Jin’s POV
A fireball? Seriously? Jin could deal with one in his sleep, no matter its size. Even his clone is more than sufficient for the job.
Just as the fireball was about to hit them, Jin makes the clone raise up its left knee and kicks the fireball. The fireball flew back to its owner as intended. However, instead of exploding or something, it was absorbed into the stomach of a boy. And that’s when Jin could take a proper look at the one who shot out the fireball, not to mention his two escorts. All of them are standing on the roof of the coffee shop, so Jin has to make the clone look upwards.
First, the boy. He’s probably around Jin’s age, although it’s really hard to tell nowadays. He’s wearing a thick white jacket with long sleeves over a black shirt, a pair of jeans, and a pair of expensive-looking running shoes. His black hair is short and spiky, and he has lots of piercings on his two ears. He has a haughty look like he thinks everyone on this planet is beneath him or something. The most striking thing about him, though, is that his eyes are glowing. Literally.
As for his two escorts, both of them are female. Based on their extremely similar facial appearances, they’re most likely twins. Both of them are wearing some sort of school uniform: gray buttoned sweaters, white shirts, green ties, gray pleated skirts, white thigh-high socks and brown shoes. The only way (at least that’s how Jin’s doing it) to tell them apart is from the way they tie up their black hair. One tied hers as a ponytail on the left, while the other tied it to her right.
The boy points towards the four thug-wannabes.
“Hand them over right now.” he tells Jin with a gruff voice.
“What are you planning to do to them?” Jin asks.
“They’ve defiled the name of the Ryuuzaki Group by impersonating one of us. That’s simply unforgivable. Death will be the least of their problems.”
The four pretend hoodlums cling to Jin’s clone at once.
“Please, man! Ya gotta protect us from that freak!” the leader whines and begs.
“Get your hands off me.” Jin tells them coldly.
They backed off at once.
“What about them?” Jin asks the boy while gesturing to the two girls.
“Them? They have nothing to do with this, so they’re free to go.”
“You were trying to get them caught up in that fireball of yours earlier.” Jin reminds him pointedly.
The boy shrugs without a care.
“If they died from it, it just means that they were unlucky for being at the wrong place at the wrong time.”
…Wow. Jin has always thought that he’s a pretty uncaring person. Even so, this boy is even worse than he is, if that’s even possible.
Jin turns the clone’s neck so that it’s looking at the girls.
“Go on. Get out of here.” he tells them.
They left in a hurry without saying anything. The four men raise their hands.
“Not you guys. One way or another, all of you are paying for what you did after we’re done here.”
All of them flinched at the same time, their faces became totally pale. Jin makes the clone look at the trio.
“I don’t suppose we can resolve this peacefully?”
“It’s either you hand them over to us and buzz off, or we’ll nab them over your dead body. Your choice.”
Wow, someone’s confident.
“Do we really have to fight?” Right-tail asks with a bored expression and tone.
The boy glares at her.
“Are you going to disobey your leader?” he demands.
Jin makes the clone raise up its right hand.
“Hold up. Are you saying that you’re the leader?” he asks.
The boy glares at the clone next.
“Yes, I am. You got any problem with that?”
“Do they leave anyone in charge of a yakuza group these days? Or is the Ryuuzaki Group composed of toddlers?”
The boy flares up. Literally. Flames are bursting out on top of his head. He grits his teeth.
“That’s it, you’re dead too! It’s too late to apologize!” he shouts.
“Wow, I’m so scared…” Jin mumbles sarcastically.
“Come on, Tacchan, he’s right~. We should just solve this peacefully~.” Left-tail tells the boy with a laid-back voice.
“I told you a million times not to call me that, Miko! And peace is not an option! Not after he made fun of our organization!”
Right-tail lets out a yawn.
“Why can’t we just let him deal with them?” she asks the boy. “Unlike you, we just got back from school. I want to take a shower, then an afternoon nap.”
“It’s already evening, Mika.” “Tacchan” points out.
“An evening nap, then.”
“Good idea, Mii-chan~.” Miko agrees.
The boy growls in frustration and mimes an act of trying to pull out his hair.
“What have I done with my past life to be stuck with two selfish and useless sisters like you…” he groans.
“Two elder sisters, mind, so watch your manners Tatsuma!” Mika chides.
Jin makes the clone clear its non-existing throat loudly. The siblings look at it at the same time.
“Are you done with your sibling comedy routine?” he asks.
Tatsuma clears his throat as well.
“Right, our bad. Since you refuse to hand them over, I guess a fight is inevitable.”
“You got that right.”
Both of the Tatsuma's arms catch on fire. They slowly shape themselves to look like claws. Fiery wings also appear from his back. Neither of his sisters are freaking out, so Jin guesses that that’s the gist of his ability. The thug-wannabes, on the other hand, are freaking out.
