Chapter 9: W1- 8: Some Proper Training This Time.


Name: Klover "Kirsten"            Gender: Male

Rank: D                              Age:16

Birthplace: Rather Not Tell        Abilities: Inheritance


 While walking to my temporary residence I checked my guild card. I realized something...

'What's with the last name anyway...?' I should probably ask Nolan about it later....

"We're here" Nolan said. Our destination to my temporary residence has finished. Going inside to my house, I found the brown haired man waiting for me in the kitchen. 

"How's your walk today, kid.? Marcus said. curiousity shown in his face. Fear and tension welling up inside me.....

'.....' "Uh.......should we tell him....?" I asked Nolan next to me.

" should, Klover." Noland responded with a face that says just-give-up-he'll-find-out-anyways.

" just egistered to an Adventurers Guild.....?" I weakly said.

"....." The brown haired man seemed to be disappointed and angry for some reason. He tried to hide it by covering his hands on his face. I then continued.

"I-I-I am v-very sorr-" Apologized onyl to be interrupted by Marcus. To which he responded with "I'm not angry, kid.....I'm just disappointed."

'Nay, you're definitely angry, I can see it on your face.' I said in my mind. "So.....uhh...there's this......verification test that......that.....that-" 'Oh fuck. He's really angry now.' I said as fear invaded me.

"I know kid, I know. And failing the verification test means you have to wait for another 2 years." He knew. He fucking knew. He then sighed and continued. "I guess we'll have to intensify your training to a bare minimum requirement to make you pass then." Marcus said sternly.

"....." I can't argue with that. I definitely started it....getting so excited that I didn't even know what I did.

"So when should we start......?" I asked

", you aren't complaining....? Marcus responds surprised by my action. I then responded with "Well, I definitely started it so.....uh I'm in the wrong one here....?"

"....and I thought kids these days would complai-" "Marcus, he's 16." Nolan said as he interrupted Marcus.

".....oh, sorry about that, your height doesn't really resemble an adult." Marcus said said apologetically. So in this world, I'm an adult huh....

"So anyway....when should we start...? I said as I try to change the subject.

".....*cough* right, tomorrow, at dawn you can meet me outside." The brown haired man said as he regained his composure.

"So tomorrow then...huh"I reconfirmed "Yes."

"I should probably leave now. I'm getting left out in this conversation." Nolan said as he exited out of the house.

""....."" Peace occupied the room for a moment.

"Sleep early kid, we're going to be trainin' real early this time. Goodnight." Marcus said as he went to the kitchen to prepare dinner for the two of us. He's making soup today again. I can't complain about that I don't have a choice anyway.

I then sat on a wooden chair waiting for the food to arrive...


*groooowl* The smell of the soup reaching my nose is making my stomach growl...

' hungry' I thought inside my head as I wonder when wi-

"Dinner's ready." 'Finally..!!!' I thought as Marcus prepared the food against the table. Hm.....just smelling it is already enough to tell that dinner today is really good...!!! But....

"....soup, again huh...?" I've continuously eating soup since 3 days since I was transferred here.

"Don't worry about that kid, I'm gonna buy some new ingredients tomorrow as I have enough money today." Marcus said as guilt washed over me.

'I'm freeloading in this house huh'.....the same when I was in my old home...the feeling of being useless, and ignored.' I shook my head. 'No I shouldn't be thinking of those things. The past is just the past, maybe I can change it today....' I thought.

I need to get stronger. To be able to live by my self. But I need to eat first.


Early Morning

Outside the house yard, you can pretty much see a person doing pushups. I don't know if that helps though.

"2, 3, 4.......5!!! *pant* ugghh." "You can do more kid keep going!!!!" Marcus yelled at me. Since when was pushups invented in this world though....? Probably those Otherworlders.

"6.......7..............8..…ughhh......9........10.....!!! I said tiredly as I quickly lay down on the grassy ground.

"Oh.....fuck...." This is torturous.

'I really want to give up, but I need this shit...!!! Maybe I should just learn magic instead. ' I thought as hope has given up on me.

" we'll do pull-ups" Uggghh come on...!!!

You are reading story The World Beyond at

"Can't you just let me take a break for a while...? I retorted panting heavily.

"....don't complain kid, you started this yourself." Marcus said coldly. 

'Kugghh, if only I could go back in time....' Well there's no point arguing with myself I want this shit over quickly.

Doing this everyday routine, a week has passed.......


Sitting in my temporary room I looked at the ceiling in wonder.

'I need a weapon' A thought passes in my head. Yes a weapon.

"But how can I get one" I got out of my bed then went into the kitchen. I spotted Nolan and Marcus talking to each other about something I probably won't pry about it though. They then looked at me.

".....what's up, Klover." Nolan said.

"Well. The thing is, how can I get a weapon....? I said shyly as Nolan and Marcus looked at each other again.

" a weapon child....what for...? Nolan eyed me suspiciously. Then comes to a realization. "Oh right, the verification test. Marcus do you have spare weapons you can give to Klover...?

"....I don't have one except the sword that I use." Hm...I haven't seen his sword though.

"So.....can one." I said shyly again.

"Well, we can but you have to stick to your old food again as I don't have much budget in me right now." Ughhh, but the weapon.....

" it's okay. I need to buy one immediately so I can find out my playstyle." 

"Playstyle...? What's that ..?" Nolan and Marcus asked in confusion. Oh right they don't know that term.

"Well nevermind. Let's get you a weapon quickly..." Marcus shrugged. Excited as I am I immediately said.


"No problem kiddo."


Walking through the streets of the town. I finally found it. A smithy.

"This is the place huh...." I said. The smell of iron coursing through me. 

'I'm not used to this smell yet.' I thought as I covered my nose. 

The sound of the metal smashed with a hammer does sound satisfying though. Marcus then knocked at the door.

"......enter." A course voice sounded from the inside. We then entered inside only to see a variety of metal weapons and armor hanging in a wall.

"What do you want....?" A small brown bearded man with no hair at all said. A dwarf.

'A dwarf' I thought...

"We need a weapon old man." Marcus finally said.

"Type." The dwarf said questioningly.

"...what type of weapon do you want kid....?

"Let me check first...." I said still unsure. But I continued. "Can I have.....a weapon test or that. I still don't know my preference though." 

The dwarf looked at me for a moment. Then....

"Sure...not that I mind anyway, just make it quick."The dwarf then returned to his work. Nice....I then looked at the selection of weapons.

'They look heavy though...' From hammers, battle axes, axes, pickaxes to swords and dagger. 

"Let's try the sword first." I said as try to hold the swo-!???" I almost fell to ground surprised due to it's heaviness. I barely managed, to hold it with my own hands. Are swords usually this heavy...?

"......your incredibly weak kid...." Shut up. That hurts my feelings you know...

"....well what about the dagger..." I said as I barely manage to return the sword to it's original place. 

Picking the dagger, there's not enough heaviness for me to hold it barely. To be honest it's light. I'll probably buy this one.

"I think I'm gonna choose this one." Well it's better than nothing I guess.

"Old man!!!!." The sound of a hammer hitting the metal stopped. A dwarf appeared again.

"So have you decided....?" The dwarf questioned.

"Yeah....I'll buy this one please."