Chapter 90: Chapter 90

Jin’s POV
   That same night, Sergeant Wakaba gave a full report on the items confiscated at the port of Nagoya over the phone. According to her, they’re indeed recovered from UCI labs around the world.

   “Does that mean that lots of people will be put behind bars?” he asked.

   “Fortunately, yes. They will definitely try to deny their involvement, they always do. Even so, there’s no way they can escape this time.”

   “And what about you-know-who?”

   “We’ve been asking and sniffing around, but he was nowhere to be seen. As such, he’s been declared missing.” Sergeant Wakaba reported in a somber tone.

   “Great. Just great. It’s either he’s really dead, or he’s hiding in the shadows.”

   To make things worse, Jin can’t even find Bouchard with the Search spell. He has seen the photos of the researcher in order for the Spell to work. Even so, it’s either not enough or someone or something is preventing him from conducting the search.

   “Whatever his fate, it’s barely affecting the moral of his employees around the world. They’re still going around doing whatever they please.”

   “Bouchard sure brainwashed them thoroughly.”

   “I’ll say. Still, we’re making progress.”

   “I hate to be pessimistic, but aren’t we a bit too late? I mean, those serums that grant special powers are being circulated like there’s no tomorrow.”

   These days, Jin sees lots of news reports about dangerous individuals who go around committing crimes with their newfound powers pretty much everyday. Some of them didn’t even bother to hide their identity. He had helped with apprehending quite a number of them, but new ones keep on appearing no matter how much was caught.

   “We have to try anyway. We can’t risk letting them do whatever they want. Still, we’re really running low on manpower.”

   “At least we have K and the gang to help out. Not to mention that new Nekomata.”

   Jin has met Kuroi Shisui once or twice. She’s pretty capable of being a valuable asset, although her attitude really needs some improvement.

   “That’s true, but they’re pretty much amateurs. And all of you can’t be everywhere at once.”

   “Why don’t you just convince the PM hire more, then? Like how K and myself are?”

   “Easy for you to say. Those under our custody were arrested or committing crimes. We can’t risk giving them freedom so that they can do it again.”

   “So, Hanya Mask is an exception?”

   “Indeed she is. I mean, her methods were too extreme, but at least she has a good intention.”

   “I could put a collar on them that turns them into giant blocks of ice if they try something.” Jin suggested.

   She thought about it for a moment.

   “No, it’s not worth the risk.” she decided. “It’s not that I’m doubting your ability. Rather, it’s better that we have trustworthy individuals. Those we’ve arrested so far? None of them are even remotely so.”

   “What a shame.”

   They talk about work a bit more until Sergeant Wakaba decided to call it a night.

   “Good luck at school tomorrow.” she told him before she hung up.

   “Sergeant, you know how schools are. If you’re going to wish me luck, you’ll need to do it every single day.” Jin told her a bit testily.

   “Actually, I was talking about meeting Esty there.”

   A pause.

   “Ah, you were talking about her.”

   “Exactly. Well, have a good night.”

   “Thank you, sergeant. You too.”

   With that, the conversation between the two of them is over for the night.

   Jin goes to school all by himself the next day. None of the girls bothered to invite him to walk there together for a while now, and he’s real grateful for that. It’s more than the issue with Estyshana. Being an introvert, he just prefers to be alone most of the time.

   He reaches his classroom without being caught in any incident. Wakaba, Watanabe, Ayumi and Estyshana are already here. Right now, all of them are talking to each other while sitting around Estyshana’s seat.

   …Strike that. There’s also another girl among them. A girl who Jin thinks is their classmate. He doesn’t really remember the look of most of his classmates, this one included.

   “Go on, Rie. Just tell us what you want to say.” Watanabe is encouraging the girl.

   It was just a moment, but a moment was all Jin needed to notice that Watanaba was looking at him. She definitely timed the conversation so that he could listen to it as well. Jin acts normal and goes to his seat.

   “Um, I would love to, but I don’t even know where to begin…” the girl called Rie begins timidly.

