Chapter 36: Chapter 31 – Crucial Circumstances






"Recording log..."

"Week 2"
“0035 hrs.”
“Yormford City, Almeda Kingdom”


Three FOXTROT Operators sneakily head outside of the inn undetected, while FOXTROT 10 stayed at DUSTROOM for overwatch while monitoring their situation by the surveillance and radio set table.

The three operators walk to their caravan behind the inn.

[ Stealth Elements ] [ Lead ] [ FOXTROT 01 ] : " *whispers on comms* F-11, remove the horse on the caravan and go drive it. I and F-02 will provide perimeter security. If we just burn it, it will just cause too much attention. So we might as well displace this thing to avoid further problems. "

[ Stealth Elements ] [ FOXTROT 11 ] : " *whispers on comms* On it sir. "

FOXTROT 11 then removes the ropes on the horse and leashes it to a post. After that, he takes the driver to begin pushing it.

[ Stealth Elements ] [ Lead ] [ FOXTROT 01 ] : " *whispers on comms* F-02, be the vanguard while you lead us. I will watch our 6. Make sure to pick a decent spot to hide this thing quickly"

[ Stealth Elements ] [ FOXTROT 02 ] : " *whispers on comms* Roger that, sir. "

[ Stealth Elements ] [ Lead ] [ FOXTROT 01 ] : " *whispers on comms* DUSTROOM, this is FOXTROT Actual. Beginning caravan displacement. Over. "

[ DUSTROOM ] [ Overwatch Element ] [ FOXTROT 10 ] : " *comms* FOXTROT Actual. Roger that. Caravan displacement is a go. Be sneaky-beakies like. "

FOXTROT 02 then leads the caravan by providing also as a front guard, while FOXTROT 01 guards the back.

While FOXTROT 02 leads the caravan into a closed and secured location, and with having the knowledge of the landmarks and roads in her city, she picks a certain alleyway that is hidden to the public to hide the caravan.

... ... ... …

0121 hrs.

A couple of minutes later on a certain road intersection...

FOXTROT 02, on forwarding lead and scout, checks each corner, roads, and buildings for knights and patrols.

And at a corner of a building, she orders the caravan to stop.

[ Stealth Elements ] [ FOXTROT 02 ] : " *whispers on comms* Stop. "

FOXTROT 11 and FOXTROT 01 stop and scan the area while FOXTROT 02 peeks through the side by the corner of the building.

There, she sees knights patrolling tens of meters away from them. She immediately points her suppressed HK 433 on them and reports her sighting.

[ Stealth Elements ] [ FOXTROT 02 ] : " *whispers on comms* Contact. 3 o'clock. Detour at 11 o'clock on my mark. "

FOXTROT 02 then waits for the patrol to walk off.

[ Stealth Elements ] [ FOXTROT 02 ] : " *whispers on comms* Wait for it. Wait for it. "

Then, as soon as the patrol leaves...

[ Stealth Elements ] [ FOXTROT 02 ] : " *whispers on comms* Mark mark mark. "

FOXTROT 11 then continues driving the caravan to their 11 o'clock while FOXTROT 01 goes into front overwatch to temporarily adjust their security.

FOXTROT 02 is still peeking at the side to make sure that no contact is left.

Making sure that the area is now clear, she heads back to the caravan and resumes the front lead while FOXTROT 01 displaces and resumes as the back overwatch.

As they slowly continue to traverse into the darkness of the city, and with the help of their quadcular NODS, they easily avoid and dodge certain guards and knights that are patrolling and guarding the city.

... ... ...

0155 hrs.

In a certain Hidden Alleyway...

FOXTROT 02 finally reached her chosen location for the caravan to hide and displace. The Hidden Alleyway is enclosed with overall darkness, with the tall walls of bricks on its sides. Both entrances are also not easily recognizable with scrapes and pieces of cloth, woods, and garbage surrounding it.

With that, the operators made their way inside.

[ Stealth Elements ] [ FOXTROT 02 ] : " *whispers on comms* F-11, you can place the caravan here. "

FOXTROT 11 then pushes the caravan by the side of the wall and takes off.

[ Stealth Elements ] [ Lead ] [ FOXTROT 01 ] : " *whispers on comms* DUSTROOM, this is FOXTROT Actual. The caravan is now secured. Proceeding with the objectives. Over. "

[ DUSTROOM ] [ Overwatch Element ] [ FOXTROT 10 ] : " *comms* DUSTROOM copies all FOXTROT Actual. Good hunting. "

The Stealth Elements then regroup while on the lookout.

[ Stealth Elements ] [ Lead ] [ FOXTROT 01 ] : " *whispers* Alright. F-02, we'll leave the locations to you. Where do we start? "

FOXTROT 02 checks her map.

