Chapter 64: Butterfly(12)

We hurried to where the sound came from. The moment we came out we could see the sight of the battle. Inside the once well-protected police station was at the moment a battlefield. Cries of pain could be heard from everywhere, seeing this shaken me greatly, so I decided to enter 'limbo state' immediately.

Once I've done that my anxiety and fear cleared making me able to make better decisions.

'First thing I need is to find the others! I hope they have the bombs on than otherwise, things will get so much harder.'

"Asami are you ok? Asami! ASAMI!"

"Yes, sorry! I was just disoriented, what do we do?"

"We find our friends! Are you in any position to fight? Because if you aren't I suggest you find a place to hide."

"NO, I will not stay and hide while our friends fight!"


I looked for people fighting and not far from us there were a group of fire benders fighting a group of angels and losing badly. I ran to the first angel and started to attack him. He tried to stun me using his glove but I dodge and I counter-attacked by chi blocking his arm. This confused him, giving me enough time to knock him down and take his gloves.

The others seeing this become more defensive, they could see that I was no newbie and should not be underestimated. From the once group of eight benders, two were left standing and in no good shape, I might add. It was four against nine now, while I didn't like my odds I couldn't say I was too bothered about it.

"You two cover me! Asami on me!"

I then ran towards them. They started to get into formation but I took one of my gloves off and threw it to the face of the closest person to me. He, of course, raised his hand to defend in order not to break the formation, as a result, he got punched in the gut, falling to his knees I punched him in the face making him go to dreamland. Before the other could react to what I did a leg sweep to the person behind him making him fall us well turning the 4 vs 9 into a 4 v 7. Due to the formation breaking one more fell, hit by Asami.

They managed to regroup fast and started to attack us. I took on four of them while the others took one each. I got surrounded, one on each side.

'Well, at least I taught them well."

This was the only consolation for the beating I was going to get.

They all rush me. I stay still as a mountain, the moment their strikes are to hit me I bend my upper body to avoid the hit. I then break the arm of the person in front of me, causing him to fall, giving me space to get out of the encirclement. Unfortunately, I'm not fast enough and one of my attackers grazes me, fortunately, it's just a flesh wound. That person also tries to hit me again, but I avoid the hit by doing a backflip, landing behind a desk where I find a mug.

While they are slowly trying to encircle me again I jump throwing the mug at one of them, hitting him in the head. I land back and take the table in front of me and throw it in another one's direction. I'm finally one on one with the last. I rush him dropping him fast then I attack the one that I threw the table too.

You are reading story I’ve reincarnated in a world with benders at

Before the guy, I hit with the cup, finally recovers it was me and the guy with the broken arm still conscious but he is still wallowing in pain. I throw a punch, he put his hands up wanting to defend but he's still dizzy from the hit and my punch goes right through his guard, knocking him out.

I then direct my attention to the one on the ground hitting him in the face with my foot. By the time I'm done with my opponents Asami managed to finish her's as well, we then help the two benders deal with their opponent.

"See how are the wounded and bring them to a safe place. Tie the equalists up and bring them downstairs! Hurry, we need to form a perimeter around in order to regroup."

The two benders did what I told them and I approached  Asami to see if she's fine.

"Are you ok?"

"Yes, I'm a little bit shaken and tired, you?"

"I'm good, I've been hit a little but nothing major. If you're ok let's continue, we need to find the others, we spent too much time here already!"

We started to search for them. You would think that we would easily find them, but no, this was a mess, it was a true battle for territory, it took us half an hour to get them. Along the way, we helped the police and established a perimeter so that the benders could use their bending without fearing hurting their allies.

"Nya, over here!"

Nya saw me and told the others as well, they started to retreat to us. As they retreated benders from behind me came to fight the equalists chasing them.

"Is everyone ok?"

"Yes all of us are here and in one piece! Did you organize them to form a perimeter?"

"Yes, I hope I'm not intruding on your authority captain Beifong, but we should start to use the EMPs now."

"No problem kid! You did good! Everyone retreated behind us!"

The benders that were on the battlefield and were still conscious made their way to us. When all of them got into position we started to throw the Emps.

This is when the true fight began.