   “It’s fine. Just take your time.” Jin hears Wakaba telling her.

   “Okay, I’ll do my best.”

   All of a sudden, Rie doesn’t sound as nervous as she was mere moments ago. That’s the class mother for you. Always a soothing figure.

   “The thing is, my elder brother has been hanging out with shady-looking people these past weeks. I’m starting to get worried about him.”

   “What kind of people are they?” Ayumi asks.

   “Well, I don’t think I should say the name of their group out loud. But…”

   There was a two-second silence. It’s either she was hesitating or she was looking around to make sure that no one was listening in.

   “It’s the Ryuuzaki Group.” Rie whispers in a volume that Jin could barely hear.

   Huh, sounds familiar. Jin probably heard that name being mentioned in the news or something.

   “What? Them, of all people?” Watanabe asks while sounding a bit scared. “You can’t be serious!”

   Wow, this Ryuuzaki Group or whatever must be a really big deal if they managed to make a fearless idiot like Watanabe to freak out.

   “Can you please ask Chinatsu-san for help, Chifuyu-chan?” Rie begs Wakaba.

   “I’ll tell her about this tonight.” Wakaba promises.

   “Actually, we don’t even have to bother the police.” Watanabe says all of a sudden.

   “Really? Who else is available to help?” Rie asks curiously.

   “Gee, I wonder isn’t there anyone who’s willing to help? Someone WHO’S LITERALLY PAID TO TAKE CARE OF THIS KIND OF THING!”

   Watanabe said the last part out really loudly. No prize for guessing whom she was directing the words to. Contrary to her belief, though, he’s being paid to exterminate monsters, not uprooting a yakuza organization or whatever. In other words, this has nothing to do with him. He shuts off the noise by plugging his earphones into his ears and plays some anime songs at the loudest volume. He might go deaf, but it’s better than getting involved in something that he couldn’t care less about.

   A few minutes later, their English teacher entered their classroom, so Jin had to keep his earphones away.

   During the next break time, though, Watanabe comes over to his seat. She shows him a smile, although her eyes aren’t smiling.

   “Can you come with me for a moment, Minase-kun?” she asks him sweetly.

   “Can I say no?”

   The joyless smile got even wider.

   “I’m not giving you a choice here.”

   Jin rolls his eyes and gets up.

   “Fine. Just make it quick.”

   “I’m glad that you’re so understanding. Right this way.”

   She brings him all the way to the rooftop and locks the door.

   “So, what’s this about?” he asks.

   “I’m pretty sure that you didn’t hear the second part of the conversation we had with Rie. Since, you know, you blocked off all sounds with those earphones of yours.”

   “That’s because I judged that it has nothing to do with me from the first half.”

   “Even though the Ryuuzaki Group is gathering ability users?”


   “Fine. In that case, I apologize for trying to stay out of it. Still, you could have listened to her first and told me afterward. What if some sharp student deduced that you know Silver Wolf personally. Or just as bad, that he’s in our class?”

   Watanabe’s eyes widened as if she didn’t think of those possibilities.

   “Sorry, I wasn’t thinking.” She apologizes as well.

   “As usual.” Jin mumbles.

   One of her eyebrows twitched in anger.

   “Would you mind repeating that with a louder volume?” she requests while doing that emotionless smile again.

   “Don’t worry about it. Rather than that, can you tell me about that Ryuuzaki Group?”

   She stares at him like she’s looking at an idiot.

   “Haven’t you been watching the news?”

   “Not these past few days. I mean, I was too busy playing the new Ghost Soul game.”

   Now she looks kind of annoyed.

   “Ah, whatever. The thing is, the Ryuuzaki Group was always a dangerous yakuza group. They’ve dealt in drugs, human trafficking and do other nasty, nasty things. They’ve only gotten even more dangerous these past few months when those power-granting serums have started to appear.”

   That jolted the memory stored deep inside Jin’s brain.

   “Oh, right. Your mother used to talk about them in one of her live broadcasts.” he recalls.

   “She still does. Have you finally remembered about them?”

