Chapter 37: Ch 35. Troubleshooting

I entered the Commander’s tent and headed to a free seat.

What a woman does here?” One of the officers growled.

Not your problem.

YOU?!” He jumped up.

Silence, major. Captain, sit down, please. The assault will begin at midnight, are you ready?” The lord was in high spirits.

We will at best finish the technical preparations by midnight and we need to rest afterwards.” The lord’s expression was dark.

Now, to the plan of yours.

Yes… Our soldiers will assault the main gates with the help of your men. You will help our troops by ramming through the gates. Then our troops will take the city.” (LC)

Hmm… great plan. Good luck executing it.

What do you mean by that?!” One of the officers grumbled.

I mean that I will never participate in such an operation.” The Commander’s expression turned from grim to desperate.

WHAT?!” (A random officer)


Silence.” The Lord Commander hit the table.

But…” The officer tried saying something but was suffocated by a glare.

Can I ask what problem do you have with this plan?” The Commander did his best to be polite.

Let me explain.” I stood up to be heard better.

As you might know we possess one of the most powerful means of war here: the main battle tank.

Its characteristics must not be disclosed as much as possible. If we attack from the front we will give the enemy the time and the way to find the countering to us.

Any disadvantage we are put in, will become the harshest of blows to your own war efforts. Am I clear with my reasoning?

You are but I want to know what you can do to help us if you are away.” (LC)

Do you know what ‘cannon’ is?” Everybody nodded.

What is the maximum range of it?

Around 2000 steps but the chances to hit anything are negligible.” (A random officer)

What if I tell you that we can fire at 5000 steps?” They were shocked, some of the officers even stood from their seats.

And what if I tell you that our accuracy at that range is higher than of your archers from 50 steps?” Now they all either had their eyes opened wide or were holding to the table to avoid falling down.


I… I doubt it…” The Commander squeaked.

I saw you cannon… it is much smaller, its shot will fall much earlier…” (LC)

They are falling earlier than the larger caliber guns but you must not compare 2A46M5 to your cannons.

You are reading story Machine of war at

So… you do have a suggestion to my plan…?” (LC)

Yes. We will utilize our range and take out the defenses on the wall and slowly tie the rope around their necks until they all will be forced to sit below the walls.

Boom Boom

Speaking of which, what is that?

We managed to reach the city but the fight for the main gates is still going on. The enemy cannons keep preventing the assault. The enemy positioned them at a hill and they have clear visibility of the area. They guard a corridor where the enemy has chances of smuggling some supplies.” (LC)

This city is not surrounded…?” I faceplamed. Everybody nodded.

Map…” The commander placed the map and pointed at a large blue blob at the map.


Beril-Main to the crew. Those motherf*s did not surround the city. Stay on guard. Over.

So, d*heads, are you ready to do anything or should I go and solve your c* myself?” I stood up and headed to the exit.

Wait! I don’t remember ending the meeting or letting you go.” I glared at the commander.

You have 10 words.

There is unrest in the city. We plan using it.” (LC)

So, you want to use the military force to ignite it?” He nodded.

For now I suggest you deal with the forces outside of the walls. I will discuss the plans with my crew and then we will discuss the actual siege plan. Just remember that I will not join tomorrow.

Very well. Just don’t try pretending to be me. I am the Commander of this army and your plan still must be approved by me.” I nodded and went outside.

I sat on a tree stump and thought through what I am supposed to do.

I entered the war room and saw a flashing button in ‘Special’. Codename – Rapier.

Beril-Main to Rapier. Over.

“Rapier reports in. What can we do for you?” (Rapier)

You are our circumstantial support… What can you do?

“Tell me what you need and GRU will take care of it.” (Rapier)

Boom Boom

I want those cannons gone.