[ Stealth Elements ] [ FOXTROT 02 ] : " *whispers* First, I chose that we'll move inside the Archives Building, just 7 blocks from here. We should be able to gather most of the intel there. After that, it's up to you, sir, on where we go next. "

[ Stealth Elements ] [ Lead ] [ FOXTROT 01 ] : " *whispers* Okay. Let's go to the Archives Building. Oh before we leave, are there any important objects still inside the caravan that we might still use? "

[ Stealth Elements ] [ FOXTROT 02 ] : " *whispers* None sir. It's all just food and some unneeded necessities. I didn't want to carry all those inside DUSTROOM or people would get suspicious of us. And besides, selling those isn't worth it. We can just leave it here. "

[ Stealth Elements ] [ Lead ] [ FOXTROT 01 ] : " *whispers* Alright. Let's move out then. Take point F-02. "

[ Stealth Elements ] [ FOXTROT 02 ] : " *whispers* Yes sir. "

FOXTROT 02 leads the way, followed by the two other operators. They leave behind the caravan in the Hidden Alleyway, with some unneeded things inside of it.

As they head out, little did they know that there's a girl, wearing poor and dirty clothes, hiding behind a dumpster.

She is scavenging through the dumpsters and trash cans inside the alleyway earlier for something to eat and for something useful until she hears and sees the incoming caravan and hides.

As the three FOXTROT Operators left the alleyway, the girl peeks to know if the three operators are still there.

[ Unknown Girl ] : " *peeks left* *peeks right* "

After knowing that the alleyway is clear, she heads out and checks the caravan. She went inside the caravan and was surprised. There was food, medicines, clothes, blankets, and some necessities inside boxes and crates.

Her face is filled with surprise and joy. She carries some of it and brings them to a makeshift tent near the alleyway.

... ...

As the girl heads inside a makeshift tent, there lies a man. He is coughing very hard. The girl then lays down the stuff she brought and gives medicine to the man.

[ Unknown Girl ] : " Dad! Look! I got some medicine for you! "

The man then looked at the girl with concern.

[ Unknown Man ] : " Aida*cough* *cough* Where did you get that? Did you steal it? "

[ Aida ] : " No dad! I picked it from the boxes inside of an abandoned caravan! For some reason, they didn't need all of this stuff!

[ Unknown Man ] : " Are you sure? They may retrieve those sooner. "

[ Aida ] : " But dad. I heard them saying that people will get suspicious of them if they bring all of this inside to the place that they called "DUSTROOM". I'm sure they have their own reasons. Anyway, just never mind about that! Take the medicine dad! "

The dad is still hesitant at first to take the medicine. But due to his ongoing sickness, he then picks up the medicine and drinks it.

[ Unknown Man ] : " Thank you, Aida*cough* *cough* "

Aida then looked at her dad with a worried face.

[ Aida ] : " I hope the medicine works. "

[ Unknown Man ] : " *cough* Yeah. I hope so. *cough* What are the other things you've found? "

[ Aida ] : " Ah! That's right! "

Aida, with an excited face, then proceeds to lay out the stuff she brought from the caravan.

[ Aida ] : " Here are some extra clothes! Try them, dad! I think they will fit you! "

As she picked a couple of t-shirts and pants.

[ Aida ] : " And here are some meat, bread, and vegetables! "

As she picked the food from a crate.

[ Aida ] : " I also got some blankets! We won't be having to sleep on the floor now! "

[ Unknown Man ] : " *cough* Wow. And this is only the portion of what you've found inside that caravan? "

[ Aida ] : " Yes dad! There is more of this inside the caravan! "

Aida said in teary eyes.

[ Unknown Man ] : " Hehe. Don't cry. At least we got to thank them for leaving this stuff. "

Aida then wipes her tears.

[ Aida ] : " Hmm! "

The two then stood and faced the door.

Then they gratefully bow their heads to express their gratitude to the people who abandoned the caravan.




0222 hrs.

Archives Building of Yormford City

The three FOXTROT Operators reach the archives building undetected. FOXTROT 02 and FOXTROT 01 check the area while FOXTROT 11 picks the locked gate.

[ Stealth Elements ] [ Lead ] [ FOXTROT 01 ] : " *whispers* Is this it, F-02? "

[ Stealth Elements ] [ FOXTROT 02 ] : " *whispers* Yes sir. "

FOXTROT 01 then contacts DUSTROOM.

