Chapter 37: Chapter 32 – Fight or Flight






"Rewinding log..."

"Week 2"
"0301 hrs."
“Underground Prison Chamber, Archives Building”
"Yormford City, Almeda Kingdom"

FOXTROT Elements of three are in the midst of gathering high-value intel/s inside the undisclosed prison chamber, inside the Archives Building.

Until a knight from a patrol group arrived at the Archives Building and saw the building entrance had no guards.

" Hmm. This is strange. Where are the guards? " the knight guard asked himself.

The knight then decides to check it out and walks inside the building.

Inside, he wakes a sleeping knight on a couch to ask a question.

" Hoy. Wake up! " as he shakes the sleeping knight’s shoulder.

*snore* HUH? WHA-WHAT? " the knight wakes up.

" Where are the guards that are guarding the entrance? "

*yawns* Tch. I dunno man. They are just there. No way they could've walked out. Because, if they did, you'd know what the lord mayor will do to them. "

The knight then goes back to his sleep. And soon, other patrolling knights have also arrived in the building.

The first knight confronts his patrol group about the missing knight guards by the entrance.

" Guys. I think there's something wrong here. The guards are gone. "

" Yeah. We also noticed that. Did something happen? Did they run off? " one of the members from his patrol group asked.

" Pft. No way. Lord Mayor Karen will execute them both if they do. " the other knight from the patrol group responded.

" I know. Come on. Let us search for them. "

The patrol group then searches the outside and inside premises of the Archives Building.



One of the knights from the patrol group was shocked as he saw the two dead knight guards with blood gushing out of their stab wounds, behind the wooden shack at the furthest right area of the front yard.


The patrol knights then gathered at the wooden shack and also saw the two dead corpses and inspected their source of death.

They saw deep and short open stab wounds behind their stomachs. Implying that they have been attacked from behind.

" SHIT! WHO COULD'VE DONE THIS? QUICK! TRIGGER THE ALARM! WE MIGHT HAVE INTRUDERS OR SPIES AROUND THE PREMISES! " as the leader of the patrol group orders one of his members.

" GO-GOT IT! "

One of the knights quickly runs over by a medium-sized bell near the mini porch at the entrance and rings the bell.


" INTRUDERS! INTRUDERS! " the knight yelled while ringing the bell.

With that, all of the knights came running and the sleeping ones awakened. They all hear the alarm and the possible threat posing to them.

They hurry up and check each room, corner, and area outside and inside of the Archives Building.

... ... ...

Meanwhile, inside the hidden chamber of the Archives Building...

The three FOXTROT Operators also heard the loud alarm and bell and realized that they are now in a bad situation. FOXTROT 11 guards the entrance while FOXTROT 01 and FOXTROT 02 check the Prison Chamber for additional targets.

[ Stealth Elements ] [ FOXTROT 11 ] : " *whispers on comms* Aw shite! "

With the last corner cleared, FOXTROT 02 signals the all-clear and regroup to FOXTROT 11 with FOXTROT 01.

[ Stealth Elements ] [ FOXTROT 02 ] : " *whispers on comms* CLEAR! “

[ Stealth Elements ] [ Lead ] [ FOXTROT 01 ] : " *whispers on comms* Roger. Consolidate on FOXTROT 11! "

[ Stealth Elements ] [ FOXTROT 02 ] : " *whispers on comms* Tch. They've found the bodies. "

[ Stealth Elements ] [ Lead ] [ FOXTROT 01 ] : " *whispers on comms* F-11, you think you can close the entrance of this chamber? I’ll back you up. F-02, you stay here! "

[ Stealth Elements ] [ FOXTROT 11 ] : " *whispers on comms* Roger captain. "

FOXTROT 11 then slowly walks upstairs with his suppressed rifle pointing forwards together with FOXTROT 01 behind him also pointing his rifle forwards just on top of FOXTROT 11’s right shoulder.

With the help of their quadcular NODS, they would easily find the switch to close the secret door just by a stone wall near the secret door.

Then, as the door shuts off, a passing knight almost sees the closing of the secret passage.

" Hmm? What is that? " as he then inspects the area.

But he finds nothing except old shelves, books, and papers.

Fortunately, all of the knights that are stationed in the Archives Building didn't know that there is a secret and hidden chamber lying beneath the building.