“He’s coming for us!” one shrieks.
“We’re all going to die!” another wails.
“Any other words from you guys, and I’ll hand you over to them.” Jin warns.
All of them shut up at once. As Jin is focused on them, Tatsuma makes his move and flies towards the clone with one beat of his wings. Fast as he was, his movement was still caught by Jin. He directs the clone to swat him away with Felfarthen. Tatsuma flies towards the right like a hit baseball, and then stops himself from being launched any further by frantically flapping his wings a few times.
“You have to do better than that if you want to defeat me.” he tells the clone.
“I’ll let you in on a little secret. This was just around 30 percent of my full strength.” Jin confesses.
It’s true. No matter how much mana Jin pumps into his clone, its maximum strength and mana pool are maintained at 30 percent of his. He can transfer mana to it temporarily to cast a huge Spell just like when he was dealing with the sac-carrying wolves but that’s about it.
Both of Tatsuma’s eyes widened as if he couldn’t believe what he just heard. His expression went back to uncaring in an instant, though.
“Why don’t you prove it, then?” he taunts.
“Can’t. Even if I can do it, I won’t waste my strength on some “leader” who makes play-believe.”
Tatsuma’s face flares up in anger, figuratively this time.
“I’ll show you who’s the real make-believe here!” he shrieks as he charges towards the clone once more.
As Tatsuma was about to clash with the clone, Jin made it raise its left leg. Tatsuma immediately crosses his arms to block the kick that never came. Instead, Jin controls the clone to raise Felfarthen up high and slams it downwards with the flat of the sword, hitting Tatsuma’s head in the process.
The leader of the Ryuuzaki Group was slammed to the ground. The impact was so huge some cracks were formed. Jin makes the clone poke his head with the tip of his sword lightly.
“Hey, are you still alive?” he asks.
No response from Tatsuma.
“Do you think we should go help him?” Jin hears Mika asking.
“Better not~. He did tell us not to interfere. He might get mad again if we disobeyed him.” Miko says.
“Yeah, you’re right.”
How relaxed of them. Their little brother is in trouble, and yet-
“An opening!”
Jin makes the clone lean backwards as Tatsuma jumps upwards and tries to grab its head with his still-blazing right hand.
Another whack to the head with Felfarthen. This time, Jin made sure to hit even harder than the first time.
“A piece of advice. If you want to do a sneak attack, do it quietly.” he says.
Tatsuma does a somersault and lands on the ground a few feet away from the clone. Wow, this kid sure is sturdy.
“Only cowards resort to sneak attacks!” he shouts.
“You’re contradicting yourself here.”
“Am not! It’s not a sneak attack if I told you upfront.”
Jin decides not to argue any more, or this might take the entire evening. The sky has already gone dark, and most importantly, he’s hungry. He just wants to get this over with so that he could have his dinner as soon as possible.
You are reading story The Hero who returned from Another World Hates His Current Life at novel35.com
“Well, whatever. Just come at me. I’ll thrash you until you’ll lose your will to fight.” Jin continues to taunt instead.
“You can never take me down! A dragon will rise from its ash no matter how many times it’s fallen, and I’ll do the same!”
“Oh boy, here he goes again~. You would think that he would find out by now.” Miko whispers.
“You wish. He’s too much of a father’s boy for that.” Mika tells her twin.
Tatsuma turns around and looks at his sisters.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” he demands.
“Nothing.” they say at the same time.
Jin makes the clone look at them. This conversation is giving off a vibe similar to one party trying to hide the fact that Santa Claus doesn’t exist.
Mika notices the clone staring and stares back. Her expression is cool and uncaring, as if she doesn’t really care whether Jin spills the beans. Well, let’s do it then.
“How familiar are you with mythologies?” Jin asks Tatsuma.
“Not that familiar, I would say. I can’t really read, and even if I can, I hate reading.”
“You can’t? Don’t you go to school?”
“I don’t. I always had better things to do.”
He sounded almost smug, which Jin supposed he has every right to. How envious.
“Back to our conversation. Your father was wrong.”
The smug expression was immediately replaced with one of shock.
“Dragons don’t reborn from their ashes. Phoenixes do.”
“Says who?”
“Says the one who imagined them in the first place.”
“Do you even have any proof of that?”
“You can literally look it up in the internet.”
“That cesspool? Yeah, right! I bet the source you got is the baloney one!”
“I doubt there’s any source where they have the info you got.”
“Well, my father’s the correct one! There’s no way you can convince me otherwise!” Tatsuma insists.
