Chapter 25: New beginnings(1)

I wake up surrounded by darkness. I start to curse thinking that I'm back at that place. After I calm down and start to look around I see a ball of dark red light bound by black chains made of smoke. I look at the ball and I touch it and agony hits me. I take my hand back. I see that a small part was absorbed. I try to think what that thing is and then it clicks. Those lights are my emotions, my feelings and I'm probably in my head.

I want to get out but it seems that I can't I start to move around but no matter where I go I always get to that ball of light.

'Screw it, I'll absorb all of it since there is probably no getting out if don't do that.'

I touch the ball and pain starts to hit me, my whole body hurts. After a few seconds, the red light disappears and a gray one appears. If the last one was agonizing then this one is pure hell. The worst part is that it doesn't hurt my body it hurts in my heart. I want to cry, I want to hurt myself so that the pain that I have now could feel less potent but I can't. Inside the ball of misery is a gentle pink light, a ball the size of my finger. I touch that tiny ball and my insides grow warm. My heart beating faster, I felt loved, then I opened my eyes.

I saw a room, my room, and a person sitting beside my bed sleeping on a chair. My vision is still hazy so I don't recognize the person in front of me. I try to stand up but my body aches.

'Did I get hurt that bad and why can't I see a damn thing.'

I put my hand to my eyes and I see that I'm crying. I start to remember the things I felt just before I woke up and I cry harder, I even start to laugh bitterly. This wakes the person next to me up.

"Ethan are you ok why are you crying?"

I recognize Nya by her voice and tell her why I feel like this.

"She's... dead..."

There are no words that she could tell me to make me feel better and she knows that. Instead, she takes me in her arms and lets me cry my sorrows in her warm embrace.

When I passed out 'limbo state' got canceled and all my suppressed emotion hit me all at once without any mercy. I was a wreck I couldn't even think straight, all I could do was cry.

It took a while for me to calm down and when I did I found out what happened after I collapsed. They took me home, with great difficulty apparently, since the police were everywhere after the stunt I pulled and they started to heal me. By piecing the information together they had they got the general situation. On one side my master learned that my only family died so this was the reason why I was using limbo and my friends learned about limbo. I was expecting them to be mad at me but they were only worried and sad for me.

I told them my side of the story, well most of it. I told them that I couldn't take it anymore so I entered limbo in order to clean my thoughts and find what to do next since I was lost. I told them that it showed me the path, the path to revenge so I followed it. I could see that they felt really bad for not being able to help me and I felt bad for not asking for help but it's no use now. Then I started to tell them about my raid on the warehouse and my mad rush though the city to get rid of the cops. When they heard about the crash and my sprint into the rocks that the police captain was aiming at me they looked at me like I was a mad man, I can't argue, no sane persone is capable of doing what I did. I finally told them about the explosion and how I used my suit and my left over bombs to make a distraction. Wu was very mad when I told him how sorry I was for the suit, he told me that if I wasn't so injured he would beat the crap out of me for saying this.

In the following days my appetite wasn't what it used to be, I wasn't hungry, this is what I told my friend and this scared the living daylight out of them, they started to look at me when I eat to be sure I eat all that they give me, which I found very annoying. All I wanted to do was just stay in my room and draw pictures of her and cry. I know that this wasn't healthy but I coundn't help it.

In two weeks time I started to look like a dead man walking. I was pale and my face was sucked in, my eyes had dark circles from all the crying and my hair was messy. Then Nya finally draged me out, I tried to resist but she quickly overpowerd me. She took me out side for a run and it was a nightmare, I needed to catch my breath every 100 meters, it was patetic.

We were running for half an hour or so, when I colapse, She came to me and helped me back up. She told me how much they all cared about me, how much they all loved me how much she loved me. I didn't know what to say, this was the second time this girl leaved me speakless. I kiss her with passion for the first time since my birthday and I promised her that I'm going to get my life back and so I did. I started to go outside. I started to wake up early and go out to run. My apetite slowly came back and in a month's time I was almost as good as new.

You are reading story I’ve reincarnated in a world with benders at