" Huh. Must've been my imagination. " as the knight then resumes his search for the intruders.

While the three FOXTROT Operators formed a defensive hold inside the hidden chamber.

... ... ...

0333 hrs.

Inside DUSTROOM...

Meanwhile, DUSTROOM ( FOXTROT 10 - Felipe ) , having tried to contact the Stealth Elements for minutes, still doesn’t manage to make direct contact with them.

So he had no choice but to request comms assistance from Arkson Base from the radio set table.

[ DUSTROOM ] [ Overwatch Element ] [ FOXTROT 10 ] : “ *radio* Arkson Base, Arkson BaseDUSTROOM. How copy? Over. “


[ A.B. ] [ Radio Telephone Operator ] [ Indigo 5-8 , 2nd Bn. ] : “ *on radio* Indigo 5-8. Go ahead DUSTROOM.

[ DUSTROOM ] [ Overwatch Element ] [ FOXTROT 10 ] : “ *radio* Arkson Base. Request overhead surveillance, recon, and comms assistance. Over. “

[ A.B. ] [ Radio Telephone Operator ] [ Indigo 5-8 , 2nd Bn. ] : “ *on radio* Ergh. Copy. Standby.

… … …

At Arkson Base...

Indigo 5-8 then makes another call with Able 1-1 on a separate radio.


[ A.B. ] [ Chief of Arkson Base ] Able 1-1 ] : “ *on radio* Yes? “

[ A.B. ] [ Radio Telephone Operator ] [ Indigo 5-8 , 2nd Bn. ] : “ *radio* ChiefIndigo 5-8. DUSTROOM has requested overhead surveillance and comms assistance at their location. “

[ A.B. ] [ Chief of Arkson Base ] Able 1-1 ] : “ *on radio* Hmm. Alright. Go and get the newly upgraded MQ-9’s on the runway. Notify also its operators to start prepping the drone ASAP. “

[ A.B. ] [ Radio Telephone Operator ] [ Indigo 5-8 , 2nd Bn. ] : “ *radio* Roger that, chief. “

[ A.B. ] [ Chief of Arkson Base ] Able 1-1 ] : “ *on radio* Alright. Contact me ASAP for further updates. Out. “

Able 1-1 then ordered a newly upgraded version from their two MQ-9 Reaper Drones - callsign PRIMERA 2, to be used for the backup and assistance operation.

The difference between the MQ-1 Predator and MQ-9 Reaper is that the MQ-1 Predator is only used for ISR ( Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance ), and can only carry two ordnance. While the MQ-9 Reaper can do both ISR and can carry a broader range of ordnance.

With that, Indigo 5-8 contacts the two drone operators to start prepping the drone to get on the runway, by inside the Ground Control Station.


... ...

With the MQ-9 Reaper drone, equipped with:

- 4 AGM 114 Hellfire missiles

- and 2 Paveway II Laser-Guided Bombs,

...the MQ-9 Reaper drone taxis down Runway 02

[ A.B. ] [ Ground Control Station (GCS) ] [ PRIMERA 2 Pilot Operator ] : > Arkson Tower. This is PRIMERA 2 in Runway Zero-Two. Requesting for departure. <

[ A.B. ] [ Flight Controller ] [ Eagle 3-6 , 1st Bn. ] : " *on radio* Roger PRIMERA 2. Clear for takeoff Runway Zero-Two, CLIMB MAINTAIN 1000 INITIALLY EXPECT FL5000 1-0 MIN AFTER DEPARTURE UNTIL OUTSIDE CLASS ROMEO CONTACT “DUSTROOM” APPROACH AT ONE-FIVE-FIVE-POINT-SEVEN-NINER. "


[ A.B. ] [ Flight Controller ] [ Eagle 3-6 , 1st Bn. ] : " *on radio* Full readback is confirmed. "

The MQ-9 Reaper drone, fully loaded with ordnance, throttles its much stronger 900 shp ( Shaft Horsepower ) engine and takes off the runway.

It then makes its way to Yormford City.

... ... ...

0355 hrs.

Yormford City

Back inside the Underground Prison Chamber of Archives Building…

The three operators are still inside the hidden and dimmed chamber. They are still in defensive positions and holding guards. They can't contact DUSTROOM or anybody due to their underground location where radio signals don't reach them.

