The Crimson Crow burst into the room angrily to find Shiro at Lance's bedside, looking over him worriedly. The boy on the bed stirred and opened his eyes blearily for a moment before he turned his head slightly to look up at his father frightenedly.
"Dad…," he mumbled, trying to sit up in bed before realizing that wasn't a good idea. His father was there not with the look of worry, but rage seeing his son in such a condition.
"What did you do this time?! You have the second test today!" He barked, anger burning as he took the boy's face gently, his thumbs moving to feel the boy's pulse. It still thundered under his touch and it was worrying as it never had been before.
"Mr, Crimson Crow or Vance I am not sure what you want me to call you, but he is unfit to take the second test please!" He pleaded.
Punching Shiro across the face had done nothing to quell the man's anger, but seeing the fear in his son's eyes did. He calmed himself quickly and pulled Shiro to him gently and stroked a hand through his hair.
"Tell me you will be going to the test later?" He begged.
"I will, Pa please worry no more." Lance smiled.
Pressing a kiss to the boy's forehead before letting go, he sighed deeply and went back towards the door.
"Thank you…for nothing…" Lance whispered softly to himself as his father left the room quietly.
Once the door shut, Lance let out a relieved breath and closed his eyes.
"I'm so sorry about your face, Shiro.” Lance said.
He could tell from his voice how upset he really was, which confused him. Why should he care if Shiro got punched? It wasn't like he cared if he failed, so why should he worry now that he didn't get any attention?
"It's okay, Lance…" The man whispered.
[That man is our target, Shiro-kun and should be taken seriously from this point on]
"Wait are we connected?!" Lance shouted.
"We are, Lance..." Shiro responded.
[You are linked with each other due to the bond created between us due to Shiro achieving high meditation]
"So… What does this mean?" Lance asked.
[Shiro’s mind works on a higher frequency then the rest of you there]
“Lance, you aren’t in the condition mentally to be doing this test!”
“It doesn’t matter what you think…my father does…”
Shiro was appalled, but he decided not to argue further. Instead, he stood and walked away from the bed.
“Where are you going…” Lance asked.
“To the bathroom, so that I can clean my face.” The man said calmly, before disappearing out of the door. Lance shook his head and tried to sleep, but his father's words kept ringing in his ears.
‘Why should he care about what I think?’ He thought, ‘This isn’t my problem after all! I just wish that I knew a way to help him…”
A knock on the door made Shiro more nervous as he heard Lance shuffle to answer it and then hearing them converse.
"We're calling all contestants downstairs." The voice spoke loudly.
Shiro frowned and waited patiently for them to finish talking, hoping they wouldn't see him as he came out watching the scene unfold. Lance gave Shiro a look before leaving , and Shiro followed suit, feeling his anxiety growing.
You are reading story Ascent of the Failed Villain at
Walking to the elevator and pressing the button he waited, but it seemed to never come, making him frown once again as he started to wonder when it would finally arrive and when he could escape. He heard the elevator doors open as him and Lance got in and he felt some form of relief. However, his sense of unease remained.
He watched the number slowly climb until they reached the floor the contestants were being called on. As they approached the last door to the outside, someone stopped him and grabbed his arm. Looking down, Shiro saw who it was.
"Lance...wait..." Shiro muttered.
He latched tightly unto his arm to make sure that he couldn't leave. He hadn't meant to hurt him, but he needed to know where Lance was right now. He needed to reassure himself that Lance was safe and that things wouldn't change if he ran away right now.
But Lance seemed unfazed by his actions, instead staring at the door ahead. "Don' worry, Lance, we'll figure something out." Shiro tried reassuring.
When he received no response, Shiro squeezed Lance's arm harder and glared at whoever held him. But before he could do anything, they were released and Lance stepped into the room.
"Come on!" Shiro cried out and sprinted past him, nearly slamming into the door frame when he realized that Lance was gone.
Shiro sighed, knowing that Lance was too stubborn and proud to listen to reason.
[We can communicate this way]
Lance scolded watching the educator call Lance in, he glanced up for a few seconds before turning and walking away. Shaking his head, he turned his attention back to the instructor.
"Are you ready to begin part two?" The teacher asked.
Lance nodded silently, but Shiro noticed the slight frown on his lips. A pair of arms swung around Shiro's shoulders and he jumped slightly.
"How is my little slave?" The voice chimed.
The woman smiled with her plump pink lips stretched wide. She was wearing dark brown skirt, a white collared shirt with an open neck and a black vest, a bright red rose pinned to her lapel. Shiro blinked at the sudden change in clothing, noticing how the woman's skirt fell above her knees.
"I did my job Master Aleena...please allow me to leave..." Shiro asked.
"No, you will watch and if Lance fails you will be punished." She shouted.
His head tilted to the side, wondering if she was truly as insane as she appeared. He wanted to say something, but instead looked up to see Lance’s father approaching.
"Hello Aleena, I trust you've been well?" The man said in a polite tone.
Aleena's eyes narrowed and she raised her chin, "Very well, your highness. Your son here is proving to be quite adept at my lessons." She replied.
Shiro bristled at the use of the title, but he kept his mouth shut.
"Well, then you must be very excited to see how he executes his meditation?" She questioned, raising an eyebrow.
She laughed as his father nodded, "Indeed Aleena! We must hurry to the testing room." He urged.
Aleena nodded and walked past them, heading off to the testing room, while the men followed, the two following closely behind. When Aleena opened the door to the testing room, they all entered and Aleena closed it behind them, locking it securely.
As soon as the sound of locks shutting echoed from the room Aleena turned to face her slave, smirking widely.
"You are one of my best slaves my dear Shiro..." She told him.
Shiro simply stared at the woman and Lance’s father began speaking to her. His eyes drifting over to the small television set that was placed at the end of the large room, but it seemed the screen was covered and there was nothing inside the room aside from what appeared to be several mats scattered around.
He held tight to the metal ringlet placed around his neck locking his eyes tightly thinking how now his masters are the seraph and Aleena, and he's just another slave, nothing special. His breathing quickened and his heart hammered as he forced himself not to show emotion.
"Now watch the match my pet..."