I felt like I was sinking through water. I was only somewhat conscious, my mind drifting along through half formed dreams. Then with a start I was suddenly awake and the first thing I noticed was that I no longer had a body. It was an odd sensation, kinda hard to describe, but it was like I was a being of pure thought at that moment; no sensation save for a blinding white light. And then with an imagined pop sound there was a desk in the endless white. A person sat behind it and stared at me. He was startlingly handsome, his dark skin hinting at middle-eastern heritage. His hair was black and had the bluest eyes I've ever seen on anyone, man or woman. He also had some muscle on him just visible beneath his gray suit; not like gym-junky muscles, but more like a well toned athlete.
After staring at me, or where my perception was, for a few minutes he spoke. “You have been chosen due to the nature of your soul for a divine experiment. You will be reincarnated with your memories intact. That's the main point, but I am allowed to grant some simple requests for your next life. Tell me what would you like?” He sounded bored, like this was just another job or meeting or whatever. So I'm gonna be reincarnated huh? And I get a request? This sounds familiar, so much fiction in my life started this way it isn't even funny anymore. I thought it over a little before realizing that I had no voice, how was I supposed to answer him? Then he said “Oh, that. I forgot to mention that I can read your mind so just think your request and I'll hear it.”
Well that's mildly creepy, but I can't complain considering the circumstances. I first have to ask where will I be reincarnated.
“That's part of what you can request. There are trillions of worlds fitting all kinds of criteria. You can request to be placed in a world with features that interest you or go back to your original world if you want to.”
Well that's cool, I really liked my original world but there's probably one I'd like more. Is there a world that runs on a system like Dungeons & Dragons? I always loved D&D in my old life. Played it with my friends every week right up until the end of my life.
“Yes actually there are several worlds that run on systems like D&D. Every time a new edition comes out several worlds are born from the resulting thoughts and feelings of the players. None of them are the settings you would be familiar with though, they are ultimately their own worlds with living, thinking people in them. You might be surprised to learn that D&D is a staple in many of the more scientific worlds. It has many names but the details are largely similar.”
Fantastic! I would like to be placed in a world based on D&D as my long time character, Allure Blackhorn.
“That's doable, but only just. I'll have to influence the world to make your request feasible. Thankfully I've been given some leeway in granting requests to subjects. It'll take a few thousand years to set up, but you'll be asleep for that time so the next thing you'll know you'll be reborn. Buh bye now.”
Wait it'll take how long!? And then I passed out.
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