We arrived at the arena and we were greeted by the two brothers. We went in and started to talk about our day. We arrived at the lounge and waited for Hasook to show up. While I knew he wasn't going to I felt bad for Bolin and Mako that we're counting on him. Minutes passed and Korra finally showed up, she was in her usual cheery mood.
When she found out about their problem she offered to take Hasook's place. I immediately told them.
"I think it's a great idea."
"But she isn't a pro-bender and she doesn't know how to play."
"Mako, there is no better than Korra. She might not know anything about pro-bending but tell me is there a better bender than the avatar. Plus the rules are pretty simple she can learn them while playing."
"I totally agree with Ethan, come on bro!"
"If you think is a good idea then I guess we can try."
Korra suited up and went with them.
"Are you sure about this?"
"Of course I am. Korra is a great bender and I know everything is going to go their way in the end."
"I'm not referring to the match. I referring to fact that you became friends with the avatar and we are working with the Equalists. You remember how mad master was when he found out we were friends with Mako and Bolin. He isn't going to be happy when he learns of this."
"Nya are you saying that the avatar is evil, that Korra is a menace."
"No, I still remember our conversations about people, I remember how you told us that it doesn't matter if you're a bender or not you can be good or evil respectively. What I'm trying to say is that what you are doing is dangerous and it could bring harm to both of us."
I take her hand and I look at her.
"Nya, listen to what I'm about to say and remember those words because I mean them. I love you with all my heart and I don't want you to get hurt."
I kiss her and continue.
"In the next few months, I'm going to make some decision that may seem crazy and uncharacteristic of me. You might look at me like I lost my mind but I need you to know that all the moves I'm about to make are calculated and I've been preparing them for a long time. I know a lot more than you think, I know some things that would make you question what you were doing till now, that would shake some of your beliefs. I can tell you some things but I'm afraid you won't believe me. What I'm trying to say is to believe in me to believe that I know what I'm doing and that I love you."
I hold her hand waiting for a response and I get the one. She kisses me and tells me.
"I believe you and I'll believe you no matter what because I love you, I'm just scared because I don't know what will happen with the city, with our loved one, with us."
You are reading story I’ve reincarnated in a world with benders at novel35.com
"Ok, I understand... I don't know if this move is the good one since it could either make some of your worries disappear or it could make you more questions. " I look at the stage. " The match is going to go as follows Korra is going to make three fouls in the first round. First, she's going to push someone on the side off the side of the platform and not the back this is going to make the referee punish her by making her go one zone back then she is going to step on the line making the referee punish her in the same way and the third one is that she is going to earth bend and water bend at the same time."
"How do you know all this..."
"Let me finish. She is going to be pushed off the platform at the end of round one, but she is going to make a comeback in the second, using an air bending technique to dodge all the things the other team throws at her. Korra is going to make a comeback and she is going to win the game. For now, let's just watch the game."
We remain silent and we watch the first round. It happens just I say it would.
"Ok I believe you know how this match is going to end but how?"
"I'll tell you when we get home, for now, enjoy the Fire Ferrets making a comeback I need to talk with somebody really quick."
I go to the lower entrance and find Tenzin.
"Huhhh... Didn't we have a conversation about meeting her halfway?"
"Wait you knew about this and didn't tell me!?"
"Yes, I knew. I didn't tell you because it wasn't my place to tell. Back to the topic, you had the best chance to improve your relation with Korra and you blow it."
"She doesn't need this kind of distraction in her training."
"I beg to differ, she's sixteen, she should have started her avatar journey by now but she is supposed to be under house arrest on Air Temple Island. You are a man of tradition Tenzin so please tell me is this how things should be?"
"There are circumstances that I don't need to tell you about that come into play."
"I know you think your right but that doesn't change the fact I'm right, she told me that she was raised at a fortress and the only thing she did was train. She is the avatar for crying out loud, she needs to bring balance to the world. How is she supposed to do that if she didn't live in it?"
"I... your right... I reacted in the wrong way."
"No use crying over spilled milk all you can do now is try to make up for your mistake and you can start doing that by watching the game till the end. I might surprise what you see."
"Your right. I can't thank you enough for opening my eyes."
"All I do is help others see the bigger picture. I wish you a good night and I hope your next chat with Korra is going to be fruitful."