Chapter 12: Tea Talk

"Back off bitch!" Li-Hua shouted.

"Excuse me?!" She grumbled.

"I mean I was speaking to someone else." Li-Hua laughed.

"Anyways if he ain't your fling I am taking him!" She yelled.

"Halo! Why do you always do this?" Paige argued.

"H-He isn't!" She shouted.

"Good! Bye-bye Paige!" She smirked.

She dashed away with Kuo in tow who walked bow-legged and nervously. Li-Hua, Atlus, and Paige watched till they were out of sight.

"I am sure he will be fine." Paige sighed.

"Something is strange about her," Atlus noted.

"What do you mean?" Paige asked.

"Not out here!" Li-Hua assured.

The man who originally was finger gunned by the cloaked man dodged Atlus as they walked back to the car. Atlus stood there for a few seconds once again making the same signal.

"Oh god please not again!" The man shouted.

"Just ignore him! He is just a kid!" Another man spouted.

"Pfftt…you guys are no fun!" Atlus mumbled.

"Get in the damn car, Atlus!" Li-Hua yelled.


"Don't sass me!" Li-Hua barked.

"You are not my mom!" Atlus argued.

The door slammed rocking the whole car. Paige could only start the engine in silence for Atlus to kick Li-Hua's seat. He wanted to phase when Li-Hua caught him by the hand.

"Don't you fucking dare!" She scolded.

His body solidified. Saxe watched the whole time laughing quietly. Atlus grabbed his tail companion ready to squeeze his bulbous head.

"Fine! Stop!" Saxe shouted.

"Who said that?" Paige asked.

He shoved his foot on the brakes stopping the car to find Atlus had a tail nearly passing out from the sight in front of his own eyes.

"Paige, just keep going, please…I will explain later." Li-Hua sighed.

"Briar Black never told me what kind of people he would send."

"Suprise I guess?" Li-Hua stated.

His house was a little further out from town over a small bridge that crosses a tiny stream going over cobblestones that bounce the car to a house covered by construction tape and garbage bags concealing large unfinished gaps.

"We just go down to the basement…I will make tea." Paige noted.

"Wait Paige how long have you been working on this place?" Li-Hua shouted.

"For years!" He laughed.

Atlus lifted his legs to float only inches off the ground following Li-Hua and Paige down the concrete steps to find beds and rolls of bedding next to pillows.

"So you live down here while waiting…" Li-Hua acknowledged.

"I am sorry it's not much," Paige replied.

"Don't worry about it, but I need to ask about this whole angel thing," Li-Hua questioned.

"Oh right! Let me do something first."

Paige flipped the switch on the coffee maker and automatically started it up. Pulling out plates from the small cabinet on the floor he sets the table. Li-Hua watched the whole time. He was delicate in everything he did.

A light blue gown hung up by the washer and dryer. She took notice but said nothing as he took sandwiches out from the tiny fridge and other sides wrapped.

"I am sorry it's not much, but please enjoy." Paige laughed.

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"No worries, but you live here all alone?" She asked.

"I do and that's okay." He replied.

Her glance pinned on the simple dress in a plastic hanger. She closed her eyes pushing Atlus down to a seat and giving him the evil eye.

"The angels here showed up the day the mayor's daughter said to have prayed for a miracle to save her mother, but it seemed impossible…" He explained.

Atlus took a bite before placing it back down making a face. Li-Hua handed him a spoonful of potato salad. 

"What was wrong with the mother?" Li-Hua inquired.

"She was slowly dying of a brain tumor or something last I heard," Paige stated.

"How old was the daughter? What is her name?" Li-Hua questioned.

"Gianna is her name and the church looks to her guidance."

"Hmm…" Li-Hua muttered.

"Let's go to the mayor's house then!" Atlus shouted.

"We need to make an appointment!" Paige scolded.

"Then make one!" Atlus yelled.

Appearing in his hands was Paige's mobile phone gawking at the buttons. They glow for mere seconds.

"Wait!? How the hell did you get that?" Paige howled.

"Give it back!" Li-Hua chided.

Throwing her fist out to knock Atlus in the back of the head. She became furious with his newly found attitude or lack therefore. She became wary of the new adjustments due to the fact Atlus was killed the way he was pushing him into limbo even after rebirth.

She tossed the phone back. Paige wiped the screen smeared with fingerprints. Li-Hua felt horrible for the actions.

"Looks like I am sorry this time. He is newly hatched." Li-Hua moaned.

"Newly hatched?"

"You see if a tragedy strikes Briar depending will take your soul and give you a new chance." Li-Hua pointed out.

"Assistant System Activate!" Li-Hua shouted.

[What do you need assistant Li-Hua?]

"Tell me how is Atlus able to react like morph through walls and steal phones and such!" She asked.

[Master Atlus carries a variety of passive skills he can use without thinking. He is a spirit with the system to activate abilities so he would not be able to harm humans]

"I fucking knew it!" She roared.

"You know you are talking to yourself?" Paige responded.

"Oh! OH!" Li-Hua answered.

She became flustered without much else thought sitting back down in the seat. Paige handed her a cup of tea.

"You are guests while we solve the church of plujegar." He said happily.

"Where do we sleep?" Atlus asked.

"The bedrolls over there." Paige clarified.

"So what is up with that girl?

"You mean Halo? She is harmless and a preacher's daughter." Paige illustrated.

"Halo…fitting name…"

"Anyways we should be getting to bed." Paige yawned.

Atlus was out like a light on a barely rolled-out sleeping bag. The pillows were pushed to the side already snoring.

"He sure is something else, but his hair is different now?" Paige said.

"He changed back in his sleep…oh boy…"