Chapter 32: Into the action(3)

I went back to Nya just as the game finished. She looked at me weirdly but didn't question anything yet. As the Fire Ferrets came back into the lounge we congratulated them on their victory. Then we went to eat together to celebrate the win. It was a fun time overall.

When Nya and I got home she asked me straight away.

"How did you know how the match was going to play out?"

"I know in the same way I know what is going to happen with this city and its residence. I look at the bigger picture I analyze it and then I make an educated guess about how it's going to play out. Like you just saw today, I'm pretty good at it."

"Good doesn't begin to describe it. It was amazing how you knew exactly what was going to happen, it was almost mystical."

"Here's where you're wrong. I didn't know how it was going to play out play-by-play. I didn't know what moves the other team was going to make, I didn't know where the next earth disc was going to hit before the earth bender took it. I simply told you the general direction of the game. I didn't go into specifics because I didn't know them, I couldn't know them."

"Still it was impressive enough. To be able to tell that much is beyond anything I thought was possible."

"Tonight was easy. There weren't that many variables. The most chaotic one was Korra but since she was easy to read the outcome became clear. Most things in life aren't so easy to read and the more into them you look, the more frightening they get, the more lies you see through the more paranoid you become, it... scares me..."

"I'm here for you, I'll never betray you no matter what. Whenever you need me I'll be there to help you through the stuff you need to deal with, I promise you."

"I know."

Then we kiss, there wasn't any need for more words she trusted me and I loved her. Although it pained me to lie to her, I didn't want her to know the truth because I couldn't explain the truth. It was much easier to make this far-fetched lie than to explain to her the dark void where I spent an eternity and my memories of my past life. Let's just say I did do it, then what, she would look at me in a different way for sure and I didn't want that, I loved how things were now even if it was built on a lie. It was beautiful never the less. I pushed those thoughts to the back of my mind and continued to enjoy myself.

'So what if she doesn't know about that, that doesn't change who I am, what kind of a person I am.'

"It's a pity you didn't bet on the outcome of the match we could have made some good money on it."

You are reading story I’ve reincarnated in a world with benders at

This brings me out of my contemplation and I respond to her with a smile.

"Oh? And why did you think I didn't?"

"What?! When?"

"Two days ago. I figured out that Hasook was going to be a no-show and that Mako and Bolin would need a water bender. It wasn't enough time to search for a good replacement since most good players already had teams. The only decent person I could come up with was Korra and since I was pretty sure that if I told Mako and Bolin about Hasook, Mako would have taken a mediocre player in the team just so that he wouldn't need to take Korra which would have been a very bad move, I decided that the best course of action was to stay silent and wait for the opportunity to make Korra the new water bender of the Fire Ferrets. In the end, it all worked out."

"It was a pretty underhanded move on your part but you can't argue with results. They were amazing!"

"I know. This is the reason I supported Korra entering the team."

"Wait... My god! I just figured it out! You played everybody in order to make this happen! If you told them two days ago they might have found a good player so why Korra especially?"

"Simple Korra is the avatar and as the avatar, she has power over people real power, the power to change things at a fundamental level. While Amon wants to change Republic City, his way is too radical, taking every benders' ability to bend is too much of a radical solution to work. While the Equalist are powerful, but they are not powerful enough to fight the other nations for too long. While in the short run they might win as the conflict goes on longer the more the chances of the Equalists to win drop. Let's say that they somehow manage to make all the people in Republic City obey them and "cleanse" all the benders here. Do you think that the other nations will sit still and do nothing? NO! They will attack with all their power to either kill Amon and his equalists or wipe Republic City off the Map. The Fire Lord is a bender so tell me how is she supposed to feel about this new trend? It's not a feasible future. All that the people would get is pain and suffering, no matter which side wins."

"So what are you trying to do? Why do you need the avatar?"

"Simple I'm going to let Amon take over Republic City then help the avatar recapture it."

"If we didn't have the conversation earlier I would have thought you went made. But please for the less mentally gifted can you explain?"

"Things in Republic City are bad for non-benders. You might not notice this because we have a pretty good lifestyle but most of us are treated as lower class and this is making a lot of friction. The city leaders turn a blind eye to this because most of them are benders so why would they care about us, but sooner or later things are going to blow up, it didn't happen yet because Amon is controlling the explosion but the moment he releases all that anger into the ecosystem... BUM! Revolution! The problem with all of this is that it could make another Hundred Years War. It needs to be contained but at the same time, it needs to have a big enough impact that it would push the wheels of change. Hence the need of the avatar."