FOXTROT 11 is positioned behind a table. Whereas FOXTROT 02 is beside a wall and FOXTROT 01 is at the cells.

FOXTROT 01 looks at the female slaves. They are somewhat in clean condition.

But, as he inspects further with his quadcular NODS, he soon realizes that they are drugged. Markings of injections and drug symptoms can be seen throughout their bodies.

Out of their minds, smashing their heads on the wall, laughing hysterically, crying uncontrollably, etc.

FOXTROT 01 makes a sad face.

[ Stealth Elements ] [ Lead ] [ FOXTROT 01 ] : " *whispers on comms* .....Poor lads. "

Then, he makes a horrible decision, which it’s the only choice he had.

- That’s to kill all of the drugged female slaves so that the Stealth Elements won’t be compromised

[ Stealth Elements ] [ Lead ] [ FOXTROT 01 ] : " *whispers on comms* Hey. F-02. "

FOXTROT 02, still aiming at the stairs, responds.

[ Stealth Elements ] [ FOXTROT 02 ] : " *whispers on comms* What is it, sir? "

You are reading story Special Operations Forces In The Other World at

FOXTROT 01 pauses for a while.

[ Stealth Elements ] [ Lead ] [ FOXTROT 01 ] : " *whispers on comms* I'm confident that you won't agree on this. But... "

FOXTROT 02 then looks at FOXTROT 01 without holstering her rifle.

[ Stealth Elements ] [ FOXTROT 02 ] : " *whispers on comms* But what, sir? "

Then, FOXTROT 01 also looks at FOXTROT 02.

[ Stealth Elements ] [ Lead ] [ FOXTROT 01 ] : *whispers on comms* ......I've decided to eliminate these poor slaves. "

[ Stealth Elements ] [ FOXTROT 02 ] : " *whispers on comms* WHAT? Why, sir? "

[ Stealth Elements ] [ Lead ] [ FOXTROT 01 ] : " *whispers on comms* .......Look. I know you wanted to save all of them. But, as of right now. We can't. "

[ Stealth Elements ] [ FOXTROT 02 ] : " *whispers on comms* But…. sir! "

She then leaves her position and confronts FOXTROT 01.

[ Stealth Elements ] [ FOXTROT 02 ] : " *whispers* Sir! With respect, sir. But, are you out of your mind? "

She said with little anger.

[ Stealth Elements ] [ Lead ] [ FOXTROT 01 ] : " *whispers* ..........You don't understand. "

[ Stealth Elements ] [ FOXTROT 02 ] : " *whispers* WHAT IS IT THAT I DON'T FUCKING UNDERSTAND, SIR? TELL ME! "

This surprises FOXTROT 11 who wants to look behind, but he can’t, as he still has to watch the stairs for security.

[ Stealth Elements ] [ Lead ] [ FOXTROT 01 ] : " *whispers* ..........I have to kill them to end their suffering. Don't get me wrong. I would gladly save these poor lads. But as of right now, we can't. As I said earlier, we don't have the manpower and strength for this operation. Well, I do have. But even if we request some or I spawn more units, it will do more harm than good. It will cause too much attention. Which may just bring more blood spilled and corpses along the way. I don’t really like the picture where we have to kill many people just for this operation. "

FOXTROT 02 backs up and FOXTROT 01 looks to the female slaves.

[ Stealth Elements ] [ Lead ] [ FOXTROT 01 ] : " *whispers*..........We can leave these girls here. But you never know what will happen to them next. What if they got relocated into another undisclosed location and motherfuckers will still continue to use them in some "fucking-disgusting-I-don't--even-want-to-fucking-know" sort of things? What if they got killed by the city? - By the mayor? "

FOXTROT 01 tears up and opens his jaw.

[ Stealth Elements ] [ Lead ] [ FOXTROT 01 ] : " *whispers* ..........I-I don't even want to think that their parents are still waiting for them. Waiting for them to come home, only to see them in this - in this fucking drugged state. Just imagine their faces when they see their daughters like this. "

FOXTROT 02 also tears up while FOXTROT 01 smacks the air in disappointment.

[ Stealth Elements ] [ Lead ] [ FOXTROT 01 ] : " *whispers* Arhg! FUCK! This is not supposed to be the plan! I-I already planned to treat them with drug detoxing medicines from my inventory! But, we don’t have much time! It will be a matter of time before we get compromised if we don’t take the necessary actions now! "

He then looks back at FOXTROT 02.