   “Yup. And I also figured out why you looked so irritated when you heard that I haven’t been watching the news. It’s because I didn’t tune in and support her viewer ratings.”

   She blushes at that.

You are reading story The Hero who returned from Another World Hates His Current Life at

   “I wasn’t irritated, okay?” she denies.

   “Sure, sure. Do continue.”

   She clears her throat to calm herself down.

   “Long story short, they’re a huge menace. If someone doesn't do something about them, they’re going to cause all kinds of trouble.”

   “Still, it’s strange. You would think that a group that dangerous would be asking to be torn apart. And yet, I haven’t been given a green light by Sergeant Wakaba to do it. Heck, she has never mentioned it before.”

   Watanabe looks hesitant all of a sudden.

   “Watanabe? Why aren’t you saying anything? You’re kind of scaring me here.”

   “Well, this is just a theory based on some rumors I’ve heard.”

   “Go on.”

   “The police are probably being silenced and banned from asking for your help.”

   “By whom?”

   Watanabe didn’t answer. Even so, Jin figured it out all by himself. By their higher-ups who were bribed. Right. Who else could it be?

   “Well, the validity of your theory aside, I agree that they should be stopped.”

   Watanabe puts on an expression like she couldn’t believe her ears.

   “You’re actually trying to be proactive? Is the world going to end or something?”

   “Hey, I care about what happens around here too, you know? Just not as often as a regular person.”

   “And that’s why it was sufficient for the police to just not tell you about what the Ryuuzaki Group has been up to.” Watanabe mutters dryly.

   “Well, it was bound to reach me, so all’s well that ends well.”

   “It wasn’t really, though-”

   The bell which signifies the end of their short break chooses to ring at this exact moment.

   “I guess that’s the signal of us having to go back.” Jin says to her.

   “I’m not trying to be annoying, but you are going to take care of the yakuza gang, right?”

   Jin lets out a tired sigh.

   “Yes, yes. Now that it’s been brought to my attention, I can’t just leave it alone, can I?”

   Watanabe gives him a skeptical look.

   “Hey, don’t give me that look. I may be irresponsible at times, but I still-”

    He pauses. There’s just something about Watanabe being this persistent…

   “Your mother’s investigating them, isn’t she?” he takes a guess. “You’re worried sick, so you wanted me to do something.”

   That made Watanabe flinch. She averts her eyes and tries her best to whistle, but fails.

   “Why are you bringing my mother into this? It’s not about her at all. Nope. Not one bit.” she denies.

   “You’ve been hanging out with Von Mantus for so long you’ve become bad at lying too.” Jin points out.

   “If you know, can’t you just read the atmosphere? Now come on, we’re going to be late for our lesson.” she growls.

   “Alright, alright. Before that, though, I feel that I need to give you a warning.”

   “A warning?”

   “Don’t get too involved in this. You can piece together bits and pieces of rumors and come up with a theory before telling me, but nothing more than that. You absolutely can’t go around and ask about them, or go to their lairs, or do anything dangerous.”

   Watanabe averts her eyes again.

   “Promise me.” he insists. “I know you’re trying to help your mother. Dangerous as her job is, it’s still her job. But it’s not yours. You don’t want to make her worried or worse, heart-broken, do you?”

   She finally looks him in the eyes.

   “Fine. I promise.” she vows.

   “Good. One last thing. What’s the name of that Rie girl’s brother?”

   “Kazuki. He’s-”

   Watanabe pauses.

   “Wait. “Rie girl”? Are you saying that you don’t know her family name?”


   “She’s your classmate. You’re supposed to know that.”

   “Well, I don’t.”

   Watanabe lets out a long and tired sigh.

   “It’s Shimada, okay? More importantly, we really need to leave.”

   “Definitely. I guess we should run back to our classroom, or we might not make it.”

   “Let’s make a bet. We’re going to have a race. The loser has to treat the winner to a crepe.” Watanabe suggests.

   “You’re on. The crepes will have to wait, though. I might be busy later.”

