere with some little things behind their backs. Sure, her master told Tobias what they will do, it was just not the whole truth.

Only she knew what crazy plan he really had in mind. No, maybe even she is lead into darkness and only he himself knew of it all. A show which even the actors didn't knew the whole plot and script.

"Yes, master. Can I ask of you to talk to Lana before you go? She may be strong willed but I think a little mental help would be good for her.She also asked me to call her if you're back." Rukia didn't want to let her junior sister down.

Origin thought for a while. It wasn't his plan to interfere to much in the ploy. He did want to have it as natural as it could be. No, he even wanted to make all of his disciples believe what they will have to do is reality. Who knew what abilities those in the Higher Realm had?

You are reading story Master Origin at

"Yes but I will not tell her what to do or even guide her. She has hear way already in the Void Step stage. If I influence her too much it will derail."

Rukia nodded and said gently "Thank you master. May your way lead us to real freedom."

Origin smiled and walked towards the tower. A last talk with his disciple, after that he had to go and see for himself about that  battelfiels. If others knew what his plan was they would call him insane.

In the lowest floor of the tower a girl was staring in the void before her. Her thoughts were spinning without a guidance. What should she do? What can she do? A knock and a voice nterrupted her thoughts.

"My third disciple. I want to talk with you. Can I come in?" Origin asked gently from outside.

Even before an answer came from inside the door opnend and a girl was hugging Origin, which made him have a surprised face.

"Master, what can I do? I don't know how to feel or how to live." Lana was sobbing in Origin arms which made his heart feel a stinging pain. He still had to follow his mind and not be persuaded by his emotions.

"Little girl... I can't help you much. After Rukia was freed I instantly did go to Helio Prime bit there was nothing there anymore..."

As Origin said that the girl began to tremble even more, just before she had a breakdown her masters voice said something which woke her up.

"You remember what I once told you? If you want to change anything you have to have power. If you want to help everyone you have to have even more. You need a heart of steel too. Do you understand what I meant with that now? If you had enough power you could have stoped Tobias. If you had a resolute heart you would not let anything like this happen again. Look at you now, you look more like a little child than anything else."

Lana stoped  trembling and crying. Her thoughts didn't spin in any directions anymore and focused itself on her master words. What did she want? How did she want to live her life? Yes! She wanted to help people meaningless of their race or philosophie. She wanted to make everyone live in peace.

Lana stoped hugging her master and took some steps back and bowed.

"Thank you master! I was not me anymore. Your words woke my innerself up. I will not only save people, I will also save my senior brother! Evilness isn't born, it's learned with the life one lived!"

Even Origin was shocked after hearing his disciple speak. Evilness isn't born, eh?

"Good.. master will have to go. I don't know when i will be back but it may even take thousand years. Maybe we will never see us again. I will trust that this universe will bloom with peace after you make your way to the top."

Lana bowed to her master again and spoke "Yes master, leave this to me! I will let you see a place for everyone to live when you come back!"

Lana didn't think about the words her master spoke too much. If she did. She would have got some clues. Sadly she didn't know the definition of universe yet.

Origin looked at her one last time and walked to the Tower of Trials, no to a thing which shouldn't exist. A teleportation door to another universe.

He made some seals and opened the door to walk through it. From this point of timw it would really be a door to train. He didn't want Lana to just walk through it and come to the place he was going to live in from now on.