[ Stealth Elements ] [ Lead ] [ FOXTROT 01 ] : " *whispers on comms* DUSTROOM, be advised. FOXTROT Elements are now at the Archives Building. Designation will be "Alpha-Bravo". How copy? Over. "

[ DUSTROOM ] [ Overwatch Element ] [ FOXTROT 10 ] : " *comms* Copy that. Archives Building is “Alpha-Bravo”. I say again, “Alpha-Bravo”. How copy, FOXTROT Actual? "

[ Stealth Elements ] [ Lead ] [ FOXTROT 01 ] : " *whispers on comms* DUSTROOM, readback is correct. Proceeding with the infiltration. FOXTROT Actual Out. "

FOXTROT 01 then hangs up and checks out with the two operators.

[ Stealth Elements ] [ Lead ] [ FOXTROT 01 ] : " *whispers* Alright. F-02, what's the plan? "

[ Stealth Elements ] [ FOXTROT 02 ] : " *whispers* After the gate is unlocked, we will sneak by those guards by the building entrance and we'll have them immobilized. "

[ Stealth Elements ] [ Lead ] [ FOXTROT 01 ] : " *whispers* Roger. I will distract the guards. Head inside on my mark. "

[ Stealth Elements ] [ FOXTROT 02 ] : " *whispers* Roger sir."

[ Stealth Elements ] [ FOXTROT 11 ] : “ *whispers* Wilco. “

FOXTROT 01 separates from the two operators and picks up pebbles as he goes meters away from them. He then stopped to the further right side of the area.

FOXTROT 11 is now finished unlocking the gate.

You are reading story Special Operations Forces In The Other World at

[ Stealth Elements ] [ FOXTROT 11 ] : " *whispers on comms* Be advised: The gate is now unlocked. Standing by for infil. "

[ Stealth Elements ] [ Lead ] [ FOXTROT 01 ] : " *whispers on comms* Roger that. F-02, I'm gonna throw some rocks. Standby for my mark. "

[ Stealth Elements ] [ FOXTROT 02 ] : " *whispers on comms* Standing by. "

FOXTROT 01 picks a pebble and then tosses it inside the area.

The two knight guards are distracted by the noise.

Knight Guard 1 : " Hmm? What was that? "

Knight Guard 2 : " I don't know. Can you check it out? "

Knight Guard 1 : " I won't even bother it. It must be some prankster who's doing that. "

Knight Guard 2 : " Hmm. "

FOXTROT 01 again tosses another pebble. Followed by two more. Then three more.

Knight Guard 2 : " What the fuck? That prankster has some balls! "

Knight Guard 1 : " You want to check it out? "

Knight Guard 2 : " Okay. Come on. Let's go get that bastard. We've got nothing to do anyways besides to guard this stupid place. "

The knight guards then move to the further side of the area where the sounds are resonating leaving the building entranced unguarded.

[ Stealth Elements ] [ Lead ] [ FOXTROT 01 ] : " *whispers on comms* Mark mark mark! "

As FOXTROT 01 slowly points his rifle to the approaching two knight guards, while FOXTROT 02 and FOXTROT 11 then silently move through the unlocked gate.

[ Stealth Elements ] [ FOXTROT 02 ] : " *whispers on comms* We're going in. "

[ Stealth Elements ] [ Lead ] [ FOXTROT 01 ] : " *whispers on comms* Roger that. "

FOXTROT 01 then displaces and heads also inside the gate quietly.

While the knight guards are searching for the sounds and the person who did it, FOXTROT 02 and FOXTROT 11 slowly sneak behind and close in on the knight guards with their M9 combat knives on hand.

Knight Guard 1 : " That's strange. There's nobody here. "

Knight Guard 2 : " Yeah. The sounds are gone too. "

As the two knight guards searching for the suspected prankster and the sound of origin in a dark place, the two FOXTROT Operators stab the two knight guards.

Knight Guard 1 : " BLERRG--MMPPPHHH!!!! "

Knight Guard 2 : " BLAAAR--MHHHPPPHH!!!! "

FOXTROT 02 and FOXTROT 11 quickly put their hands on the mouths of the two knight guards to conceal their scream as their M9 knives pierced through their thin leather armor.

With that, the two knight guards then gradually lose consciousness and eventually die. The two FOXTROT Operators slowly carry and drag the two dead knight guards to a concealed area behind a small wooden shack.

[ Stealth Elements ] [ FOXTROT 11 ] : " *whispers on comms* Contacts have been neutralized. Consolidating to you sir. "

FOXTROT 02 and FOXTROT 11 consolidated with FOXTROT 01 into the building entrance by the door.

