Chapter 13: What we do in a church

"Where the hell are you dragging me, Halo?" Kuo shouted.

"Papa! Papa!" Halo yelled.

She was animated and excited from her expression alone bringing him into town to meet her father who was dressed in black slacks and a white shirt working a small garden in the front a plain squarely designed brick house with four windows and one front door.

"Who do you got with you?" He asked.

"This is Kuo." She smiled.

He only rubbed the back of his head nervously as Halo clung to him. A woman with hair almost exactly like Halo's came out with a glass of what Kuo thought looked like cordial drink from home where you get them in small containers to mix with water.

"Halo, you are back early?" The woman asked.

"Paige was seeing people around or something." Halo motioned.

"I need you to get something from the church, Halo!" The man said.

Handing her a paper she quickly scanned it before taking Kuo's hand and dashing off. Kuo looked back gazing at what he thought looked like contorted angry faces.

"I don't think they liked me," Kuo stated.

"Nonsense! Were running an errand!" Halo shouted.

He said nothing more strolling alongside the streets and waving to people coming in and out along the way. Halo was constantly happy with a smile on her face answering questions about the services and times for things.


The sounds of a loud church bell rang out to the town so loud that Kuo had to hold his hands to his ears watching Halo unaffected by the repeating noise blasted in their ears.

People ran inside their homes grabbing their children along the way making Kuo curious about what was happening.

"What is going on, Halo?" Kuo whispered.

"Prayers silly!" Halo cheered.

"Prayers? Where you have to run into your house and literally pray?" Kuo asked.

Doors slammed shut left and right behind them as they walked. Kuo didn't know how to react since such a thing seemed a private affair without the need for bells or whistles.

"I will teach you how to pray later," Halo answered.

"Teach me…to pray?"

A white car pulled out the front of the two. A man dressed in black robes helped Halo first into the car ignoring Kuo who gets into the back within the next half hour getting to the church.

"My lady, why did you bring this is man?" He questioned.

"Are we not children of God?" Halo inquired.

"I mean…hmmm…"

He said nothing more about escorting the two in. High ceilings painted in biblical history that stood tall with fluffy clouds and Gods making all of creation all bound in gloss that covered far and wide stretching into the stones making little difference where the painting was marked.

"Vasily! Where are you, Vasily?" Halo shouted.

Her words echoed off the walls. Even small mice could be heard squeaking and crawling through pipes. Kuo noticed every little detail happening around him in the small church waiting for Halo to carry out her business.

"Halo!" Kuo cried out.

She had suddenly vanished after calling out for what he thought was a priest. Kuo walks alone amongst the empty cold pews. Some are covered in bibles with markers left in between the pages just waiting for their owner to come back.

You are reading story The Strongest Spectral: God Hunt at

"Halo! Halo. where are you?"

Organ music could be heard playing from another part of the church. He was frozen acknowledging that it did not sound very religious sounding. Maybe they are just having fun since no one is here Kuo thought to himself.

"Oh, hello there!" A kind voice rang out.

A man with long blonde hair in a braid dressed as a priest stuck his gloved hand out to shake Kuo's profusely till he pulled away. He could feel his heartbeat for a couple of seconds. His hands trembled.

"I…who are you?" Kuo asked.

His breath settled. The sting he felt left him as quickly as it entered him. Kuo was puzzled reversing backward wondering what had just happened.

"My name is Vasily and you are?" He questioned.

"My name is Kuo and Halo were looking for you." He explained.

"I will be right back, Kuo." Vasily chimed.

"Wait!" Kuo shouted.

Vasily didn't look back running the other way once again leaving Kuo all by himself where he started. His chest still tingled a bit from the meeting, but he knew was not average something was going on.

He didn't want to get caught just yet being somewhere he shouldn't. The sounds of footsteps could be heard above him and below him.

"How is there sounds above?" Kuo pondered.

Kuo gawked up feeling the vibrations shake around him. He didn't know what to do peeking around after it came to a complete halt.

"HELLO!" Kuo shouted.

He turned to face the cathedral alter covered in a half-naked woman draped in a tarp of some sort displayed as a tarnished golden statue pinned to the middle of the wall. Blood seemed to seep down her chin.

"Is that real?" Kuo asked.

Pushing his finger on it the red stuff noticing was congealed right away. Halo still hadn't come back having him wonder if he should proceed forward. There was a left and a right and how they were shaped confused him.

Two curved lines were opposite each other. The lines one inside of another weaved against the other.

"Vulva shaped?" He whispered.

Loud moans could be heard making Kuo move back. He couldn't imagine why he was hearing something like this. 

"Did I just hear that?" Kuo gulped.

The thrusting of blankets being ruffled could be heard. He reversed even further away.

"Ahhhh!" A woman cried out.

"I got to get out of here! They are doing what I am thinking they are doing!" Kuo shouted.

He knocked against the pillars falling to the ground. Getting up back to his feet his gaze was met by a woman dressed in beige silk underwear. His arm brushed against her breasts to find the black-haired woman with her hair knotted upwards.

"Have you been invited?" She asked.

"Invited where?" Kuo questioned.

"To heaven!" She smiled.