Chapter 10: W1- 9: The Day of Trial I

3 Weeks Later

Early Morning


"33......34.........35!!!! *phew* done." Finishing my daily routine I then head inside my temporary residence. I wonder what the food will be today.....? Walking inside I saw Marcus preparing a breakfast.

"Goodmorning, Marcus..!!" I said as Marcus finished preparing breakfast. Bacon and egg's been while a since I ate soup.

'I miss soup. Oh right, today's the day huh, the verification test.....' I thought eating the bacon slowly in my mouth.

"Today's the day, kid." Marcus said announcingly. Yeah that's right. I need to pass the test so that I can become an adventurer. Also with the benefit to cross borders in other countries if what Nolan said is true.

'I'm kinda nervous about this.' Finishing my plate I then went to the my room and picked up my weapon which is a dagger as I am way to weak to hold a sword. I don't know why tho.

"Mmmmm....." I hummed in silence as I cleaned the dagger with cloth. This is one of the ways to calm myself though as there is no cellphone, social media or anything like that. Yes I'm overly reliant on my phone in my old world.

"......*sigh*" Finishing to clean my dagger my nervousness came out I then went outside. To breathe some fresh air. Finally.

'So refreshing' Breathing the fresh air made me relax and forget about my probl- "Kid, it's time to go." Well what a worst timing. It just worsen my nervousness. 

"A minute please...." I said with Marcus behind responds with "There is no time for that kid.....also you have some new companions with you, they are new though." Ughhh, fine.

I said as I then followed Marcus. While walking I saw a girl with flowing blue hair and violet eyes alongside with alongside with a boy with the same features except he's taller than the girl.

'Siblings, perhaps.....?' I thought.

"This is the new guy huh....." The girl with blue hair spoke. "Cordelia, remember to speak nicely okay...." The blue haired boy seemed to whispered into Cordelia's ear which in fact I can hear, they seem to thought I didn't hear though.

"Yeah, yeah I know brother." That confirms it they're siblings. And my new companions huh....

"Sorry about my sister, she's a bit tenacious and mean sometimes. What's your name by the way...?" Yeah I know, and straight to the point too.

"Klover." I said weakly.

".....Klover..?" The blue haired boy looked at me questioningly. Oh right the last name.

"Klover "Kirsten". You...?" I said with confidence this time.

"Mivon "Astralis" and my sister here is Cordelia "Widlow" and you're the guy huh...." Weird last names.

"Yeah." I said.

"As you all three of you know-" Marcus said diverting our attention. " You're all about to become adventurers or probably not. But there is one thing I'll say to all of you...goodluck..." Marcus finished. Marcus has a kind sind too huh....well he always has.

"Yeah....thanks Uncle Marcus." The siblings said. Hmmm....they seem to know each other...? and also uncle.....?

"Well then follow me." Marcus said.


Inside the Adventurer's Guild

"Are you all ready." The female receptionist said. We are, but I'm a little bit nervous.

"Yes, We are." The trio including me said. What's the subjugation mission by the way. It could be slimes right....?

" Great." The female receptionist smiled satisfied. " Your mission of verification today is to subjugate a nest of goblins." No slimes.....? Or slimes don't exist at all.

"All of you are expecting a slime right? Slimes are excluded as they are easy to kill even by ordinary people, that's why we have people aspiring to be an adventurer to subjugate a monster nest or a monster stronger than that." That makes sense, you're really sending us to death huh....

"To prevent lethal injuries, we have deployed a supervisor to monitor your condition and protect you in case when something goes wrong." The three of us felt relieved. No deaths the-

"That's great, I'm sure nothing will go wrong, Right brother."'re really setting up flags huh.

You are reading story The World Beyond at

"Yeah, Cordelia." Mivon smiled at his sister.

.....something is gonna go wrong. 

"So who is the supervisor who will keep a good eye on us." Cordelia said. The female receptionist then pointed at the person familiar to us.

"It's Marcus huh....." I thought it's a stranger. Well that's a good thing though.

"Marcus "Hol" B-rank will be your supervisor for this verification test." The receptionist finished.

"What about the location....?" Mivon asked. 

"About's located in the Great Blue Forest." That place where I got teleported's weird for goblins to reside in there. The forest seems colorful and bright so i thought they will go for darker ones.

"Well then, what are you waiting for kids. Let's go...



Inside the Great Blue Forest

'I just can't get used to this view, it's really beautiful.' Walking through the forest of blue trees I am once again in awe.

"Don't get distracted Klover." Snapping out of it I hurriedly said. " Y-yeah, sorry about that."

Cordelia sighs at my actions it seems. And Mivon just awkward smiled at me. Uggghh, this is embarrassing. I want to go home quickly this time.

"We're here." Looking from a distance you can see a group of goblins walking around and scouting areas. Some seemed to be building houses though. Pretty civilised.

"So....what now...? I said quietly.

"We slowly kill them one by one." Marcus said. Sneakily going through that one alone goblin. "Like this." as he quickly pierce the neck of the goblin to prevent a sound coming out. 

'Easier said than done.' I thought, but this is a good learning experience if I want to fight.

"Did you bring your sack, Klover." Mivon said. Well I didn't forgot about that I always came prepared at times like these.

"Yeah.....what about you."

"Yeah...I did, I'm just checking on everyone if they have one if not, I have another spare here." This guy.....I can tel will be good leader in the future.

"Thanks for worrying about me." I said as I approached the goblin alone hesitantly and sneakil-.

"kiiie-" The goblin almost screamed, thankfully I stabbed it immediately in the neck with my dagger.

'That was a close one' Cutting the head of a goblin and putting it on a sack.

"Blueeeghh." Shit, it smells like shit. I almost threw up. I really can't get used to this. Killing feels really wrong.

'Shit' Sneaking up to another gob-

"Kiiiiieeeekkkkk!!!!" A scream from another place occured as dread fell over. Oh come on. It do go down. I hurriedly stabbed another goblin almost in alert. Putting it's head in a sack.

'So, who did it anyway.' I can't seem to guess though. Shit, I could only find out myself. Walking into the source of shriek I find Cordelia, Marcus, and Mivon surrounded by a group of goblins, with other types too. Counting them in total, there are 21 of them, laughing at the three.

'This ain't good.'

"Shit." I heard Marcus cursing protecting the other two with his greatsword with Cordelia half crying in fear while holding her wand and Mivon readying his sword.

Shit, I really need to run but I can't leave them alone like this. Ah that's right divert their attention I just need to do that. Gathering my breath, I then shouted.

"HEY, DUMBFUCKS," Gathering their attention. "COME AND GET ME!!!!"