Wow, no wonder the twins called him a father’s boy. This is more serious than Jin thought. Jin was about to think of something to say when Tatsuma pointed his right index finger at him.
“You’re going to be just like the others, aren’t you?” he demands angrily.
“You scum! You should fall to the deepest pit of hell for making fun of a dead person!”
Yup, his father has already passed away. Jin was glad that he didn’t say anything mean about him, although Tatsuma disagrees with that.
“Listen, I-”
Tatsuma’s entire body bursts into flames. His burning claws became longer, and his wings became larger. While shouting a battle cry, he flies towards Jin’s clone-
-And he gets stopped when Jin directs the clone to raise up its left leg and steps on his head. Even though his face is covered in flame as well, Jin could still see his surprised look.
“You need to do better than that.” he tells him.
Before Tatsuma could react or say something back, Jin makes the clone punch his stomach with its right fist.
The punch was so strong Tatsuma bent over. His mouth has also coughed up blood. However, his face shows no sign of giving up. He pulls back his right arm-
-And got punched in the gut once more. More blood came out from his mouth.
Jin was about to finish this when all of a sudden, he heard a loud static noise in his head. It’s so loud his head is hurting. While this is happening, Tatsuma is being dragged away by an unseen force. He turns around and glares at his sisters.
“Don’t interfere!” he shouts.
“And watch you get thrashed?” Mika asks with a bored voice.
“Time for a tactical retreat, Tacchan~.” Miko tells him.
“The hell it is! I’m not done yet!”
Tatsuma tries to struggle as hard as he could, but he can’t break free from the clutch of the unseen force. Even the flame on his body was completely extinguished. Somehow, Jin wasn’t surprised that Tatsuma’s clothes weren't burnt at all. Before he was dragged too far away, Jin endured the headache and planted a small flake of ice on his neck.
“Put me down, Miko! Put me down I say!”
While ignoring his protests, the twins turn around and jump down from the roof of the coffee shop with him floating behind them. A few seconds later, Jin is finally free from the static noise. He shakes his head a few times in an attempt to shake free of the remaining headache. Once that’s done, he makes the clone turn around. Amazingly, the four hoodlums are still here. All of them are hiding behind some tables a few feet away from the clone.
“You guys actually stuck around, huh?” he asks them.
“We figured that it’s better you than, well, them. At least you won’t kill us.” the leader replies.
His goons nod their head in agreement vigorously.
“I suppose I can get all of you to head to the police station, then?”
They comply obediently, their tough pretense from before nowhere to be seen. On their way, Jin decides to do some interrogation of his own.
“Why did you guys impersonate yourselves as members of the Ryuuzaki Group?” he asks them.
“We figured that it’s the best way, to, well, con people of their money. From what we saw, buyers are more convinced that they’re buying the real deal when names of some big shots are mentioned.” the leader replies.
“So, you never had those serums for sales in the first place?”
“’Course not! As if we would be entrusted with stuff like that!”
“What were you planning to give to your buyers, then?”
“Some random fluid that doesn’t do a thing.”
“And how many people have you conned so far?”
“The two ladies you saw were our first customers. Honest!”
“So you guys will at least be charged with attempted fraud…” Jin mumbles.
““At least”? Don’t you mean at most?”
“...You’re seriously trying to tell me that fraud was the only crime you’ve committed?”
All of them looked away.
“Thought so. Now hasten the pace. I still got places to be after this.”
Once they’re at the nearest police station, Jin hands them over to the officer on duty. He also told him what had happened. The policeman promised to deal with them accordingly. Jin didn’t bother to leave some final words to the hoodlums. Like he told them, he still has things to take care of.
The ice flake he left on Tatsuma’s clothes is coated with his mana. With that, he can find the Ryuuzaki without any problem. The ice flake is extra sturdy just like all Spells Jin cast, so water or even flames can’t get rid of it.
He was about to head to their hideout in person when his stomach growled from starvation. That reminds him. Nyri is still waiting at his apartment for him to feed her. He takes out his phone and sends her a message. Also, he made his clone disappear along with the armor it was wearing.
“I have things to take care of. Take care of dinner by yourself.” he wrote.
A reply comes a few seconds later.
“How much is the budget this time?”
Jin has been getting busier and busier these days. In order to make their lives easier, he had created an account for Nyri with the help from Sergeant Wakaba.
“3,000 yen.”
“Is it me, or is it getting lesser and lesser?”
“Take it or leave it.”
Once that’s done, Jin looks around a place to have dinner. After a brief wander around, he spots a restaurant that sells okonomiyaki. He hasn’t been eating one of those for years now. Now’s definitely a good time to recall what they taste like. Jin decides to go in.
“-jerk Silver Wolf! How dare he!”
Oh, boy.