We threw the bombs and began to advance in small teams with the metal benders as the spearheads of the groups. Since now that most of the gloves were off they were essentially invulnerable.
The first contact was brutal, both sides were unyielding, so a lot of injuries happened, mostly on the Equalists side. Since we all regrouped and the Equalists lost the element of surprise it was a very easy fight, they couldn't come close to us, and even if they tried metal benders were in front to intercept them. We started to get more and more ground, picking up fallen benders and taking them to the back to the water benders to heal them.
Since Nya, Asami and I weren't benders we couldn't be much help in the fight so we helped the wounded. It's refreshing to do something else since we fought more than enough in the past half an hour we all need so time to catch our breath. We've won, but something still feels off. I couldn't put my finger on it but something was missing then it hit me.
'Where is Master Wu?'
I could see Amon but no Wu, I didn't see his squad either. Considering the importance of this operation they should be here.
'Fuck, it was all a distraction!'
"All the people able to fight on me!"
The people that were well enough stood up and followed behind me without making the slightest comment. They all saw me fight, I even rescued or helped most in the fight against the invaders. When all hell broke loss I organized them to be able to fight back. In the past half an hour all the fear and hate I got from beating half the precinct that evening transformed into respect and trust. They saw how I treated my allies and my friends and they also saw how ruthless I was to my enemies.
I took a pair of still working gloves of the ground strapping them on.
"Nya, Asami if I'm not back in five minutes tell the others that this is a diversion and that we need back up in the cell block. The others let's go!"
If at first, some had their reservation in following me, now that they heard what I told the girls they become convinced that I was on their side and I could see the courage rush into them. Seeing this I couldn't help but comment.
"We are not fighting just to protect the law now, we are fighting to protect our way of life, we are fighting to protect our future, our children's future! So be ruthless, because they will not show any mercy! My the spirits have mercy because I won't!"
Hearing them all shout this behind I knew they were ready to fight. I didn't need to look at them to feel the conviction each one of them had.
We made our way to the cellars, heading to Hiroshi cell. On the way, I could feel the earth rumble. At first, I thought it was because of the battle above but the more I walked the more I could see that it was coming from the cell. It was faint, most earth benders wouldn't even pick this up since there was too much interference but since I was 'limbo state' and I knew what to look for I found it. I started to run.
All of them started to run, most of them confused, then an earth benders shouted.
"The spirits may be merciful, the perception to be able to feel the difference in vibration! He's right they are about to breach the prisoner's wall!"
They all were suddenly enlightened, so they started to run even faster. Luckily we arrived just as they blow up the wall.
You are reading story I’ve reincarnated in a world with benders at novel35.com
While I urge the benders to attack I jump on Hiroshi to protect him from any friendly fire. I need him for what I had in mind for the future and besides how could I let one of the most brilliant minds on this planet just perish like that.
Bombs and elemental attacks could be seen flying through the air so I started to crawl with Sato under my arm to safety.
"Thank you, Ethan! I wasn't expecting you to put your life in danger for mine!"
"As much of an asshole you are, you are still Asami's father, besides, most importantly, the future still needs you, you still have a lot to accomplish."
"HAHAHAHA! I like you more and more, a true man of science indeed!"
I knock him out with one punch and go back inside to help.
"Everybody close your eyes, incoming!"
I throw a flashbang out. I warned them, but this was the best I could do if I wasn't fast enough in my execution the enemies wouldn't get blinded.
The flash went off and I rushed the people in front, quickly dropping two of them. I go for the third, but someone stopped me, it was master.
"What are you doing, Ethan?!"
"What I believe in! Nothing more and nothing else!"
I start to ruthlessly attack him if I hesitate for even one second I lose, I make one misstep I lose, I lose focus for even half a second I lose. I enter even more deeply into my trance, things start to lose their color becoming outlines in black and white. This is the first time I'm so deep in 'limbo state' I feel like I'm slowly falling to the bottom of an endless lake.
My movements become more and more nimble and my vision starts to encompass the whole room, I can see my allies behind me recovering so I scream from the bottom of my lunges.
They all start to fire after I say the last part, I dodge all of them because I can see them coming, even though they come from behind me. I feel like I'm a fish in the water, I feel every muscle fiber contracting or releasing, I feel more alive than I ever felt before.