   Naturally, Jin won the race. And both of them got scolded by Date Jr. who happened to pass by for running in the corridor.

   Once school is over, Jin leaves his classroom and heads outside all by himself. After walking for a while, he reached a busy street. Right now, he’s passing by a coffee shop.

   He notices that there’s a group of suspicious people hanging around at one of the tables outside the shop. To be more precise, four suspicious-looking grown men are talking to two girls who’re around Jin’s age.

   All of the men are wearing gaudy outfits: leopard-print shirt, heavy gold chains, thick fur coat, the likes. Based on Jin’s experience, people who dress like this are usually thug-wannabes. As for the girls, their clothes are just regular ones. They’re plain-looking too. Overall, they’re girls no one will give a second look when someone passes them by on the street.

   Jin has a bad feeling about this.

   Even though it’s bad manners, he decides to listen anyway. He mutters a few words and casts Eavesdropping Wind, a Level 1 Spell that allows its caster to hear voices from far away.

   “-so what say you? Are ya interested?”

   The one who spoke is one of the men. Out of the four, this one is dressed in the most ridiculous manner: a unzipped and oversized black bike jacket, a blue Hawaiian shirt, a gold chain with the words “Love & Peace” hanging at the end and a pair of jeans with lots of ripped holes in it. He has an Afro, and a tattoo of a dragon on his left cheek. Is this the fashion trend nowadays?

   “We-we want to think about it for a while…” one of the girls says hesitantly.

   “What’s there to “think about”? You ladies were the ones who sought us out, right? And now ya telling us that ya hesitating?”

   “Yeah, yeah! If ya don’t make up ya mind soon, ya gonna regret it!” another one of the men says threateningly.

   The first man raises up his right hand casually. The second one settles down immediately.

   “I’ll be honest with ya ladies. We have limited stocks, so ya better grab them while ya can.” the leader says to the girls patiently.

   Oh, joy. They’re having a discussion about a drug transaction in the middle of a street. They’re not even trying to be discreet about it.

   “We would love to buy some. Even so, we’re kind of worried. The process is irreversible, right?” the same girl who spoke just now asks.

   “Well, that’s what everyone who uses it says. I myself haven’t tried it yet, so I can’t say for sure. Still, it’s tempting to have some kind of superpower of your own, right? And the process is really easy too. Just inject some liquid inside your body, and bam-”

   …Hmm, never mind. This is much worse than drugs, if that’s even possible. Right. It’s time to intervene. Jin makes his clone appear right in front of them fully equipped with his armor and Felfarthen in its hand.

   Needless to say, the appearance of the clone caused a huge ruckus. People around it are busy running away or taking pictures. Except the thug wannabes and the girls. All of them are staring at the clone with wide eyes.

   The leader of the men was the fastest one to recover.

   “It’s Silver Wolf!” he squeaks.

   While pretending to run away from fear, Jin makes the clone point one of Felfarthen’s tip at the man’s throat.

   “You guys got some galls to be selling those power-granting serums while heaps of people are passing by.” Jin says through the mouth of the clone.

   “No no no, ya got it all wrong! We weren’t selling those dangerous things, man!” the man confesses quickly.

   “Are you seriously trying to lie your way out of trouble even though you were caught red-handed? I heard you loud and clear. The four of you were going to sell some to these ladies here.” Jin says while making the clone nod towards the girls.

   “It was just a scam! I swear! We don’t have any of those things at all!”


   “Absolutely! Right, boys?”

   His men nod vigorously in agreement.

   “So please, spare us! We don’t want to die!” the man whines pitifully.

   And not a shred of dignity is left of him or any of his goons. This is just painful to watch. Then again, Jin’s was mostly focused on the dragon tattoo on the man’s cheek. There’s just something about it…


   “Are you guys from the Ryuuzaki Group?” Jin asks.

   “Um, the thing is-”

   “No, they’re not.” a new voice interrupts from some distance away.

   Jin looks towards the direction and sees a fireball the size of a jeep flying towards him, the men and the girls.