Chapter 3: Chapter 1

I had the feeling of waking up again, though this time it was slow. A drop of something cold fell on my face bringing me to full wakefulness. Again the first thing I noticed was my body, mainly that I had one this time, but it was hard to move. I think I was wrapped up in something, but it was hard to tell. I couldn't lift my head; my muscles were simply not up to the task. It felt like I was moving, something or perhaps someone was carrying me. This told me everything I needed to figure out that this was my new life, and that I was most likely a baby. Then I heard voices just outside my little confine. They were speaking a language I've never heard before but that I somehow understood perfectly. “Infernal” I thought, remembering that for tieflings it was something like an instinctual language granted by our ancestry. And if the suit guy was telling the truth, then I was reborn as a tiefling.


{Are you sure this is a good idea?} a female voice asked, sounding worried.


{This is the only way. We've been over this.} a male voice this time, {It's too dangerous for us to try and raise her. I mean, we're constantly on the run! It's no life for a child.}


{I know that! But I don't want her to think we abandoned her!} The female voice again. My mother?


Another cold water drop fell on my face. It's muted, but it sounds like it might be raining.


{That's why we'll leave most of that journal with her. You wrote the last page yourself! There really is no other choice. It's better this way. She'll still have a family. Jason and Margret are good people, you know they'll treat her right. Look, we're here.}


{Alright. You're right. Let me just look at her one more time.}


The cover over me was shifted aside and I got my first look at the woman I assume to be my mother. She was honestly the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. Skin the color of mocha with solid golden eyes and shiny blond hair. Two black horns came from the sides of her forehead and curled back over her head twisting slightly upwards towards the ends. Her face was slightly angular with high cheekbones and a softly rounded chin.


{Hey there little Allure. Mommy's here. We're going to be leaving on a journey and we can't take you with us,} she started to tear up, {but we're leaving you with some friends of ours who're going to take good care of you, okay? I love you very much.}


I heard the sound of what I assume to be a wooden door being knocked on. Shortly there after I heard the door open and a new male voice speaking a different language appeared. This language was a little different from, but still similar enough to english that I could understand it.


“Blackhorn, what're you doing here? I thought you two buggered off for good after that last expedition we went on.” He sounded pretty happy. Probably someone who's known my parents a long time and is happy to see them again, at least that's what it sounds like to me.


“We have a favor to ask. A big one.” My (probably) father said “We've... We've had a child. But we can't look after her ourselves. We got into a scrape with the church of humanity and now they're hunting us. A life on the run is no way to raise a child; she deserves a good home and we thought of you two.”


“Damn it, Zendrik. This is a lot to drop on us out of the blue. Come inside out of the rain at least. We'll talk over tea.” The other voice said and then we moved into the house. It seemed to be a simple wooden house. It was well lit and I could see better now, though I had no real trouble seeing before. Darkvision, I realized. I would never have trouble in the dark again. Then I noticed that there were intricate carvings on the walls and ceiling that I couldn't make any sense of. They looked like squiggles that wove in and out of each other seemingly at random.


You are reading story The Misadventures of Allure Blackhorn at

My container was set on something and my mother, who remained dutifully in sight, seemed to sit down. Then she leaned over me and stuck her hand near me, wiggling her fingers. It was cute, but a little annoying. I tried to speak but all that came out was “Bubu fuga!” Causing my mother to giggle. Seems speaking will have to wait until my muscles develop some more. I can't get my body to move the way I want. It's a little like all the wiring in my head is scrambled causing stuff to move weird. I'll have to learn how to move slowly. Ah, I just realized that speaking my have to wait even longer if I don't want to seem like a strange child. I'll have to be careful to seem to develop at a normal rate. Now if only I knew how quickly Tiefling children developed. Meh, guess I'll wing it and see what happens.


“Well what do we have here? Mist and Zendrik! Long time no see! And who's this?” A new female voice resounded nearby. She was loud. I soon got a look at her as she moved to look into my container, which I'm thinking is a simple basket now that I'm seeing it in the light. She was pretty in a girl next door sort of way. Pale skin and golden hair styled into a short bob that framed her face. Her eyes were what captured my attention though, blue as the sky and they seemed to glow a little with inner light. Her ears were pointed making me think she's probably an Elf. Probably a high elf variant, though I suppose I'll learn exactly what she is later on if they take me in. It struck me that I haven't seen my father or the male friend yet.


“Zendrik, why'd you go and mess with the church of humanity? You know they've got backing and hate non-humans.” The male friend said. Jason, if I remember right. Probably should remember that. Which makes the Elven woman cooing at me Margret. Seems like a somewhat odd name for an Elf, but I've heard worse in my time playing D&D. I remember one guy at the game store who tried to play a character named Biggus Dickus. We gave him the boot after two sessions since he had all the maturity of a toddler. He tried to raise a stink but the owner threw him out and banned him from the store. Said he'd been a problem before. Ah, good times.


“We didn't have much choice, they attacked the town we were in. City was full of non-humans and the few humans that were there were sympathetic. The church decided to raze the town and everyone in it so we fought back. We couldn't save the town but we got most of the residents out in time. That landed us firmly on the church's shit list.” My dad said.


“Dear, language. What if Allure picks up that word?” My mother chided him immediately. And too late for that dear mother. I used to curse like a Dwarven sailor, though maybe that'll change in my new life. I'd like to be a bit more lady-like considering the fresh start and all that.


“Sorry. Anyway, we're high level and were very prominent during the raid so they started targeting us. We've been on the run ever since.” Father finished.


“Da-... Dang, I see why you'd want us to take her in now. What do you say Margret? Want to take in their baby? You've always wanted a daughter.” Jason asked.


“Yes! We'll look after her and raise her like our own. Don't you two worry about a thing!” Margret practically shouted. Then she leaned over and picked me up. Now out of the basket I could look around a little and I decided to get a look at my father. He was Mr tall, dark, and handsome. Dark red skin and red eyes with short black hair. His equally black horns grew out into a curl that reminded me of a goat more than anything. His face was angular, sharp cheekbones and a squared jaw. I could see he had a little goatee on his chin. He honestly looked a little like a stereotypical devil from earth. I couldn't see his feet but if he had hooves it would be a match.


Jason looked relatively bland by comparison. He looked like a typical Caucasian, with short brown hair and eyes. He had a little stubble on his face which reminded me of one of those crappy action movie heroes. He was decently muscular too so it fits.


“Thank you. Both of you. Knowing she'll be safe is a weight off our shoulders.” My father said. “Her name is Allure, Allure Blackhorn. But now we'd best be leaving before the church discovers us.”


“Take good care of our Allure.” My mother said tearfully, then she came up to me and said “Be good sweetie. Be strong. Once those bad people are taken care of we'll come back for you, okay? I love you so much.” Then she kissed my forehead, which I barely felt. My horns must be growing in, I guess.


Then my parent's left. I watched them leave through the door and back out into the rain. I felt as though something was ripped out of me as the door closed. Then I cried. I realized then that there was a connection made to my parents, or my mother at least. I must have been alive for a while now and only just today come to full consciousness. Plus, I mean, I'm a baby. My instinct said to cry and I don't yet have the emotional control to stop it from happening. Seems that's another thing I'll have to work on.