[ Stealth Elements ] [ Lead ] [ FOXTROT 01 ] : " *whispers on comms* DUSTROOMFOXTROT Elements are now going inside Alpha-Bravo. We are going in. "

[ DUSTROOM ] [ Overwatch Element ] [ FOXTROT 10 ] : " *comms* FOXTROT Actual, copy that. "

As they unlock the door, the operators, with the help of their quadcular NODS, traverse inside the dimness of the archives building while pointing their suppressed rifles on the ready.

They see a few knights sleeping on couches and chairs. Some are dozing off inside hallways and rooms.

[ Stealth Elements ] [ FOXTROT 02 ] : " *whispers on comms* Strange. The knights are sleeping here now? This area is supposedly off-limits to the military. What the hell happened? "

They also observed the broken and destroyed furniture, paintings, decorations, etc. along the way. Meaning the building isn't maintained properly and must’ve been in bad management.

After a brief walk, the operators reached the archives room full of bookshelves and books. They inspected various forms of intel like books, papers, articles, while still on guard. Until...


A hidden door opens as FOXTROT 01 picks up a certain book by the shelf.

The three operators quickly pointed their HK 433's into the opened passage.

[ Stealth Elements ] [ FOXTROT 11 ] : " *whispers* The.Fuck.Is.This? "

[ Stealth Elements ] [ FOXTROT 02 ] : " *whispers* It seems that there's a hidden room beneath this building. I didn't know that they placed such a room inside. "

[ Stealth Elements ] [ Lead ] [ FOXTROT 01 ] : " *whispers* Oh this is getting pretty interesting. Stack up. "

The operators stack up by the entrance of the passage with FOXTROT 01 as the first man.

[ Stealth Elements ] [ Lead ] [ FOXTROT 01 ] : " *whispers on comms* DUSTROOM, be advised. We're going into an undisclosed location inside Alpha-Bravo. Expect some radio signal loss. "

[ DUSTROOM ] [ Overwatch Element ] [ FOXTROT 10 ] : " *comms* FOXTROT Actual, roger that. I'll stand by a backup force and fire support from Arkson Base. "

[ Stealth Elements ] [ Lead ] [ FOXTROT 01 ] : " *whispers on comms* Roger that. Proceed with the backup support. FOXTROT Actual Out. "

FOXTROT 01 then peeks through the entrance.

[ Stealth Elements ] [ Lead ] [ FOXTROT 01 ] : " *whispers* Alright. On me. "

FOXTROT 02 and FOXTROT 11 followed FOXTROT 01 into the hidden passage.

... ... ...

As the operators sneak further, they are shocked by what they are seeing.


- it's a drug lab, with prison cells containing numerous female slaves.

[ Stealth Elements ] [ Lead ] [ FOXTROT 01 ] : " *whispers* Oh come on. Not again. Are you fucking kidding me? "

FOXTROT 01 said frustratedly as he tilts his head and lowered his rifle in disappointment.

FOXTROT 11 guards the entrance while FOXTROT 02 looks at the area with full disgust and anger.

[ Stealth Elements ] [ FOXTROT 02 ] : " *whispers* Sir, permission to release all- "

But FOXTROT 01 quickly interrupts her.

[ Stealth Elements ] [ Lead ] [ FOXTROT 01 ] : " *whispers* WAIT ‘02! I know what you’re thinking. But, I’m afraid that there's no way we could bring these poor souls out of here. With the knights outnumbering us outside, you think we can put up a fight? I can just spawn a couple more reinforcements on here, on the spot. But, what if they too send more reinforcements? It will be just a bloodbath! And it will cause more harm than good. That’s why I’m also very disappointed. Besides, we're here for the intel. "

FOXTROT 01 then looks at the prison cells. Some of the captives are very drugged and out of control. Some are even hurting themselves and convulsing.

[ Stealth Elements ] [ Lead ] [ FOXTROT 01 ] : " *whispers* - not at the moment. Not now. Don't worry. We'll find a way. "

FOXTROT 02 then looks at the prison cells with a concerned and also disappointed face.

[ Stealth Elements ] [ Lead ] [ FOXTROT 01 - Fox ] : " *whispers* Come on. Gather some intel. We might don't have much time. "

The operators then proceed on their intel hunt.



Loud bell resonates outside the building and is heard by the three FOXTROT Operators.


As voices shouted inside the building.











The operators then prepare for the worst.





Soul Count :

[ 67 ]

+2 Knight Guards


Spawn Count: ( excluding vehicle crews )

[ 2,055 ]

2,005 Infantry Units

= 50 Special Forces




- 2 McDonnell Douglas AV-8B Harrier II

- 2 General Atomics MQ-9

- 4 AH-64D Longbow Apaches

- 1 MH-60A Blackhawk

- 2 MH-47 Chinook






Chapter 32 - Fight or Flight
