The room was white and freezing cold, making it hard to move. The only source of light came from a single candle on the table in front of him. In other words, it was dark. His mind drifted to his last memory—a man’s face—and then he remembered.
Lance was sitting with the other kids he had been pitted against earlier. He was nervous as he sat there with his legs crossed and his eyes closed trying to focus. Lance wasn’t very good at fighting so he was hoping that this team didn’t want to see anyone else. But he heard footsteps behind him, but tried to not look up until they stopped right next to his spot.
“What do we have here? What is this little guy doing out on his own like this all by himself?” said a familiar voice with an accent. Lance opened one eye just a bit, peering over his shoulder. Standing behind him was the mad scientist.
"Hey, no one on the damn floor, but the kids!" Aleena yelled.
They dragged the old man away while he mumbled about being hungry. Then the others stood around talking and laughing among themselves. Lance looked down again when someone tapped him on the head.
He jumped, looking into his father's eyes. They were bloodshot and tired; there were bags under them.
"You have to show them!" He whispered.
The crowd cheered watching the two. Lance felt intimidated but kept his eyes locked onto the wall. It took everything in him not to turn back to glare at the person who had started it.
It seemed like hours once the test started and silence filled the room again. Lance looked out the window as the sky grew darker. He could barely make out the stars twinkling through the trees in the distance.
A growling sound manifested beside him, followed by a loud crash of something breaking. Lance looked to the side to be met with a pair of glowing yellow eyes and the snarl of a beast.
"Congrats Letty, you are first." A voice congratulated her, "I suppose you'll be able to prove everyone wrong on the last test now won't you?"
Lance shook his head. No matter what happened, they were going to get there before him as he didn’t understand what he was supposed to do here. The lights flickered out, leaving him in total darkness with the others.
He tried his hardest to concentrate. The voices echoed inside his head. He had to focus! If he lost focus, they would win! He had to stay sharp.
Images swirled in his head , images of people dying or crying in fear. Some of those faces flashed in front of him for less than a second. He tried not to let their expressions upset him as millions struggled to fight for their lives . Their shouts and cries faded to silence when their bodies slumped lifelessly on the ground. He couldn't afford to think of anything but the enemy.
He was surrounded, the sounds of battle ringing in his ears. Lance knew his opponent would kill him if he showed even the slightest sign of weakness. Men with swords chased after Lance , chasing his every step. He ducked, ducked and dodged, trying not to get killed.
Suddenly, a blade pierced his arm causing him to scream in pain. More men attacked, each one taking the opportunity to stab him in the stomach and chest.
He fell to his knees. Everything was silent.
[You are scared to die aren't you]
Lance turned around. There stood an armored man with golden hair and blue eyes. He wore a mask. He thought the man looked familiar. Maybe Lance had seen him somewhere.
Holding his hand out in front of him. "Help me," he begged.
"First you must prove to me you can help yourself, Lance!" Said the masked man before he disappeared into thin air.
Lance got up and walked towards the door, his blood staining the ground. As he turned to the audience ribbons of blood swirled about his being as his body started to fight back on its own accord. With one hand he grabbed onto a sword which was stuck on the wall and began slicing the people before him. Blood spilled everywhere as he cut through them until all that remained was the red mist.
You are reading story Ascent of the Failed Villain at
“What the fuck is wrong with him?!” Someone shouted.
He turned around to face his new foe, only to be met by a knife pointed straight at his neck. Lance screamed in panic. "Help me!”
As soon as he heard his pleas, a flash of white appeared before him. With each passing moment, he saw more and more white. Finally, his vision cleared completely and he found himself floating above the stage.
The masked man was standing across from him and glaring. Shiro rose not sure what to do watching Lance seeing something not there.
[Lance, snap out of it already]
"This is all you have Lance? You think you can defeat us?" His eyes glowed bright and hot like the sun in summer. He lifted his arms and fire erupted behind him sending Lance backwards. He hit the floor hard knocking the air out of his lungs.
Before he knew what was happening, his entire body was engulfed in flames. His skin burned and tears pricked his eyes. He screamed, struggling to breathe as he tried to extinguish the flames. The world was blurry. His breathing became shallow, he coughed up some blood.
The teachers, Lance's father and Aleena back away in fear and excitment. They all watched as the boy writhed in pain trying to put out the fire that only existed in his mind. When he finally managed to do so, he looked down in shock finding no trace of where the fire had come from.
[Why stop him? He is fully convinced he is being attacked]
"Why won't you help your son?!" Shiro spouted.
“He is finally becoming the killer he needs to be!” He roared in laughter.
Shiro ran after Lance noticing there was nothing in his eyes he would slam his sword at the man who shared his curse and bond using all his might to take his arm off. The white haired man tried his best to block this attack. He could tell it was getting stronger and that Lance was losing his strength. Shiro moved forward to strike but then stopped.
The snow white man’s slave symbol appeared only to shock him for attempting to use his ability. He stumbled back, his grip loosening. Lance roared angrily about to skewer Shiro with his sword when he froze. He felt the energy drain out of him, the world started tilting.
Shiro was suddenly right in front of him. He reached for Lance as he collapsed to the ground. The fire surrounding them died down, leaving nothing but scorched earth and ash behind in reality shocking the man.
Lance’s eyes slowly rolled to the side and he passed out. Shiro carefully picked up the boy and carried him bridal style. He was warm, but Shiro didn’t know why he was warm as though he had really been on fire.
Shiro gawked at Lance's father in disblief as he made his way toward him.
“Is he okay? Is he alright?” Shiro asked, trying to catch his breath.
"A mere slave touching my child! Begone!" He yelled. Shiro backed away. "How dare you touch my son!" His father roared, pushing Shiro away. He raised his hand ready to smack him again.
[Good job, Shiro you made it look even better]
“Shut up please…” Mumbled.