I come out of my mayhem and look around. I'm surrounded by Republic City's metal bending police division. This couldn't have worked out worst.
I look at them and I think fast.
'I can't be caught. That would bring too many problems, I can't kill them since if I do there would be a lot of consequences that I don't want to deal with. My only option is to rush out of here and try to lose them.'
I activate stage four of my overclock mode while I take a flashbang out and throw it above my head while I rush one of the officers. The confusion gives me enough time to drop the guy in front of me and make a break for the door.
I go outside and see two more metal benders standing guard. I rush them and stun them. Then I keep on running. Not long after I can hear sirens. I need to shake them off but I need a distraction then it hits me I know what to do.
I start running towards the place where I hid the explosives. What better distraction than an explosion. I run as fast as I can but as powerful as the suit is it can't outrun a car. The police are quickly catching up so I jump on the car's windscreen breaking it. Then I hit the driver's hand and then I punch him in the face. He loses control of the car and we crash.
While I recover from the crash I'm surrounded yet again by the police. I curse in my mind and throw a smoke bomb on the ground. I know I can't escape with all of them on my tail so I start to take some of them out. Thankfully their suits are made of metal that conducts electricity. Some of the officers get anxious and start to fire thin metal sheets most of them miss me but one hits me in the foot.
Thanks to 'limbo state' I don't feel it but that doesn't mean the wound isn't there.
'I need to hurry. I don't have much time left till the suit breaks down and I'm injured from both the crash and the lucky bastard that hit me.'
I make a run for it and see the worst person I could see right now, Lin Beifong. I curse at my bad luck and I throw my last flashbang behind me. Then I use two of my electrified grappling hooks to try stunning her. Unfortunately, it doesn't work. She uses her metal bending to block my two hooks from coming close. She then tries to slow me down by trying to hit me with stones. I know that if I slow down to dodge those I'm caught so I do what any sensible man would do. I run straight into them. Thankfully Lin didn't predict this kind of response from me so I get close enough to taze her.
I don't have time to relish in my victory, I succeeded in making my way to the building where I hid all my explosives just as my suit breaks down. I get and take the suit off. Then I put in the bag with the explosives and rig them to blow in two minutes. I then run butt naked through the back door just as the police are encircling the building. I run naked through the dark alleys of Republic City.
I need to get to somewhere the same. To somewhere I can get medical attention. So I head to Master Wu's dojo. On the way, I take a new set of clothes and hide the suit in another abandoned building on the opposite side of town.
You are reading story I’ve reincarnated in a world with benders at novel35.com
When I get to the dojo I see that is closed and nobody is there.
'They are probably still on mission.'
I break the lock and get inside. I then check the wound on my foot, I change the rashly made bandage with a slightly better made one using a t-shirt.
'Now the only thing I can do is wait.'
So I wait. The more I wait the blurry my vision gets. I lost too much blood and I need to rest, but I can't not until my friends and master get here.
About an hour and a half from when I got there. I see them storming the place. I look at them and say sarcastically.
"You sure took your time."
They all look at me horrified, I then get to my feet to greet them.
"Why is everyone looking at me like I'm a corpse? You know that staring at me will not help me heal faster right?"
I want to make a few more jokes but I start to lose my conscience. The last thing I remember is falling and hitting the cold floor.