[ Stealth Elements ] [ Lead ] [ FOXTROT 01 ] : " *whispers* ..........Our arrival here is just a waste and meaningless if we won't do this - if we leave them to those scum of bitches. "

FOXTROT 11, still in a holding position and having heard all of their conversations, makes a sad expression while still aiming his HK 433 to the stairs.

[ Stealth Elements ] [ Lead ] [ FOXTROT 01 ] : " *whispers* So, Felicia. I’m asking you. Are you in or not? "

FOXTROT 02 then looks away while tearing up.

[ Stealth Elements ] [ FOXTROT 02 ] : " *whispers* Just do it by yourself, sir. "

As she leaves FOXTROT 01 with extreme sadness and disappointment, and then also resumes holding position at the side of a wall.

FOXTROT 01 stared at FOXTROT 02 as she left and looked back at the female slaves.

….Aimed his HK 433.

….. To their heads.

[ Stealth Elements ] [ Lead ] [ FOXTROT 01 ] : " *whispers* ......I'm sorry, girls. I could’ve been more competent. May you find peace in the afterlife. "













One by one, the drugged female slaves dropped dead as the 5.56 bullet went straight to their heads.


FOXTROT 02 tears up as sounds of FOXTROT 01’s suppressed rifle resonate across the chamber.


FOXTROT 02 murmured as she clenched her teeth.




0427 hrs.

Inside DUSTROOM...

FOXTROT 10, still on his seat at the radio set table, is still trying to establish radio contact to the three FOXTROT Elements, but to no avail. The radio signal won't reach the underground part of the undisclosed drug den.

[ DUSTROOM ] [ Overwatch Element ] [ FOXTROT 10 ] : " *radio comms* FOXTROT Elements, come in. Over. "

*static noise*

[ DUSTROOM ] [ Overwatch Element ] [ FOXTROT 10 ] : " Fuck. "

Then, another static comes to the radio,

[ A.B. ] [ G.C.S. ] [ PRIMERA 2 Pilot Operator ] : > DUSTROOM, DUSTROOM. This is PRIMERA 2. Five-Mikes out inbound and standing by and ready for tasking. <

[ DUSTROOM ] [ Overwatch Element ] [ FOXTROT 10 ] : *radio* Five-by-five PRIMERA 2! I'll link up the radiofrequency to the FOXTROT Elements. Stand by. "

FOXTROT 11 then relays and links the radiofrequency of the FOXTROT Elements to PRIMERA 2 in order for the drone operators to make contact with the Stealth Elements.

*beeeep* *beep*

[ DUSTROOM ] [ Overwatch Element ] [ FOXTROT 10 ] : *radio* PRIMERA 2, this is DUSTROOM. Relay is complete. Confirm FOXTROT radiofrequency is Eight-Niner-Point-Niner-Two? Over. "

The PRIMERA 2 Pilot Operator then asked his Sensor Operators.

The Sensor Operators of the drone can't directly communicate with other radio channels. Only the Pilot Operator can contact anyone on the radio channel. Three operators are controlling a single drone = 1 Pilot and 2 Sensor Operators.

The Sensor Operators thumb up.

[ A.B. ] [ G.C.S. ] [ PRIMERA 2 Pilot Operator ] : > 'DUSTROOM', FOXTROT radiofrequency is as follows: Eight-Niner-Point-Niner-Two. Over. <

FOXTROT 10 smiles.

[ DUSTROOM ] [ Overwatch Element ] [ FOXTROT 10 ] : *radio* PRIMERA 2, roger that. I'll leave the fellas on your hands now. DUSTROOM Out. "








PRIMERA 2 then heads out in the middle of Yormford City airspace.





Soul Count :

[ 79 ]

+12 Drugged Female Slaves


Spawn Count: ( excluding vehicle crews )

[ 2,055 ]

2,005 Infantry Units

= 50 Special Forces




- 2 McDonnell Douglas AV-8B Harrier II

- 2 General Atomics MQ-9

- 4 AH-64D Longbow Apaches

- 1 MH-60A Blackhawk

- 2 MH-47 Chinook






Chapter 33 - Sudden Inconvenience
